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D - Akaki Hitsuji ni Yoru Bansankai

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So I thought I would review the newest single of my favorite band, D. Since there is one more song on the limited edition B side (and that hasn't been upped yet) I'll review that one later.

Akaki Hitsuji ni Yoru Bansankai - This was really awkward when I first heard it. I saw the preview, but for some reason it totally did and totally didn't sound like D. It's a rather unique song, but I absolutely love it. Asagi's vocals are beautiful (you gotta know, I'm a big fan of his voice), and what I also noticed were the great drumming and the amazing bass lines! It even grew on me more after a few listens and watching the PV. 10/10 for the title track.

Hibiwareta Zakuroishi - A slower track. I usually love D's slower tracks (Kuon, Snow White), but this one was a bit boring. It was still a solid track, but nothing special. I think it might grow on me after a few listens, but I'm not sure of it. Vocals stay amazing. 7.5/10

Heiron - I also heard the preview on this one, and for some reason I knew that this song would be a really good one. They did manage to exceed my expectations. I absolutely love this track, except from a few things Asagi does with his voice. I can't really describe it (English is not my first language) but it kind of ruined what could've been a perfect chorus. Still a 9/10.

K???? - Asagi's screams still aren't the best, but he's improving. Decent track, not something that stood out the minute I heard it. 7,5/10.

Overall: 8,5/10. Another great release from D, like I expected it to be, certainly after 7th Rose, what was an amazing album. I'm excited to see this on their next album.

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I don't like the moanings, and all the sex voices, the new look, I mean, musically, all the bands are improving (I have Deluhi and NoGoD in mind), especially their guitarrist, Ruiza is falling behind, Kyrie and Leda are raping him >:D

I dig the third song, but the overall single, hate it.

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Akaki Hitsuji ni Yoru Bansankai - Nothing special, expected much more from it. 7/10

Hibiwareta Zakuroishi - Slow and enjoable song, but nothing to write home about. 7.5/10

Heiron - The best of the single. Faster and Asagi's voice is really good, for me at least XD. 8.5/10

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the only thing I ABHOR about the first song is how he sings 'mashou' in the first part of the chorus.

my favorite song was the second track, everything else blows :-P. [gotta love how I was the first one to hate the third track hoho.]

first two = 8/10

rest = meh.

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I wasn't too impressed with this single... I'm not doing a track by track, but number 2 was really pretty... everything else was kind of... unremarkable. 6/10

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I thought the moans were funny XD And you're right, the solo wasn't that impressive at all. Ruiza can do MUCH better. Maybe they should let Hide-zou do the next solo, since all of the solo's on the single were kind of disappointing.

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I'm no good at reviews so just my ratings.

????????? - 7/10

???????? - 8.5/10

K???? - 9/10

?? - 9.5-10

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Ok a song by song small review.

?????????: 8/10 Good song, though I don't like the chorus a lot. But apart from that it's amazing.

????????: 7.5/10 A pretty good ballad, though sometimes it just bores me.

K????: 9/10 My favorite song from the single. I love the piano in the song and it also reminds me of ???.

??: 7/10 Probably the worst song from the single IMO, but I hope it'll grow on me later.

Overall: 8/10

It's a good single, not one of D's best works though, but I already expected this, since they have been releasing stuff really fast.

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Akaki Hitsuji ni Yoru Bansankai - 7/10 is a lot more enjoyable without the video. (;

Hibiwareta Zakuroishi - 7/10 great, but perhaps a little bit too long. I have nothing against longer songs but they need to be satisfying from the beginning till the end, this one is alright at that, but it could've been a minute shorter or so.

Heiron - 9/10 wow, I love the chorus here, and the overall sound, the best song on the single for me

K???? - 7/10 intro is great, but soon the shouting on the background and the "grunting" following that makes me go "eww", the rest of the song is good, except for the "grunting" parts. That fails, so I'll just pretend it's not there...

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