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  1. I feel ya..
    gret reacted to Zeus in Unpopular Opinion   
    The space race is stupid and motivated by the wrong reasons.

    Humanity isn't looking to space out of wonder and excitement at what lies in the cosmos. We're looking because we've messed up Earth's climate here and we're looking for a second chance on a new planet. We're going about this in the wrong order. Our planet is so rare and we haven't found another one like it. I don't see a point in returning to the moon because we can't make much of the floating asteroid.  Mars is the new hotness but I'm not keen on living in a bubble in a frozen desert. I want to go outside in a T-shirt and feel the sun on my skin the same way I do today. We need to figure out how to terraform a planet and cultivate nature from nothing before we look to another planet, and I honestly believe Venus is a better candidate than Mars. If you can reverse the runaway greenhouse effect on Earth, you can scale it up and test the same thing on Venus. It's easier to get to and more similar to Earth than Mars too. But the whole point is I don't see the point in turning Mars into Earth while we turn Earth into Mars, and we don't have the technology to move humanity to another planet in this lifetime. We need to triple down and take care of the planet we have, and learn how to terraform this planet first before worrying about how to get to another one. If the universe keeps expanding faster than the speed of light, we're going to need FTL travel sooner rather than later if we're serious about exploring the stars, and we're not close to this.

    I fear all this talk of the new age space race is going to distract people from the problems at home.
  2. I feel ya..
    gret reacted to God in Unpopular Opinion   
    all of bts’s songs sound like generic radio music.  i don’t necessarily have anything against them, but i don’t get why they’re so popular.
  3. I feel ya..
    gret reacted to Tokage in Unpopular Opinion   
    Not even sure if this one's unpopular or not, but anyway:
    The whole ''what if we took [x] from your childhood, but reimagined it so it's suddenly needlessly dark and creepy? FUCKIN EPIC BRO'' aesthetic is absolutely awful and i totally hate it 
  4. Like
    gret reacted to Kami_no_yume in Hello ˄˄   
    Hi, I'm Yume ˄˄
    Honestly I found this forum by accident but thought it might be fun to join, since I don't know a lot of people who listen to j-rock T_T , only the ones I met through The GazettE concert, which is like 4 people haha...
    Anyway to say something about myself, I was always listening to music, around 5 years ago I started watching anime (oh, I'm 18 btw ˄˄) so since then I enjoyed listening to japanese music, but I never really knew what visual kei was... So around 2 years ago, I think, for some reason I looked up visual kei and listened to random song on youtube, none of them were really like "WOW" so I just kept on listening and then... The GazettE - DOGMA, I was blown away by Ruki's voice, such beautiful voice... Two years passed and I was able to meet them, they were all so sweet, gah I want to see them again...
    So this is how my journey started, after The GazettE, it took me a year to find a band I would enjoy listening to, until then I still wasn't as interested in visual kei, but these 3 bands changed my way of thinking a year ago... And who else could it be than B.P.Records's Kiryu, Codomo Dragon and Royz! It was mainly Kiryu at first with the song Muku, can't believe a year already passed since then haha.
    So well that's enough about my little story, honestly I love all the bands from B.P.Records and thanks to Baby Kingdom, I was able to find them, some of you might know who I'm talking about since it's quite obvious thanks to my profile picture, yes it's ZigZag. Seeing Kagemaru's passion being a drummer, of course I would fall in love with him, seriously I'm not joking. And then thanks to Kagemaru I discovered Kizu and that's how I ended here, I was looking up their lyrics and the first thing that showed up was this forum.
    Now this should be enough of my story, I tried keeping it short, but I was so happy I could let someone know about this, I just couldn't hold back my feelings. There are other bands I listen to, but it's mainly just the ones I talked about here,  oh and Lynch. which I also discovered recently ˄˄
    I also play games, read books/manga, watch anime and sometimes I draw, for some of my drawing and my recent fanart of Kagemaru you can go look at my instagram: kami_no_yume
    Thank you for reading this far and it's nice meeting you all, hope we can become friends ˄˄ 
    Oh also I probably didn't make it clear enough since I didn't talk about them almost at all, but my no.1 band is actually Codomo Dragon, there's just something about them, I love all the bands I listen to, but for some reason they are a bit more special to me, Yume out!
  5. Yikes
    gret reacted to ricchubunny in ユメリープ(Yumeleep) have revealed a new look, Dr.うらら (Urara) dismissed, + Dr.かばね (kabane) has joined   
    Actually he didn't decide to leave.
    After the live the staff come to him and said "The members told you to leave the band". He was dismissed by the staff without even being able to talk to the band.
    Also, they had already decided the new member and even made phothoost with him before even telling Urara that he was out. 
  6. LOVE!
    gret got a reaction from raspberrynilla in ヌリエ(Nurié) new band have formed   
    They finally reached 10k views!! I have been waiting for this. I like how their songs are somewhat different from each other.
  7. Like
    gret got a reaction from Gesu in ヌリエ(Nurié) new band have formed   
    They finally reached 10k views!! I have been waiting for this. I like how their songs are somewhat different from each other.
  8. Like
    gret reacted to Paraph in Difference between male and female vkei fans?   
    I don't really think a lot of bands have a problem with male fans at all. At the virge tour final recently there were quite a few males and they shouted and growled and were accepted like everyone else. The guys were also buying and trading cheki. NAZUKI of La'veil MizeriA took a cheki with me as a present (well jaki took it of us), just offered randomly after I bought some merch. My experience was pretty positive that way. Kaina of Marvelous Cruelty even came out to meet me after their show at Shinsaibashi FANJ. 

    i did an in-store event with umbrella as well, and even though i was the only male the guys were really happy and asked where i was from and that was overall positive also.

    Just remembered: During a La'veil MizeriA show a japanese male fan did a heart sign with their hands at miria like the girls did and he just ruffled his hair and smiled. it seemed everyone could enjoy it fully.

  9. Like
    gret reacted to spockitty in How much debt do you have & how do you deal with it? (Budgeting & Personal Finance)   
    That's...not very realistic for a lot of people. And calling people with debt "needy" is a bit unfair imo.
     Saving up for things that are not neccessary for your day-to-day life is fine, although sometimes not achievable either.
    Getting an extra job is at best a short term solution, if you want to have a life outside of work at all, and actually enjoy the things you're saving up for (I'm not even factoring in having kids or family). I've worked two jobs for a few months, a few years back, and I've had a grand total 5 hours free per day. I went into my night shift at 8pm, finished at 6am and then by 8am I  had to be at my second job where I stayed till 4pm. That's no way to live. 
    I suppose you're coming at the topic assuming that people take loans and fall into debt because they spend money they don't have on unnecessary, extravagant things. 
  10. Like
    gret reacted to 薔薇の末裔 in The increase of skill within VK indies   
    I think there are two main reasons:
    1. Techniques for smaller studios/home recordings are much more advanced now, so even no budget bands can finally afford making more polished releases. 10+ years ago a decent recording/mixing session would cost a lot of money while pretty much now anyone can fix songs with melodyne, preamp guitars and the like. Especially with indies band you can really feel the quality gap between recorded songs and live performances. A lot of dudes are not even playing their instruments/singing live anymore as they are aware of that.
    2. Socially speaking the musicians are completely different people nowadays. Otaku-ish dudes who liked music and grew up listening to bands are more common in the scene now, while in the past it was really just a bunch of ex-chimpiras, yakuzas, bikers, hosts, etc. who did not fit into society and were in bands just because there was little else they could do to get chicks (of course there are exceptions). They had the ideas and the fierceness, but mostly no music knowledge whatsoever and especially no will to practice or overthink about their music. Now most guys went to school, have money to learn playing their instruments and afford decent equipment, and especially they all mostly compose on their laptops so there is again a bit gap in what their minds can compose and what their hands can play on an instrument. So the result is mostly polished and well performed songs but  kind of lacks the raw energy and "heart" older bands had instead. There is no right and wrong about it,  it really depends on what you are looking for in music.
  11. 悲しい
    gret reacted to -NOVA- in DIMLIM Gt. Ryuya and Ba. Taishi will depart   
    DIMLIM's Gt. Ryuya & Ba. Taishi willl depart after their oneman live on August 17, 2019 at TSUTAYA O-WEST.
    The band will continue activities with the remaining 3 members.
  12. Yikes
    gret reacted to The Piass in New band "黒い給食当番(Kuroi Kyuushoku Touban)" has formed   
    The drummer for their first gig will be RYOMA (ZRAYD...)
    In his tweet, he says that he has no motivation to act as their support...
  13. I feel ya..
    gret reacted to Jigsaw9 in RENA(ex.THE BLACK SWAN) solo project "CRAZY PUNK KID" has formed   
    petition to change this misleading project name to MODERATELY FESTIVE ANIME OPENING POP PUNK KID
    Shame, cuz otherwise the backing lineup seemed very promising!
  14. Yikes
    gret reacted to suji in Naziploitation in Visual-kei   
    Found it...I remember this being one of the first things I read when I first went to Shattered Tranquility.
  15. LOVE!
    gret got a reaction from Miku70 in Kanon ( ex An Cafe) First solo single release 『閉塞はコスモ』   
    Kanon has a website now: https://www.neconchirecords.com/
    ...Also did he just take 10 years off his age???
    There's an unlisted lyric video:
  16. I feel ya..
    gret reacted to IGM_Oficial in 悪者 (Warumono) has departed from KERBEROS ENTERTAINMENT   
    Unfortunately, Japanese people aren't the super best at making things up to date
  17. LOLOL
    gret reacted to Masato in Oyaji-Kei   
    Like really being into dad aroma?
  18. Interesting
    gret got a reaction from Gesu in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Been playing a minimalist city builder called Islanders. Quite a nice relaxing game, but people who like city builder probably don't like it for its shallowness. Would be great as a phone game imo
  19. Like
  20. Thanks
    gret reacted to DizzyShiori in ザアザア (Xaa-Xaa) new 2 month consecutive singles release   
    You‘re welcome! Then you should really listen to 雨に殺される!Greatest release they did imo
  21. Like
    gret reacted to DizzyShiori in ザアザア (Xaa-Xaa) new 2 month consecutive singles release   
    Yes I love things like this, when bands think about titles etc.  影 is just perfect!!
  22. Like
    gret reacted to frayed in 8P-SB new album, "future past" release   
    Yeah Koichi’s really improved a lot over the last year tbh. He’s not perfect but he’s trying hard and it shows. 
  23. Like
    gret got a reaction from Gesu in New band 蟻(Ari) have formed !   
    This is like the 3rd vk ballad-y song I ended up liking recently lol.  The singer's voice has also grown on me, will be looking forward to the release!
  24. Like
    gret reacted to DizzyShiori in ザアザア (Xaa-Xaa) new 2 month consecutive singles release   
    Me too, sounds so good! And I like the fact, they had 影 on the のろいうた single, seems like the counterpole to it 
  25. wow
    gret reacted to utaulatias in The.picnics will go on hiatus and singer is suspended   
    強制送還 means deportation, so Dave was deported from Japan.
    Because of McDonald's...
    This sounds like a bad joke.
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