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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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  1. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    Still, that doesn’t excuse the fact that Hollywood completely glossed over that factor in Barnums life
  2. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from spockitty in Unpopular Opinion   
    Also one more opinion from me:
    Shitting on popular things makes you an asshole and shitting on things someone enjoys isn’t funny, it’s immature 
  3. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from God in Unpopular Opinion   
    I think the problem that I have with DC movies is that I find the early films, like Man Of Steel and BvS, they we’re TOO serious, which is why I didn’t like those movies. Same thing with Suicide Squad AKA “Soundtrack the Movie”. Although, I have been liking the more recent films like Shazam and Aquaman.
    Also, I disagree with your point about Marvel films being too lighthearted. I find that to be a good thing, as I love a little humor. Sure some of it can be a little “Fellow Kids”, but I don’t mind it. No offence, but not everything has to be serious. It’s good to have a little humor. 
    Honestly, I love both Marvel and DC, but I will always love Marvel! Lol
  4. I feel ya..
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Gesu in Separating art from artist   
    Personally, I disagree. They're citizens too, and telling them to shut up just because they're famous sounds kind of ignorant to me. If people want to listen to them and do what they say (or not), they're welcome to, but their opinions are their own and everyone has a right to free speech. I'm really not big on censorship and tbh, I don't care how much I disagree with someone; I would never, ever want them to not have a voice. Yeah, okay, some of the stuff they say is a bit dumb, but if you don't like it, don't pay attention to it. Besides, fame is kind of subjective. They might be famous in one country/culture/whatever but not another, so where do they reach the point where they're famous enough to have to keep their opinions to themselves? That, and you're never gonna shut someone up provided their opinions are strong enough, so it seems kind of pointless and controlling to me. I mean, if there was a law in place saying celebrities couldn't state their opinions on a particular subject, there'd be an uproar, and rightfully so. Provided it's not infringing upon anyone else's human rights, I believe everyone should have the right to say what they feel. Maybe it'd be easier for some if they didn't, but that's an ideal we can't pretend will ever exist.
  5. wtf?!
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Lestat in Unpopular Opinion   
    Marvel hasn't done a good movie since X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) apart from the X-Men installment itself and Wolverine. The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe is pandering so heavily towards the millenial meme-generation with its constant usage of comic relief, 4th wall breaking and lightheartedness, and has little respect for the original comics. I'll take DC over Marvel any day. 
  6. LOLOL
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from YuyoDrift in Unpopular Opinion   
    Also one more opinion from me:
    Shitting on popular things makes you an asshole and shitting on things someone enjoys isn’t funny, it’s immature 
  7. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in Unpopular Opinion   
    If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t like PT Barnum like a racist or something? I feel like I’ve heard that some where?
  8. LOLOL
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from avaritonista in Visual kei among friends   
    They have become the very thing they swore to destroy 
  9. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from spockitty in Separating art from artist   
    Lol. Isn’t like every black metal
    band controversial to some extent? 
    Regardless, as someone who’s pretty left leaning, I often live and let live for an actors political opinions. Hell, most of the time they rarely announce them unless something shitty happens.
    I don’t mean to be rude or harsh in anyway but I feel like that word is overused wayy to much. I agree that some SJW’s can be extreme, but I feel like that word is used wayyy to much to describe someone who is just wanting equal rights even if they are not crazy SJW’s
    “You’re pro gay? SJW LIBTARD!!”. I’ve seen it many times
  10. Yikes
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to suji in Separating art from artist   
    Which is why I don't trust the entertainment industry
  11. Interesting
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to YuyoDrift in Separating art from artist   
    Really? Hahaha I bet that fucks some people up for sure. But hey, its your own mind you're drowning in, at least I hope.
    You make this statement out of fear of the repercussions of not being clear, and I'll tell you right now (and for those who don't want to hear it but need to) that in a perfect world, these types of people need to exist. Part of having people with their own identity is being proud of it, even if it is the worst thing in the world like murdering or racism. It's what keeps the balance/order in society, and always has been since the dawn of time.
    Now, if their actions are something we can't stop/prevent, then that's where the imbalance begins. I think we are heading in that direction already.
    Soon no one will want to be their own person, or worse, hide their agendas/motives under the public eye because it will soon be so easy to do so.
    I think that is a scarier picture that few people seem to understand can happen.
    I wish I knew examples in history for reference, but I don't . I guess murderers/rapists who have been able to hide under normal society can be the closest related thing to what I'm trying to say, and if right now we can't even tell what they look like under the types of people we have in the world now, what's gonna happen when everyone "looks" and "acts" the same?
  12. Interesting
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from YuyoDrift in Separating art from artist   
    I’m a fan of The Smashing Pumpkins and Billy Corgan has said some...interesting opinions over the years. While some of them are...stupid, I’ve never really cared. He’s mellowed out his political opinions since then.
    I think it’s when artists become too right leaning is where I’m like “Really?”. Im fine with artists being moderate or centrist or whatever, but I still would feel guilty for supporting people with such behaviour.
    Like people love H.P Lovecraft even though that guy is racist.
    NOTE: I’m only saying this to people who are ACTUALLY saying these kinds of things out loud and proud of being those kinds of people. 
  13. I feel ya..
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Gesu in Separating art from artist   
    What really pisses me off is when people drop someone for something that hasn't even been proven. "So-and-so might have committed this crime". Might. You are not a detective investigator; shut up and carry on with your life as normal until you know something or can at least piece something together with evidence. Similarly, it bugs me when someone doing something maybe a bit unusual/embarrassing is seen as bad because people want the "tea" that can unjustly defame someone. "So-and-so had sex with x amount of people". It's their business, not yours, so stay out of it and - you guessed it - carry on with your life as normal. I can understand why people might have a hard time separating the art from the artist if they've done something genuinely bad because it can make you feel guilty for supporting them, but if it's for some stupid shite like that, I just can't stand it and I don't really get why everyone cares so much.
  14. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in Separating art from artist   
    I’m gonna say this as someone who has liked MJ’s music since I was little.
    Obviously, I’m not gonna agree with everything that people say about him. Many of the accusations seem pretty far fetched and I don’t agree with a lot of it as many of it seems fake.
    However, I do think that him sleeping with children and the comments he’s made about them are...weird. It is sort of weird to have parents of these kids put a lot of trust into some (at the time) 29 year old. It’s important to know that Micheal had a really close friendships with a lot of children, most notably Macaulay Culkin. 
    So in short, I don’t believe everything that people say about Micheal as many of it can be false, however I do think that he tends to be too close to children and you can’t deny that it’s a little weird.
    Refer to this video: 
  15. I feel ya..
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to YuyoDrift in Separating art from artist   
    Ah, 2019: The year where most people give a shit about things they weren't even around for.
    I'll go ahead and partake OP, as I've always wanted to share my thoughts on this as someone who has a self identity and wants to understand those who don't have one.
    1. What artists do you separate their art from their actions?
    All of them. Not a single time did I ever think to myself "Man, that CD/Merch I bought because I thought sounded/looked great, must sound/look so good because the people are so wholesome and the holiest of holy that they couldn't EVER do anything wrong.....".
    No, I bought it because I wanted to.
    Mind you, I apply this to everything that can be considered a work of art.
    2. Is it a legitimate argument?
    Depends, but overall not really. Sometimes I question people's rationality when it comes to things like being a fan or being interested in something for your own reasons.
    If I bought let's say a painting, and at the time I didn't know or care about the origin or meaning behind it, I'd say that was a decision I made simply because I thought it looked great and would look better in my home/office. Now, if for some reason I found out it belonged to idk ..... Hitler, I'm going to be honest with you, I'd probably see fucking dollar signs for days on end. This is because I can see past Hitler the mass murderer and see him as the artist he was. I have a rare fucking painting that will go for millions of dollars and would end up in a museum if otherwise, I don't give a shit about anything else. I was not around during that time, and in fact my family weren't even on American soil either.
    Am I greedy? Hmm....that's another topic. Am I cold-hearted bastard? No I see the reality. You might have not even read what I posted and just want to voice your useless opinion to make me feel like I'm going to be responsible (lol the fuck) for something that occurred so long ago and has nothing to do with me (my assumption since you didn't care about my insight, so I'm allowed to not care about yours and share how I feel about it too).
    If other people would go out and say I support Nazism or something, and demand I burn it or tear it apart, I'd say you're fucking stupid. I'd say something else like "Oh yeah? Well goddamn, lets go to the most well known museum of art and burn the whole fucking place down, because I know of at least 1/2 of the artists that have art on display that "shouldn't". Sounds pretty fucking irrational if you ask me. Collectors of art/music can see past this, and so can the people who work at museums, simply because they CAN see past the person who might have done terrible things, and focus on what is related to their profession, the artist.
    Bringing it back to music, it's even easier to separate. If someone like say Kisaki made all this music back in the 90's we enjoy, you have to remember that he made the music all back then. If you were alive and in Japan when it released, and knew some dirt on Kisaki that you can prove and date back to that same timeline, then you can hold an argument with me on this. But guess what? I'm pretty sure EVERYONE did what he might have done back then, and most likely got away with it. But let's pretend our world is perfect and say he was the odd man and single him out, kudos. Shady shit in Japan was a daily thing. I fucking love hearing about it as it gives Japan this flair for being badass and dangerous while proving that every society has its colors.
    Fast forward today and no one cares or knows who Kisaki is among new fans, yet you learn about his current life and how he might suck at it hard, and now suddenly what? You, the fan from back then who probably has 1'' of dust of old demo tapes from la'sadie or whatever fucking band he was in in a box somewhere, and you are gonna throw them out? HAHAHA don't make me fucking choke, you're about as a big as a hypocrite as the people you have around you. Being played by the society that can easily turn on you at the drop of a hat. The you from back then called, they want you to get your fucking backbone back and decide what YOU want to do, and not what you feel society would want as a "justice served" spew of bullshit I'm tired of seeing on the internet.
    3. Do you think that one persons actions should generalize a whole band? (Ex. Kisaki and Phantasmagoria or any of his past bands)?
    I can't believe this is a question but OK, no, it shouldn't.
    If people really dropped a band like say, lynch.  as of recently, for something like Akinori smoking some pot, then don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
    No one gave a fuck.
  16. Bitch, excuse me?!
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from platy in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
  17. LOLOL
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from God in ANIME TRASH TALK THREAD   
  18. Thanks
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to AoiMoon in Hello, It's me...   
    Hi guys!
    So I finally decided making an introduction topic here... I'm not good with this but, let's go:
    You guys can call me Aoi, I'm a eternal 24 years old veteran fan VK. As you can tell I like The Gazette, and Jiluka, Kiryu, NoGod and I'm into Nokubura these days too!
    I started a variety youtube channel specialized in VK with a friend this year. You can check it out here.
    The name is VK Onee san.
    (Our inicial idea is creating a bilingual channel, but until now the videos are only in english ^^')
    Also we have accounts on Twitter/Instagram: @vkoneesan, please follow us^^
  19. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from AoiMoon in Hello, It's me...   
    Welcome! Glad to see more VK YouTubers! I’ll check you out sometime!
  20. Thanks
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to AoiMoon in Hello, It's me...   
    Thank you for the warming welcome, guys^^
    I'm glad that I decided joining here^^
  21. Thanks
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Shmilly in Separating art from artist   
    Personally speaking, I think an artist's personal life should be completely separate from their professional career, at least until the point that their misconduct becomes public knowledge. If an artist is doing something terrible in their free time, that has no bearing on their ability to produce music. If it emerges that an artist has been involved in some kind of scandal, it does become much more difficult to support their future endeavours, but that shouldn't come at the expense of writing off their past achievements. It's possible to be both a great musician and a shitty human being; whether that affects your enjoyment of their past career comes down to how well you can divorce their actions from their profession. And condemning all the other members and staff of a band - assuming that they aren't complicit - based on a single person's actions is just childish and unreasonable.
    As for the whole 'using it as an argument' issue, as far as I'm concerned there is no argument to be had. Artists are just human like the rest of us and should be held to the same standards by society. That's why my apparently controversial post in Johnny's thread got so much attention - I think he was a terrible person, but I respect his achievements and influence on the whole industry as a professional. If you can't keep those things separate, you're just writing off a whole legacy based on one person's actions.
    Being a successful artist doesn't make you immune to the same laws and moral principles as the rest of society. It's no excuse.
    Being a shitty person doesn't make you any less of a talented musician either.
  22. Interesting
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from spockitty in Separating art from artist   
    Many people in the entertainment industry have done many shitty and awful things. From murder to sex scandals, it has it all. Visual Kei is full of drama, ranging from tax evasion, scandals with label's. sex scandals, and many more. 
    So like always, many fans of artists who have committed such crimes always have a hard time coming to terms with their favorite artists actions, As such, many people have started to separate the art from the artist. This has always been a defense of people who are still fans of many controversial artists. This does not go for music but in many other forms of entertainment as well. I think mostly everyone has done this, myself included, mostly with Kisaki. 
    So as for questions:
    1. What artists do you separate their art from their actions?
    2. Is it a legitimate argument?
    3. Do you think that one persons actions should generalize a whole band? (Ex. Kisaki and Phantasmagoria or any of his past bands)
    EDIT: Just to clarify, I do NOT support Kisaki. He has done tons of shitty things and I absolutly despise him as a person. I'm on the whole "like them as a musician, hate the person"  
    EDIT 2: Geez, this did not go well
  23. Interesting
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from Gesu in Separating art from artist   
    Many people in the entertainment industry have done many shitty and awful things. From murder to sex scandals, it has it all. Visual Kei is full of drama, ranging from tax evasion, scandals with label's. sex scandals, and many more. 
    So like always, many fans of artists who have committed such crimes always have a hard time coming to terms with their favorite artists actions, As such, many people have started to separate the art from the artist. This has always been a defense of people who are still fans of many controversial artists. This does not go for music but in many other forms of entertainment as well. I think mostly everyone has done this, myself included, mostly with Kisaki. 
    So as for questions:
    1. What artists do you separate their art from their actions?
    2. Is it a legitimate argument?
    3. Do you think that one persons actions should generalize a whole band? (Ex. Kisaki and Phantasmagoria or any of his past bands)
    EDIT: Just to clarify, I do NOT support Kisaki. He has done tons of shitty things and I absolutly despise him as a person. I'm on the whole "like them as a musician, hate the person"  
    EDIT 2: Geez, this did not go well
  24. LOLOL
    psychonnect_rozen reacted to Masato in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    Yeah, let's wait for Kisaki drama 2k19 or 2k20 if the guy is careful. 
    As of now he is just trolling other bandomen... in a even more douche fashion than Yoshiki 
  25. Like
    psychonnect_rozen got a reaction from God in Kisaki Drama 2k18   
    I’m still surprised this guy is still around.
    Honestly, I still have a love hate relationship with Kisaki, despite my furious hate for this fucking asshat. One one hand, he has been in some of my favourite bands and he’s a DECENT bass player. On the other hand, he has done soooo much damage to himself and to others.
    I’m still on the fence of innocent till proven guilty, but with all available evidence, it’s hard to say he’s innocent. 
    Even sometimes, I cannot separate the art from the artist when it comes to Kisaki. It’s hard not to think of his musical talent without thinking about his shitty attitude.
    I just hope Kisaki gets his ass beat in prison 
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