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psychonnect_rozen last won the day on July 31 2019

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About psychonnect_rozen

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    Gackt's Hair Stylist
  • Birthday 11/10/2002

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  1. Do CD players play 8mm CD’s? Or am I just dumb.


    For reference: https://j-town.net/tokyo/column/gotochicolumn/221650.html?p=all

    1. 123Sandman321


      CD Players usually have a let's say 2 in 1 slot. One for the regular and one smaller cutout in it for the mini cd.

    2. colorful人生


      Yea, just make sure it has the indentation/cutout is there. Also, if the drive is vertically oriented or it's slot-loading (ex. PS3) they won't play and ruin the machine.

    3. patientZERO


      You could buy an external CD/DVD drive for your computer and use it to play them/import to your computer as long as it has a tray with the circular pin to hold the disc in place. I bought one ages ago to import all the DIR EN GREY 8mm singles from back in the day.

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