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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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psychonnect_rozen last won the day on July 31 2019

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About psychonnect_rozen

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    Gackt's Hair Stylist
  • Birthday 11/10/2002

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  1. Ugh. I feel like a huge idiot for just trying to start drama. I honestly didn’t mean to. Oh well, I guess everyone hates me now lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nomemorial


      We've all made mistakes (especially on the internet, lol). No reason to jump on the "everyone hates me" train. It's a poor mindset that (whether you realize it or not) only serves to diminish your apology and negate your culpability. As was said above, take it as a learning point and it'll do you good.


      I got into VK at a relatively young age and was, for the most part, pretty socially inept at the time. I look back on that part of my life with a fair bit of disappointment and disdain for the way that I acted and the way that I treated others, whether I realized it or not. I only reference this because much of what you're saying/doing here hits eerily close to home with the way I once was so, as someone who has maybe been in similar shoes, try to take my word for it - criticism is more often constructive than not and a community that is willing to accept you while calling you on your shit is worthwhile regardless of the fandom it's attached to.


      More concisely said - no one hates you, dig what you dig, and don't dwell on your own mistakes - just learn, move on, and grow. 👍

    3. CAT5


      It's all good. Don't be too hard on yourself. Just keep doing you, and try to consider your actions. The golden rule "Do unto others as you would like done unto yourself " never fails! :3

    4. The Moon

      The Moon

      luv it jus doesnt make any sence .... x

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