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Gesu last won the day on July 29 2019

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About Gesu

  • Rank
    Ohana's Glove Poncho
  • Birthday 09/03/2000

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    Hitori Land
  • Interests
    Visual kei, ass, visual kei ass

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  1. Have you ever wanted to do something different with your appearance but you're not quite sure how people will react? I get this strange kind of nervousness about changing my appearance, even if it's nothing too drastic (could just be doing sth different with my hair, or wearing a hat).

    1. suji


      I grew up having long hair mainly because my parents wouldn't cut my hair shorter than shoulder-length, and I always wanted to have "boy hair" (for lack of a better term). However, I thought about having short hair so much that I worried about what people at school would think since I remembered some guys making fun of a girl for having the same short hair back in middle school, and of course my family since my mom remarked about how I supposedly wouldn't "look right". However, I never got that haircut until well after my 20th birthday and the reaction was actually positive, and filled with surprise as well from my coworkers, and I've kept it ever since. I also dealt with the same predicament when it came to dyeing my hair black (although I don't dye my hair a lot cuz I'm lazy & don't want my hair to fry x))


      Now I'm considering dyeing my hair a different color (maybe red, pink, or purple) and that's much different because I live in a rather conservative town where having colored hair is not very common...

    2. plastic_rainbow


      even just starting to wear jewelry and nail polish had me nervous/conscious lol, simply cuz i had a very mundane appearance with no makeup. biggest change appearance i made was cutting my hair short back in high school tho lol. my parents and family bugged me about it for years but now they don't care. 


      i definitely wanna dye my hair someday, at least once~

    3. IGM_Oficial


      Getting a "MAGA" hat

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