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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by sleepy coffee

  1. im assuming theres no way this is anywhere to listen to right lol the réveil single i mean
  2. i know this is a pretty common thing im pretty sure everyone here faces but jesus it really sucks having vk music as a main interest/hobby and having no one irl to discuss it or share music with. bless the internet 

    1. Gesu


      I used to have an IRL friend who liked J-rock, but I fell out with her because she was being too needy. That sucked, because I was going to go to a Kamijo concert with her in September last year but I ended our friendship in July, so I didn't end up going because it was at night over a hundred miles away and I didn't fancy going by myself. A cynical part of me wishes I had just grinned and bore it until after the concert... ah, well. I don't have to put up with that crap here on MH.

    2. Paraph


      when i was in high school i had a small group of friends that were into it too. we would share what we bought since youtube wasn't around, etc. we both had a falling out with one of them and i was close friends with another up until a couple of years ago. we would still go to shows together when bands came abroad, but after a while i started to realize i was giving way more to the friendship then they were and we kind of drifted apart, too. i feel ya. 

  3. I'm sure at this point he is just another newbie but I also wished we knew about the members and especially muku
  4. sleepy coffee

    Lmao dieze nuts gottem
  5. sleepy coffee

    Seems like they're only reusing 3 tracks
  6. sleepy coffee

    I'm surprised these people still are relevant or even have fans after that seremedy thing ended
  7. sleepy coffee

  8. I'm loving La'veil MizeriA and Crucifixion, god bless this place otherwise theres no way I would've came across either band

    1. Paraph


      recently discovered La'veil MizeriA too! my heart. it was an instant stan.

    2. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      The fact were getting full lengths from them, virge, and verxina. We dont deserve to be so fortunate 

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I endorse this status

  9. sleepy coffee

    All these accounts and not a single decent screen name
  10. sleepy coffee

    I wish I discovered this a long time ago, sounds like I missed some spicy stuff
  11. That Tokyo ghoul music collection coming out this month looks clean as fuck

    1. platy


      The anime is trash, but the soundtrack is remarkable. 

    2. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      The anime is quite literally the biggest disappointment I've ever experienced, I love the manga so much and it deserves better

    3. platy


      I completely agree. RE was the last time I gave it any attention. The last few pages of the manga when Kaneki gets wrecked were the best thing I've read. I wish they had put it into the anime instead of making that root a bullshit ending. 

  12. I love it, so glad I've supported both of their releases so far
  13. fuck me this is amazing and im also happy to hear him screaming again on track 3
  14. March music is gonna kill my wallet. Bought some razor stuff including their expensive ass limited edition live DVD, and other new releases from kizu, munou na lucid, iiird, hueye, laveil mizeria, and verxina, god help me.

  15. Any sportsball fans? Cant wait for baseball to start up again 

  16. I'm not entirely sure how well their stuff sells in japan but Kizu's YouTube numbers are pretty crazy high at least by vk standards, I wonder if theres any chance in the years to come for overseas touring...

    1. madygrain


      They're doing well at lives at least. They grew pretty fast.

    2. WhirlingBlack


      As far as I know their stuff sells really well, when my friend was going to buy Steroid she had to go to three different stores because it was sold out everywhere on release. Based on the fact that their first single sells for 8000+ yen at PureSound also tells me that there's a demand bigger than the supply.

    3. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Well even if oshimai has fake views kizuato is passing it up probably in the near future and 0 has also had a high amount of views for 2 and half months 

    4. Show next comments  174 more
  17. What the actual unholy fuck that song rips hard
  18. Lowkey pretty sure broken by the scream has better harsh vocalists than the majority of visual kei lul

  19. sleepy coffee

    holy fuck this is some good ass heavy shit again, god bless
  20. sleepy coffee

    long overdue purchase of the dimlim album and also new monstllow single
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