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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by sleepy coffee

  1. Anyone else seen the new Sui Ishida project revealed? I'm so excited

    1. platy


      Yep, wanna see what else he's capable of

  2. sleepy coffee

    Damn Undo is now up there with Brilliant and Liquid Vain as my favorite releases from these guys, absolutely solid stuff
  3. sleepy coffee

  4. sleepy coffee

    tokyo ghoul deserved better
  5. This is just based off what I've been listening to recently so a bunch of newer bands and dudes Vocals: toss up between lime (kizu), sho (dimlim), Futarishizuka (crucifixion) Guitarist: retsu (dimlim), Jaki (la'veil mizeria) Bassist: makoto (rands) Drummer: kyonosuke (kizu) Hiroshi (dimlim)
  6. I need new apex players to squad up all my friends have already moved onto new games I have no interest in 😭

  7. sleepy coffee

    Not gonna lie I was hesitant when we all found out the guitarist was taking over on vocals but I really dig it, I'd even go as far as to say I'm more into these 2 new punch bands than mamireta currently
  8. sleepy coffee

    Holy fuck
  9. If someone can somehow go to laveil mizerias shows and pick up merch for me I'd love you forever, I'd give a huge fat proxy fee to you too pls

    1. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      do they ship internationally?

    2. Paraph


      not sure. i sent an email off inquiring about it recently. 

    3. Paraph


      they responded asking what items i wanted and which country i was from to get shipping cost. seems they will! best to shoot off an email and maybe they'll make the whole store overseas friendly soon enough.

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  10. sleepy coffee

    I prefer when he has insane makeup but ya he needs to ditch whatever he was clipping onto his hair
  11. sleepy coffee

    wow he looks way different
  12. I'm a dude who's never had long hair til now and I'm completely lost at how I should take care of it, anyone got any pointers or tips

    1. yomii


      conditioners and hair masks will be of a great help〜 but dont use them on the roots - you want your hair to be moisturized but not greasy. also you dont want to brush your hair while it's still wet. blowdry with the grain(hope i used proper words for that, sorry if not). if you're going to use flat iron dont ever use it on wet hair too and it's better to use a spray.

    2. platy


      Get your hair trimmed regularly. Every 3 months at least. Otherwise it'll get split ends and you'll have to chop up a longer portion of it than you'd want to

    3. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      So since I'm pretty clueless I just randomly bought something called matrix biolage from the store (I have 0 clue what's good I just got whatever was the most expensive) and also picked up some micellar shampoo from a brand that has already escaped my memory. Anyways since my hair feels pretty thin and meh I've been using all the stuff daily and it all seems to be working pretty well already lol

    4. Show next comments  168 more
  13. sleepy coffee

    https://twitter.com/_theMuzzle?s=09 So far the Twitter is only following roku and kyouki
  14. sleepy coffee

    Imo their weakest music video track so far but I still find it very solid, very very excited for this album
  15. sleepy coffee

    i hate clutter on my screen so i have everything hidden lul, also next step is to get a third monitor setup
  16. i wonder what the point of sunawachi saga was if theyre all just moving to this
  17. Theres a good chance tomorrow Halo is coming back to pc with an announcement of the Master Chief Collection for pc and I can't be the only person here super hyped for this. 15 years since we last had halo on pc 

    1. 123Sandman321


      Well, I'm neck deep in Yakuza Kiwami, right now, but Halo would be quite nice, too :D 

  18. sleepy coffee

    Dir en grey a long ass time ago for both tbh
  19. Didnt these guys have some solid stuff before lol what happened
  20. sleepy coffee

    visually these guys are the most interesting punch band so im hopeful the music reflects that
  21. sleepy coffee

    1. Nausea and shudder by the GazettE 2. Kamikaze by Shiva 3. 052 by kumo 4. Values of madness by dir en grey 5. Kohaku by virge 6. I miss you so bad by iKon 7. Enishi by girugamesh 8. Airplane by ikon 9. 夕 顔 by for severe addicts only 10. Seraph by malice mizer
  22. someone took my parking spot around my house because their a party going on literally one house over so being the immature brat im at, i took my brothers expensive ass speakers and just blasting the edgiest and heaviest music i can drowning out their noise and music lul 

    1. Paraph


      it's time to let deviloof shine

  23. sleepy coffee

    never heard of these guys and the lyrics are pretty lol but i actually love this sound
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