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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by sleepy coffee

  1. sleepy coffee

    Wait I'm dumb af isnt their support drummer ryo from awoi or are they the same guy
  2. sleepy coffee

    Finally getting around to this thanks again, just to clarify I assume white dust is not that hot of a single either then, dropped the same day as gamushara
  3. sleepy coffee

    I wonder what'll come first this album, another half life, or the tsukihime remake visual novel
  4. This times 100, as someone in socal, theres never a fun day on the road
  5. sleepy coffee

    Any idea if any of the members have a history in other bands
  6. Is it sometimes normal for air Mail shipping from cdjapan to take over a week to update tracking or should I start being concerned 

    1. Mihenno


      CDJ is garbage — very slow to ship and update. But yes, that’s normal for them.

    2. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      What site do u think is the best for international orders 

    3. monkeybanana4


      If you're looking for an online store to pre-order new VK CDs that doesn't need any proxy shipping service (like CDJapan), then the only place I can think of is Brand-X. They take international orders directly if you email them. (Here is the link on how to make international orders: https://www.brand-x.jp/page/44) Otherwise, most other stores don't really ship internationally (from my experience), so you would have to use a proxy shipping service unfortunately.

  7. sleepy coffee

    my guess is that its not actual single releases like selling copies or whatever, i think we're just getting 3 music videos prior to the album
  8. i wonder whats the deciding factor for most people when choosing between several types for a release, is it the cover artwork, the bonus dvd with a music video/other behind the scenes footage, or exclusive tracks 

    1. Jigsaw9


      Whichever version has more tracks, that's the one I tend to choose. I'd rather listen to the most a band has to offer than watch some potentially lame video I could see on YT anyway.

    2. Komorebi


      it depends on the content, really.

      If thw DVD has a making of I go for that, or the extra track on the regular edition...

      But I'm a collector, when I like a band enough to get their material I eventually get all versions if they have different content. 

    3. Paraph


      usually the one with more tracks, or the one with more content in general. when i was younger i would choose the best cover most of the time, but i usually regretted that so i learned the hard and expensive way lol. if i really like something i will consider owning all versions down the road.

    4. Show next comments  180 more
  9. im really about to cop this 12000 yen RAZOR live dvd....as long as it puts food on the table for my boys....

  10. sleepy coffee

    Super dark brown to the point they might look black if ur not close to them
  11. holy fuck im digging what im hearing, is any of their previous stuff out there
  12. sleepy coffee

    I wonder how people would rate this album among their discography if the mixing was to usual standards
  13. sleepy coffee

    Afaik all their official uploads stuff is on this channel
  14. sleepy coffee

    I wonder who's that on drums
  15. sleepy coffee

    I'd be down with an album as long as they dont reuse too many singles and title tracks from their minis, otherwise I'm fine with this pattern
  16. Still waiting for my.copy but good stuff on the music video track
  17. sleepy coffee

    I'm gonna assume the answer is a big fat no, but do they ship internationally
  18. sleepy coffee

    Damn IZA slaying his looks as usual
  19. sleepy coffee

    Holy shit yessssss new answer was a live only track too
  20. sleepy coffee

    Maybe this is all going over my head but if hes saying people who have known him for a long time are gonna know what this is about kind of dismiss the possibility its Retsu, do we know if he didnt get along with people in D.I.D.?
  21. Am I crazy for thinking codomo dragon is miles better than anyone on bprecords but they also seem way less talked about (besides that new hz band I suppose)

    1. anadentone


      Codomo dragon ❤️  They might be less talked about but on bpr's yt channel damn near every other video has Men-Men or Chamu eating something :D 

    2. Aferni


      Kinda crazy yeah but, Codomo is good so that's undetstandable. Early Kiryu is amazing 

    3. juuichi


      I agree! they're music isn't particularly exciting, but def not bad

  22. Lament was easily a top release of 2018, cant wait for this
  23. March was gonna absolutely slay my wallet so this is a blessing tbh
  24. sleepy coffee

    Going off their tweets looks like they're recording (or have recorded I cant read japanese lol) a music video and are gonna start announcing probably more music soon tm
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