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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by sleepy coffee

  1. Well I was planning on picking up the rest of the march music releases that I hadn't already ordered but I decided to splurge on a monitor with 144hz/1ms response time instead, why do my hobbies have to be so pricey 

    1. VkBrutaliaN


      i fully understand you! before i found out about Vk i also LOVED playing video games but then Vk came in my life and i made (at least for me) an excellent decision to drop the gaming - means more time and money for all the good music. 
      *the video game part i can watch for free on youtube anyway... XD*

    2. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      All of my free time is basically.vk and gaming and I've had an outdated monitor for awhile so I figured iT was TimE LOL

  2. sleepy coffee

    Another video directed by Yuri 👀
  3. sleepy coffee

    idk i fuck with a decent amount of kpop and jpop and this is just mediocre at best across the board
  4. sleepy coffee

    Ya I'm making fun of those bands
  5. sleepy coffee

    Wow a new band who show off their looks before debuting, crazy new concept
  6. sleepy coffee

    Keep it
  7. Does anyone have any cool displays or frames for their music collection? I kind of want to do something more interesting than just stacking up my cds on a desk or shelf 

  8. sleepy coffee

    Boring bad and bland why would you ever listen to these guys over some of the actual half decent kpop and jpop groups besides being blinded fanboys/fangirls
  9. Some.vk groups also probably have 1% of this guys budget probably lmao
  10. Interested to see how this sounds, I loved dadaism#4 for the first couple listens and I just have no interest in going back to it anymore
  11. sleepy coffee

    Sounds like they're going for 2 more releases this year also probably singles?
  12. I cant tell if I'm just overreacting since I've only been listening to them for less than a week but crucifixion sounds like perfection, I've gone through most of their discography (I know it's not alot of songs) like 5 times already. Please tell me these guys still have new music planned, it seems like they're still doing lives but idk about any other announcements 

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      From what I've seen, they really only do live shows at the moment and occasionally, the vocalist + La'Veil's vocalist's side project puts out a new single. After their 14-month single nonsense, they haven't really made any big announcements.

  13. sleepy coffee

    Still just playing apex but if anyone wants to ever squad up my name is CHEDOARA on origin if you wanna throw out a friend request
  14. sleepy coffee

    Rip in peace hentaihaven
  15. sleepy coffee

    Theres like 3 or 4 good and unique sol/romcoms out there, mostly everything else is just shit as fuck lmao
  16. sleepy coffee

    Evangelion, hellsing ultimate, kara no kyoukai, monster, death note, and ouran prob
  17. sleepy coffee

    Just in case anyone curious Yuri, who's the ex. Vocalist of obviously disbanded group Signal is the director behind this music video. In charge of everything from directing, art/Cg effects, casting, Lighting etc. Pls Yuri come back
  18. sleepy coffee

    What does this even mean 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
  19. I'm still surprised Akane hasnt made a comeback yet, does anyone know if theres been any updates on his end or if hes ever commented on making music again, I know hes quite active on Twitter so maybe hes talked about it

    1. YuyoDrift


      Thats funny. I was just thinking about him the other day.

      It would be a shame in vocal talent to just call it quits 😕

  20. Time to finally check out kuroyuri to kage and see what all the praise is about, I'm excited 

    1. Himeaimichu


      I recommend you try their first band, Memento Mori first!


    2. Chi


      Nation's Pride KtK😭

  21.  New umbrella release details, I'm too lazy to make my own post so 

  22. sleepy coffee

  23. sleepy coffee

    I kind of preordered miss you on a whim since I saw it on cdj the other day, no idea what to expect now lol
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