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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by Paraph

  1. I think Malice Mizer could have released more than they did. At least there's fan versions out there of say...Tetsu era, but still.  I don't think I'd ever have enough, though.

    Izabel Varosa I really liked. I wish they had released that damn full-length they had planned and a concert before peacing out.

  2. Not really understanding how an opinion on personal taste has more/less merit depending on how long you've been a fan and if you've been to Japan or not. I personally have been listening to this album more than anything they've put out since VULGAR/Withering, so because of that it stands out as being one of their better efforts as far as I'm concerned. 

  3. Most notable for me was seeing D'espairsRay at the MOD club here in Toronto. I made eye contact with ZERO and was able to headbang like mad to BORN and Reddish so it's everything I ever wanted to experience at a vk live tbh. I still haven't caught a pick or drumsticks yet, though.

  4. Such a great band with so many bops. I think I became super into them when ROMANCE released, which is still one of my favourite songs to this day. Atsushi is also probably one of the most attractive men alive.



  5. Can we all just take a moment to realize that KISAKI was the main face behind many of the bands he was involved in. KamiUta from Phantasmagoria literally depicts him as God. If all this is true and KISAKI really is the scum of the Earth then I don’t know about you but it makes me uncomfortable listening to or watching some of his material. It gives me serious narcissistic/sociopathic psycho vibes if all true.

    edit: looks like many posts were deleted so this one now lacks context and looks super random..

  6. Not exactly extremely proud, but I really like that I have the 'kagirareta koku' demotape by the band Arege. I used to always see images of one of the band members (I believe Aya) around the net when I was like 15 or 16 and thought he looked super cool but I had no idea who he was or where from. When I found out though I quickly searched around and bought it from Third Stage when it was around.  Crescendo is still one of my favourite songs.

    Ah notable mention goes to the DVD of LAREINE's 'Chantons L'amour' Live which I scored for pretty cheap on Closet Child.

  7. I hadn't bought anything visual kei-related for about 8 years so I kind of went a bit crazy recently collecting things I'd always wanted, but never got around to buying previously.

    The Candy Spooky Theater - SPOOKYWONDERLAND
    The Candy Spooky Theater - Murderland 
    The Candy Spooky Theater - PRINCE OF DARKNESS
    Spook Jack - SNOW THE DARK
    VELVET EDEN - ningyou shoukan
    VELVET EDEN - Street of ALICE
    VELVET EDEN - sute neko
    VELVET EDEN - Double Twelve (signed)
    VELVET EDEN - Witch on flames
    VELVET EDEN - film noir (DVD)
    VELVET EDEN - Behind the tales (DVD | signed)
    ZIZ - GIFT

    recently added:
    MALICE MIZER - bara no seidou (first press)
    Dir en grey - VULGAR (first press) 
    Dir en grey - GAUZE (first press)
    Dir en grey - Withering to death (first press)
    Dir en grey - MACABRE (first press)
    12012 - bell salem (digipak)
    12012 - Knight mare (digipak)
    12012 - shin ~deep~ (digipak)
    Karen - reset ~a revolving lantern~
    Karen - Actually
    Karen - Reincarnation
    Karen - mellow ~sou no senritsu~ (DVD)

  8. 8 minutes ago, Seelentau said:

    I mean it is possible to like music but dislike the musician. It's not like they are inseparably connected.

    This is where I draw the line, though. I've never felt this way before with any artist scandal and shrugged off his tax evasion nonsense. I'm not going to turn a blind eye to scum if these allegations prove true. As much as I liked some of his music. Also, it's 4 discs total y'all, lets not assume I'm about to throw out his entire discography or something.

    I'm not some kind of moral elitist thinking everyone who doesn't is stupid. It's just a decision I'm making in regards to what I want represented in my collection.

    These allegations are no joking matter to me. There are serious long term-lifelong mental repercussions to the victims involved here if true that it makes me nauseous even thinking about it.

  9. 2 hours ago, madygrain said:

    You already bought them, don't be dumb.

    Uh I bought them years ago, it really makes no difference to me if he made a profit at the time of it. I’d rather not have them knowing he’s this bad of a person.

  10. 3 hours ago, ahnchc said:

    Anyways, if anyone ever finds any updates on the progress of this case (or the owner of the KISAKI exposing account updates on SMS), I'll be grateful if someone can post it here and update the rest of us.

    Yes, please post any updates. I've located the few albums I have of Phantasmagoria/LIN/Syndrome and I'm fully prepared to throw them in the trash where they belong if this turns out to be true.

  11. On 7/21/2018 at 12:38 AM, Zalemu said:

    EDIT: Does anyone else like A Wish of Monika? I always thought it was a weak track. Rewatched the Scarlet Majesty DVD the other day and now I have the song on repeat; my fickle music taste strikes again.

    A Wish of Monika was always one of my favourites. Along with la nostalgie de jardin...which is probably a very unpopular opinion haha. Funnily enough Billet also, and I am now overjoyed that there is a live recording in existence.

  12. I've been away from the fandom for like a decade. I come back to Gackt backing out of MM reunion plans at Tokyo Dome, Satsuki's weird "comeback" and general dick rumours, and Kisaki's perversion.

    VK what is you doing.

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