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Everything posted by raspberrynilla

  1. raspberrynilla

    I actually tried listening to the single with my Dolby Atmos sound bar with surround system and it sounds much better. You can actually hear the sound traveling from one point to another. However, the guitars still suffer a lot, and I had to play with the bass as to not become too overpowering.
  2. raspberrynilla

    The production is...interesting. It definitely takes away from giving power to the tracks. After a few listens I kinda got used to it but I still feel like something is missing. Heisei and Stalkers are complete bangers tho 👌
  3. raspberrynilla

    Seems like someone on YouTube has already translated the lyric video for 東京!
  4. I’m really liking this! The MV looks like fun 😁
  5. raspberrynilla

    The song isn’t bad. Just not really what I was expecting. Just like @chipathy said, hopefully the main title track is solid.
  6. raspberrynilla

    The wait is killing me. I wonder why they didn’t release any previews 😕
  7. raspberrynilla

    virge really delivered omg kings
  8. raspberrynilla

    Can’t deny the song is disappointing 😕 Hopefully the rest of the album is better.
  9. Already watched 40 movies this past two months. Hopefully I reach my goal of 120 by June!

    1. xriko


      Sometimes ago when I had time left, I was looking 1/2 movies a days. With this time I had watch lot of top 20/30 movies per year (prolly 2011 to 2017, top maded by reviews users)

  10. raspberrynilla

    This album is going to slap!
  11. raspberrynilla

    I really enjoyed the song much better within the MV spot than with the single preview.
  12. I’m absolutely going to love this album omg
  13. Still crying over 9GOATS BLACK OUT disbanding 🥺

  14. Just found out that Azu from Dhalis is still active with a new band, ZON, and what surprised me the most is how much he has improved as a vocalist 😳

    1. helcchi


      Mike as well, he goes by Mii now

  15. Lemon by Alice Nine is by far one of their best songs. A shame they never play it live anymore.

  16. raspberrynilla

  17. I recently feel in love with Kiryu's song Etsu to Utsu. So I was wondering, for those that are more knowledgeable with their discography, do they have other songs with a similar style? I would really appreciate any recommendations!

    1. raspberrynilla
    2. saiko


      Etsu is probably Kiryu's best work to date

    3. Aferni


      Try their earlier works,they certainly are amazing 

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  18. I really love Lime’s voice. It’s the main reason I was attracted to Kizu in the first place lol

  19. I've been listening to Sadie's song "Awaki Gunjou" on repeat for the past 2 days. I didn't know there was a 2009 version of the song, but I much prefer the original. The remake lost what made the original so good, IMO.

    1. zombieparadise


      Good ol' early Sadie. I've been reminiscing on them lately too.

  20. The instrumentation is so, so good! That guitar solo 👌👌👌
  21. With every of their releases, it has gotten me more and more excited for their future releases. This sounds so good! Can’t wait to get those album samples.
  22. raspberrynilla

    That was my exact reaction!!!! 😂😭 They usually just go to LA, NY, and Chicago/Seattle. I’m surprised they’re coming back to Dallas!!!
  23. I’m finding myself really enjoying the GazettE’s DOGMA album this time around 😳 Maybe I should revisit some of their previous releases soon.

    1. Zeus


      If you do, don't expect it to be like DOGMA. DOGMA is it's own unique thing in GazettE's history and I could only really see that after seeing what came before and what came after. It's a really good album, lower than my score would suggest, and it's one that grows on you over time. Glad to hear you are enjoying it! Did you like NINTH?

    2. raspberrynilla


      @Zeus Oh wow, well that’s a bit disappointing to hear haha. I gave NINTH a few listens when it first came out, but didn’t seem to like it. I couldn’t really tell one song from another since they all sounded the same to me. 

  24. I’m truly blown away. This is definitely their strongest release and that’s saying something considering their other singles have been great as well. Kizu piqued my interest but now they have my full attention.
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