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Everything posted by raspberrynilla

  1. I really miss Jey’s vocals (ex-FIXER). Hopefully we see him in a new band soon.

    1. monkeybanana4


      Same here~ He's got an amazing voice! I'd love to hear him sing again.

    2. xriko


      I loved a lot his work on RievieR so I went to Fixer live at their debut. Was pretty cool. But I didn't followed the others releases from them.

  2. raspberrynilla

    Well this is absolutely disappointing and upsetting since it came out of nowhere. I've always been a bigger fan of Retsu and Ryuuya so as along as the composition and quality of the music remains the same, I'm okay. I really hope they can get new members that will really enhance the new sound they are going for. Hoping this doesn't mean a foreseeable disbandment in the future.
  3. DIV’s cover of Mousou Nikki is still such a banger. Sometimes I enjoy even more than the original lol

  4. Sounds solid Really excited to hear from these guys.
  5. LOVE THE SONG. The MV...not so much lol
  6. raspberrynilla

    They all sound like tracks you’ll hear as anime OP/ED. Oh well. They were bound to release an “anime” single sooner or later.
  7. raspberrynilla

    Welcome!! It’s always awesome to have more fellow veteran fans come to this forum! 😁
  8. raspberrynilla

    While in high school, I did get some of my friends to listen to some VK songs and they still listen to them to this day! I only knew one person from my high school who also knew about VK (without me introducing them to it) and we became friends. She and I went to our first VK concert together.
  9. raspberrynilla

    I really like the vocalist’s voice. The song overall is a bit generic.
  10. raspberrynilla

    I agree with everyone that has mentioned that the song seems disjointed, but nonetheless, they seem promising! I'll be keeping an eye on them.
  11. raspberrynilla

    I feel a little disappointed with the track 😕 It feels like they tried to fit too many different things into one song and the transitions sound abrupt and unpleasant. Really enjoy the guitar at the very beginning and the chorus tho. Hopefully with a few more listens I’ll come to enjoy it.
  12. While I might not like the newer stuff from A9, I can’t deny that both Hiroto and Tora have become exceptional guitarists. They’re the main reason I still come back to listen to A9’s releases lol

  13. I’m still on cloud nine over the news of Hizumi coming back.

  14. raspberrynilla

    I’m honestly so happy!! Hizumi has one of my favorite voices in VK 😭 I did read that he is still under treatment so I hope he’ll be okay starting band activities again.
  15. raspberrynilla

    Oh yeah I remember that! He did say it wasn't anything too serious though. I highly doubt he damaged his voice to the point it sounds different.
  16. raspberrynilla

    Shou from A9. During his time in Givuss and the indie days of A9, his voice was much deeper. Now he sounds high pitched most of the time and tries too hard to reach those high notes, and in my opinion, just sounds awful 😕
  17. raspberrynilla

    Really love the atmosphere the song is giving!
  18. While I love the new song compositions from A9's 15th Anniversary Best Albums, Shou's voice has just gotten jarring to listen to.  It makes it really hard to me to listen to a majority of the songs lol

  19. ah finally the buck-tick i fell in love with is back!!
  20. raspberrynilla

    The clean vocals are actually pretty nice
  21. raspberrynilla

    That look is so sick. I love it.
  22. raspberrynilla

    As long as I get Chizuru I will be satisfied.
  23. raspberrynilla

    Well then.
  24. The instrumentation is perfect but Karma’s voice ain’t it. It sounds very forced. His style is one of those that you have to write the music around or else it clashes, but that’s just my opinion lol
  25. I actually really love the vocals, really compliments the style of the song. Really excited to listen to the mini-album.
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