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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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  1. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Aferni in Karma (ex. AvelCain) new project, "蘭図" (Rands)   
  2. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Shir0 in Karma (ex. AvelCain) new project, "蘭図" (Rands)   
  3. 悲しい
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from zetork in KHRYST+ will disband   
    KHRYST+ will hold their last live and disband after their (originally) 1st anniversary live on 2019.12.18.
  4. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to suji in visual kei magazine, "hevn" will be republished for a limited time   
    visual kei magazine, "hevn" - which began in 2002 and ceased publication in 2014 - will be republished for a limited time and will host their event, "ヘヴンのお祭り★天まで飛ぼう!!" at Takadanobaba AREA on November 20. Bands participating in the live will be vistlip, D=OUT, and DaizyStripper. 
    Their first issue will be released on December 25 featuring Kizu and gulu gulu. More details such as purchasing, mail order, and participating stores will be announced on their twitter on 10/1!

  5. 悲しい
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from ambivalentideal in KHRYST+ will disband   
    KHRYST+ will hold their last live and disband after their (originally) 1st anniversary live on 2019.12.18.
  6. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to tallulah in hi!   
    xaa-xaa was a rly nice discovery cause i had a friend who into a previous band, other than that mamireta, shishi, obligatory dimlim mention...what's been super cute is finding out that bands who i used to really enjoy seeing (kiryu, d=out, etc) are still kicking about.
    it's just been really nice and my boyfriends gotten super into babykingdom which is frankly adorable.
  7. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to tallulah in hi!   
    i'm p sure there's not a way for an intro post to not be hideously awkward but w/e. i've been lurking for the past few days so i figured i should probably make an account. 
    i got into this kinda stuff ~2004 as a teenager when my dad's job moved us to tokyo, but i dropped out of it in 2012 after i finished university and moved back to the uk. i'm now in the throes of a predictable late 20s crisis so i've been enjoying re-discovering stuff i had forgotten about, and finding a bunch of new things (ty).
    so hi, nice to meet you, etc.
  8. Daria
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from -NOVA- in KHRYST+ will disband   
    KHRYST+ will hold their last live and disband after their (originally) 1st anniversary live on 2019.12.18.
  9. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to spockitty in Your last music-related buy!   
    Sry it's on twitter but I dont have those photos anymore~ 
    Merry - for Japanese sheeple
    Acid Black Cherry - Aishitenai (which I got for like 3$, since the person who was selling it had no idea what it was basically)
    aaaaand this gem:

    ex-RAINDIA Miyoshi's 1st Bootleg DVD『October, 2018 in Tokyo』with a "bonus" CD with his hit song 飛べない小鳥 ❤️ 
  10. LOLOL
    monkeybanana4 reacted to suji in KHRYST+ will disband   
    jesus fucking khryst
  11. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to TheZigzagoon in random thoughts thread   
    I’ve applied for two teaching assistant jobs, one is in China and the other is in Japan. 
    I’m so excited about the prospect of getting to live and appreciate places I’ve wanted to go, but I’m also terrified of the idea of uprooting my entire life, leaving my friends and family in the UK. I’m not saying I don’t want to do it by all means, it’s just scary you know?
    And I know that my friends here in the UK support me, and that we’d still remain friends even if I’m on the other side of the world. It’s just sad in a sense...
  12. 悲しい
    monkeybanana4 reacted to riyusama in KHRYST+ will disband   
    This fucking sucks so much ughhh
  13. 悲しい
    monkeybanana4 reacted to spockitty in KHRYST+ will disband   
    I didn't even manage to properly get into them and here it goes.... :(  
  14. 悲しい
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from spockitty in KHRYST+ will disband   
    KHRYST+ will hold their last live and disband after their (originally) 1st anniversary live on 2019.12.18.
  15. 悲しい
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from riyusama in KHRYST+ will disband   
    KHRYST+ will hold their last live and disband after their (originally) 1st anniversary live on 2019.12.18.
  16. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    The perfect video doesn't exi-
  17. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to CAT5 in Honest opinions on K POP?   
    You're not wrong, but I do think that there's something to be said about Kpop being "different" and "special", but the difference doesn't lie in the music, it lies in the culture.
    The reason that VK fans can so easily transition to Kpop is that the fan cultures surrounding them are so very similar, despite the music being so different. On the inverse - take "Black" American pop music for example: Musically, "Black" American pop/r&b/rap is like the mother of Kpop, as it directly inspires Kpop and sets the trends and standards for a lot of Kpop, yet you don't see a gang of Kpop fans praising too many "black" artists. Now the music from these two scenes are VERY similar, so you'd think that Kpop fans would also be naturally interested in both (and to be fair, some are, but i don't see this to be the case in general). But the cultures surrounding both scenes are so different that you don't really see a lot of cross pollination between the fanbases, despite the music being so similar.
    So I do think that kpop fans genuinely enjoy the music, it's just that the music comes secondary to the culture. I think it's the culture that attracts most ppl first, and then the music is something people actually find enjoyable after. But not often the other way around. Now obviously there are ppl who are open-minded enough not to give a fuck about the cultures and will listen to anything that they like, but the impact of culture can actually be pretty profound, because culture often gives a context in which to perceive the music. And you'd be surprised how much context can influence one's taste.
    I've experienced this personally many times. It was like this for me when I got into J-rock. I grew up in "black" culture where rock music was mostly considered a "white" thing, and so we didn't fuck with it like that. I didn't really listen to rock music until after I got into J-rock. Because J-rock offered a different cultural path to rock music than the stereotypical American White culture that I associated it with at the time. But after developing a true affinity for rock, I was able to go back and appreciate the rock music that I previously avoided due to cultural boundaries/ignorance.
    So yeah, that's my thoughts on that. Culture affects our perception of things more than we realize. They say culture is to humans as water is to fish - so we can't always see what cultural perspective that we're operating from until after we've experienced other cultures, or until after we've swam in other waters, if you will.
    But with that said, I personally think Kpop is a lot of fun. I don't listen to it or seek it out on my own, but whenever i'm exposed to it, it's always a joy. The visuals, the dances, the production - the general pomp of it all - it's all pretty exciting. So I see how ppl can enjoy it. For me, KPOP is like eating sweets tho. Like yeah, I enjoy them for sure, but too much and I'll get sick.
  18. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to AwesomeNyappy in Honest opinions on K POP?   
    I agree. I've wondered why so many people who used to be into J-Rock are now into K-Pop and after some thinking, this was my answer. Ultimately, the marketing and demographic are similar. VK fangirls having a favourite member or buying checkies, supporting new bands by buying their records and a lot of merch...it's the same as K-pop. Liking a band, for most people in both scenes, is not only about the music, but also about the visuals and the personality of the band members, which is a great marketing stragedy. Like, if I only like the music, I might buy their album (or maybe not, I might download it illegally), but if I feel close to the band members I might just buy all of their stuff to support them, might try and advertise them to others by streaming their videos or posting on social media. While visual kei is more underground and secluded, it still works in similar ways. I'm also thinking about all the special editions you can buy (although this could be a thing of the Asian market in general.)
    I know a lot of people who used to like visual kei and are now into K-pop. I see a young generation in the manga and anime scene who is predominantely into kpop and not into Japanese Rock and Metal (how it used to be around 10 years back.) This honestly makes me wonder how many people are actually in it for the music, tbh. I also have the feeling that a lot of people in the manga and anime scene are listening to kpop because it's "special" and "different" although the music is just, well, pop. You could as well listen to a western band. So that leads me to the conclusion that they listen to kpop because of the visuals and bandmembers. Which is absolutely okay. I just cannot stand people who'll tell you that BTS's lyrics are super profound (some lyricss are great, others are cringe) or that they are musical geniuses. I have nothing against their music, I like many of their songs. It's just that some kpop fans put them on a pedastal, saying that the music is soooo much different from western pop and that everything is sooo deep. When in reality kpop companies also hire western song writers...
    Now for me personally I enjoy some kpop bands and songs. At first, I hated them when my friends first started listening to them back in 2008. They also used to listen to Japanese rock and then were sucked into kpop. However a few years later I started listening to some kpop occasionally (mostly big bang), but I still didn't much care for it. I had a few songs on my ipod and that's it. Nowadays, I like 2NE1's concept, and I enjoy listening to BTS and Big bang (and that one mamamoo song haha.). It takes some getting used to for me since I'm more into rock and metal, but since I also like rap music, so bts fits the bill. Mostly, I get easily sucked into kpop because I LOVE variety shows. In my teenage years I started listening to the J-pop band kat-tun simply because I liked their show. I also enjoy watching bts videos or run bts. I enjoy their on screen personalities and I have fun being in a fandom that has the best inside jokes known to man. Do I listen to all of their songs or swoon over their music video? Not at all. I don't even like most of their videos because I'm not a fan of the visuals. But I love their dancing and I enjoy their entertainment formats. 
  19. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from suji in マゼラン (Mazeran) 3-month consecutive singles release   
  20. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Ultra Silvam in NICOLAS new mini album release   
  21. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from raspberrynilla in NICOLAS new mini album release   
  22. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from ambivalentideal in Sui (David) new band CULA have formed + solo CD release   
    Their single [Dracula] will be released on 2019.10.xx.

    Vocalist: Sui

    Guitarist: Yuhma

    Bassist: 70.

    Drummer: Tomoya
  23. Like
    monkeybanana4 reacted to SubThatSong in random thoughts thread   
    I slept 13 hours of my Saturday after spending the whole week sleeping like shit. Then I slept for 4 more hours. I have regrets. Also wish it was possible to bank slept hours to tap into later.
    I'm tired.
  24. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Elazmus in NICOLAS new mini album release   
  25. Like
    monkeybanana4 got a reaction from Rahzel in random thoughts thread   
    Nice! It reminds me when I got to do a project on VK and present about it in class. That was one of the best assignments ever. (It also gave me a good excuse to go to a VK live and say it was for school )
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