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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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  1. Like
    Miku70 reacted to suji in Goodbye for now   
    Didn't you just make a new topic, like, just a few minutes ago?
    Nevermind that, it's sad to see you go this quickly. Thank you for reviving discussion on MH with your threads, especially since you're a newbie who has lots of questions and there's nothing wrong with that. There hasn't been a lot of discussion on certain subjects before you came and posted about them, so I commend you for that; it really helps other newbies navigate this weird world of visual kei through a newbie's standpoint, followed along by replies of longtime fans with years of experience (which largely makes up the majority of this forum)
    However, you must also realize that this is an open forum, where anybody is free to dish out their opinion, whether it be good or bad. You don't have to agree with it, but you have to deal with it; that is reality. I know you're young and you stand by your opinions, but I used to be like you, blowing up when someone said something negative about someone or something I care about, and it escalated to the point where I suffered consequences and basically had to grow up and redeem myself. That's basically how it is in the real world; sometimes you can't convince people that you're always right, and they stand by their own ideals no matter what. What's most important however is at the end of the day, their way of thinking shouldn't matter to you. You live your life by your own principles and your own beliefs, and you alone are in charge of that, not anyone else. All I'm saying is, don't let these people get in your head, and you'll be ok. 
    Hope to see you again soon!
  2. 悲しい
    Miku70 reacted to psychonnect_rozen in Goodbye for now   
    I have been having the best time on here. Having discussions, talking about artists and finding new music. After finding MH, I have been searching all over for new VK bands such as Megaromania.
    However, this site is not without it’s toxicity and I have seen it my self. Shitting on the same bands over and over gets annoying and everyone one here can’t take an opinion sometimes. The amount of heated discussions on here gets annoying as well.
    I won’t be quitting MH completely and I will be taking a small break to get away from this toxicity. I don’t know when I’ll be back, but just like Sadie, I’ll be going on hiatus.
    Shoutout to @Gesu for being my first follower. Love ya
  3. Like
    Miku70 reacted to EzraEroguro in VK grandma represent \o/   
    Hey y'all! Visual Kei Oyaji here as well!

    I'll be 30 next year, and i'll be damned if i stop listening to the bands that I stan (Plastic Tree, Dir en grey, sukekiyo, THE NOVEMBERS).
  4. 悲しい
    Miku70 reacted to Euronymous in A Rapid Increase in Domestic Violence Against Men in Japan   
    It makes total sense to me talking about feminism on this topic,one thing leads to another and becomes something more.
    I talk a lot with @Manji 卍 and he told me about a recent crime evolving a couple of lesbians who mutilated his 9 old son's genitals to transform him into a girl,and decapitated him because they hated him for being a boy.
  5. Like
    Miku70 reacted to Seimeisen in コドモドラゴン Codomo Dragon   
    Finally! Hopefully upcoming releases will appear too, when released. Using proxies and various payment backdoor tricks on mora.jp is getting trickier, and I never liked having to get overpriced gift cards for iTunes JP.
    Of course, I'd really like to see the label distribute music on OTOTOY or Tidal store!
  6. Like
    Miku70 reacted to gret in コドモドラゴン Codomo Dragon   
    Bands under BP records are finally available for online streaming outside of Japan.
    Where's nepenthes though?!
  7. Like
    Miku70 reacted to gret in Visual Kei on Spotify Compilation   
    Mentioned it in another thread but for completion's sake:
    BP records bands are on spotify as BabyKingdom, codomodragon, kiryu, Royz and zerohz, in those exact upper/lower cases and spacing.
    there's 2 kiryus so here's the link for the legit one instead:
    I know right! For some reason only vk-Razor's songs are shown in the page but the artist link gives the other artist's songs instead.
  8. Like
    Miku70 reacted to anadentone in VK grandma represent \o/   
    *shakes cane* welcome to MH fellow senior citizen.  Theses young whipper snappers with their snapcats and instagrammars  don't understand our ways sometimes but these youngins are good kids, they just have a young/hate relationship with "shipping" . I'm soon to be 39
  9. I feel ya..
    Miku70 reacted to yomii in Bands that get a lot of undeserving hate?   
    can we stop discussing this lmao
  10. Like
    Miku70 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in ギャロ (THE GALLO) new single release, 『VITCH』   
    Love that this is probably meant to be cvlt for "witch" but in Japanese it's perfectly viable to pronounce it like "BITCH"
  11. I feel ya..
    Miku70 reacted to platy in Bands that get a lot of undeserving hate?   
    I swear we have 3 threads about the same topic
  12. Like
    Miku70 reacted to Enki in Bands that get a lot of undeserving hate?   
  13. LOLOL
    Miku70 reacted to suji in ギャロ (THE GALLO) new single release, 『VITCH』   
    ah, so close, yet so far.
  14. LOVE!
  15. Like
    Miku70 got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in Visual kei among friends   
    Same thing for me :). Online is more easier to discuss VK than irl .
  16. Like
    Miku70 reacted to God in Visual kei among friends   
    in high school, i used to make mix cds of vk bands and pass them out to my friends, acquaintances, and some random people.  i also used to show people pics of bandmen, but it was just entrapment to see their faces when i told them that whoever it was is a guy.  i was in this class called digital storytelling where you had to put presentations together using photoshop and premiere, and most of those were about vk bands too.  i’m sure my classmates loved me.  😅
  17. Like
    Miku70 reacted to spockitty in General KPOP Thread   

    YESSS GOOD, kinda wish they continued in a darker direction but it's a summer wave so I guess it can't be helped. THAT WILD ELECTRO SLAPS THO <3<3
    never heard of them, they new? lacks some power behind it imo, but hey potential is there!
  18. Like
    Miku70 got a reaction from raspberrynilla in Visual kei among friends   
    Same thing for me :). Online is more easier to discuss VK than irl .
  19. Like
    Miku70 got a reaction from colorful人生 in General KPOP Thread   
    News MVs :
    I like this song :).
    Before drug's scandal :
    Others MVs :
    MVs from today
    The title of this MV is really funny 🤣. The song is nice.
    I love this MV and this song very much 😍. This is really interessing. I love the ending from the MV 😍.
  20. Like
    Miku70 reacted to spockitty in Visual kei among friends   
    I mean, it's a niche even in it's own country, so I feel like it's a winning lottery ticket to randomly meet someone who's into it on the other side of the world ^^; 
    In my experience, it's way easier to meet some local fan online (and by local I mean, at least in your country lol) and then meet them irl. 
  21. Like
    Miku70 reacted to colorful人生 in General KPOP Thread   
    THE FIFTH SEASON is so good 
    I'm so fucking proud of them ;;_;;. When I first discovered them, there was little-to-no noise (it took me stumbling upon them on last.fm looking up similar artists to B1A4) and now they're finally getting what they deserve. The screams and fanchants are so much louder compared to three years ago... I can't contain my excitement.  They deserve the world.
    I fanboy over Ren constantly, but JR is probably my bias. I love all of them, though. 
  22. wtf?!
    Miku70 reacted to Triangle in Stan Culture in VK   
    Hyde fans are wild in general, man. I was with a friend in Japan and she wanted to do irimachi for Vamps because Hyde is sooo good at fanservice and there was this girl omg, when Hyde's car came by she literally took off her clothes and was running along with the car wearing a bikini.
    I was standing there like o.o and everyone else around was acting like it was an everyday thing XD. 
  23. Like
    Miku70 reacted to Komorebi in Stan Culture in VK   
    I second this.
    I feel so called out too :C
    I've heard some bands don't mind much, I guess it depends on the band and the type of event.  I did demachi once with friends in Japan for a band they knew well and the vocal approached us and asked us to buy him an energy drink .____. I felt used lol
    I also ran into my faves at a conbini after a live and I felt awful, even though it was an accident 😕

    Edit: Hyde stans are WILD in Latin America, go say he looks old on his latest selfie and they'll insult you, your mother, your dog and even your coworkers.
    Also; troll gazette stans who are a weird breed who will also insult you to no end if you suggest harrassing their accounts with gross troll-like questions is wrong, and god forbid you aren't meming the shit out of them 24/7.
  24. Like
    Miku70 reacted to cvltic in Stan Culture in VK   
    u get horny for muscles one time and then ppl come running to do a smear campaign on u SMH

    i probably have more involvement on stan vk twitter than the average poster here. overall i don't really mind intense fandom stuff, it's nice to see people care so much about what they love.

    but the described phenomenon of fans falling in love with their favs ("gachikoi" fans) is kind of the crux of bad fan behavior in vk in general, to me. people are simultaneously super judgmental (towards themselves and others) and super defensive about the potential that they might have actual feelings for their favorites. i feel like the advent of fanfiction, roleplay, etc. in the western fandom is probably sometimes related to young girls needing some outlet for these feelings (and sexuality in general but that's a whole nother can of worms). it's also i think what motivates some women to pull the "i'm a better fan" or "___ is a bad fan" thing -- they want to believe that they're worthy and others are not. stan culture is only fun when it's not competitive like that tbh.
  25. LOLOL
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