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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by secret_no_03

  1. FIFA released the groups for the qualifiers for the 2022 World Cup and Japan has the easiet group maybe in the history of them participating.

    Kyrgyzstan Republic




    1. 123Sandman321


      Well, not like there is much opposition anyway. Only Australia and Iran come to mind, possibly South Korea. That would be a really fun group to watch, tho, with all of them in it.

    2. secret_no_03


      South Korea could give them a run for their money.

  2. When I saw #RIPBianca trending on Twitter I thought for sure it was Bianca Del Rio and my heart sank, thankfully it wasn't. 

    1. suji


      i literally thought the same thing & then afterwards i regretted looking at that hashtag anyway ;w;

    2. secret_no_03


      I didn't check anything, just made sure it wasn't her and left.

  3. I just realized that Lime has deleted two instagram accounts and doesn't have one now, at least not one that's listed anywhere. 🤔

    1. sleepy coffee
    2. SubThatSong


      Hnn? Yeah, was about to post the same as chipathy (and indeed, he does post stories a LOT) :D I didn't know about the two deleted ones o_o This one is on his twitter, but the link is broken (https://www.instagram.com/lime1582_offic/) but based on the name I could find it, I think that's how I found it in the first place hahaha. 
      Yue was the hardest one to find honestly, for me at least ( https://www.instagram.com/kz_by/ in case interested)

  4. Amazed, surprised and baffled as to why CNN had Richard Spencer on now of all times; everyone had forgotten about him and now he's trending.

    1. suji


      because they're desperate for ratings

    2. secret_no_03


      I'm inclined to agree with you since apparently they had an antifa member who had fire bombed an ICE office on recently.

  5. secret_no_03

  6. secret_no_03

    There are some that are exclusive to their museum that are said to be worth the trip.
  7. secret_no_03

    @sujiyour profile picture goes here.
  8. secret_no_03

  9. secret_no_03

    These aren't showing up for some reason.
  10. secret_no_03

  11. secret_no_03

  12. secret_no_03

    I doubt anyone wanted it.
  13. secret_no_03

    Post your favorite pictures of VK guys in hats. I'll start with a few of mine.
  14. secret_no_03

    Totoro is great, but I'll always love Spirited Away the most as it was my first foray into the Ghibliverse.
  15. secret_no_03

    Was it a life changing experience?
  16. secret_no_03

    It is one giant ad, but it is a heart-warming story about a father and son coming together for the first time since the son was little with I believe final fantasy II. It's definitely worth a watch, as it's only like 8 episodes.
  17. secret_no_03

    It's a show on Netflix which is about a how a father and son rekindle their relationship through Final Fantasy XIV.
  18. secret_no_03

    I saw that a week or so ago and I have no fucking clue.
  19. secret_no_03

    You could look at that the other way since his father literally has nothing to do since retiring so he just plays it non-stop, so you could look at it both ways. It's such a good series, but I'm hesitant about the new movie as Ren Osugi died last year and they have a new cast which looks like it will be even more shilling than the light hearted Netflix show.
  20. secret_no_03

    Dreamcast, PlayStation Vita, Mighty Number 9, Star Wars 1313.
  21. secret_no_03

    Akio from Dad of Light would disagree with you since he works a full time job when not playing.
  22. https://twitter.com/HELLO_gt_373 A Google search didn't find anything inflammatory, at least not to my western sensibilities.
  23. In all seriousness, the way back machine MIGHT be able to uncover them, but it's probably harder to find tweets from a deleted account, rather than just deleted tweets.
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