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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by secret_no_03

  1. secret_no_03

    You can't just walk right into a zoo or a museum, unless you want thrown back out as soon as you walk in.
  2. secret_no_03

    Walk right into a 4,000sqm training ground where they frequently test the weaponry of new jets and God knows what else. I mean...okay let's do it, the land of the free means freedom to do stupid shit to get yourself killed. 🤷‍♂️
  3. secret_no_03

    No sadly.
  4. secret_no_03

    Found it. Wow. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.charlotteobserver.com/news/state/north-carolina/article218251640.html
  5. secret_no_03

    What in the hell? I need to look this up.
  6. Love it, keep it coming guys, I gave you guys another try and I'm all in on this chaotic mess you call a band.
  7. secret_no_03

    I was thinking about this and there's no way they'd gun down thousands (probably just 500) people as I bet Fox, CNN, and locals news will be there for the event if it really takes off into something concrete.
  8. secret_no_03

    Upon further inspection, soooo many of you have suspended accounts, Jesus, and the vast majority who aren't have changed their names since they say user not found. 😑
  9. secret_no_03

    @_r_ff_ I was going to make a new thread for this, but the archive here is something to behold, so maybe it's best I add mine and bump it in the process in hopes that newer members i.e. anyone who joined after February 2017 will share theirs.
  10. secret_no_03

    Can't wait, more DEXCORE is always a good thing.
  11. secret_no_03

    I loved them, they had some really good songs, but they don't hold a candle to what came after. Lest we forget that Linkin Park is nu-metal.
  12. secret_no_03

    Case in point, I remember when a friend had a beanie with Nookie on it for hat day at school before he was brought aside by the principal and told he couldn't wear it and why. Nookie is a pretty abstract phrase so it's no wonder none of us had an idea. 😅
  13. secret_no_03

    I'm not the devil because I like free entertainment whether it's pirated video games, music, movies, anime, etc, and you're not fucking God because you have all kinds of expendable income and can afford everything a band puts out and you are willing to pay anything for a release because you're that obsessed and let's be honest, desperate.
  14. secret_no_03

    I highly doubt more than 1,000 people will show up and you're not getting in there, there's monitored check points and as soon as anyone gets close to the area the national guard and local law enforcement will be there to hold things at bay. It's literally hundreds of miles of desert, so I hope they bring shovels, water and infra red goggles since any installation is more than likely miles below the surface as they've been there for nearly 100 years.
  15. So, be a slave to predatory practices, just go support a band who have absolutely no excuse for not releasing anything besides not being able to find a singer who can handle Mana's ego and are in no way hurting for money as M10M consistently make a mint and Közi has 4 projects including a solo project going on. The only person who could use the money is probably Yu~ki, but I doubt it. This is just predatory pricing to capitalize on starved fans who will buy anything they put out and Mana knows that. When you price something this ridiculously, and it just be a single disc, blu-ray or not you're essentially making an idiot tax to see how stupid and guilbile your fan base nearly 20 years after your last release. Over $150 for a single disc release is beyond ridiculous, but people will eat it up and they'll just release the next thing with as little cotent as possible. It's called minimum viable product as in, what the minimum effort someone is willing to put into a product for the maximum profit. If you price something this high, expect it to be pirated by those outside of Japan. This shit is the equivalent of virtue signaling in politics. You're no greater or better or more devout a fan just because you paid double what something is worth or everyone who buys shit on yahoo auctions or mercari would be the biggest and best fans in the world. Speak with your wallet as pandering to a band and just accepting whatever they're feeding you sends the wrong message and they'll be confused when their sales for the next one are flat if they even think about charging $200 for say, 2 discs and a photo book. The holier than thou anti-piracy sector of VK is always something to behold. I'm a fucking huge DÄLLE stan, and I support the hell out of them, but if I can find stuff online, I'll download it and that saves me money and I can use that money immediately or later down the line to buy something I can't find from them or merch other than music. Supply and demand, you should buy what you want, not buy what you don't, and asking kind souls for something you don't have the money for doesn't make you a bad person, just like you paying for something doesn't make you better than those who can't or won't buy it and would rather wait for it to be available online. If someone thinks it's worth it and they have the expandable income, then good for them, whatever floats your boat, buy it, buy five, but don't shit on people who either don't have the money or think that it's NOT worth the perceived value that the band and some fans think it is. 😊
  16. secret_no_03

    Storming Area 51 or The Nevada Test and Training Range at the Nellis Air Force Base is a wonderful way to get blown to hell so fast you don't know what happened.
  17. Atsushi you're killing me, either that or CDJapan are incompetent when it comes to proxy shopping as it's been 12 days since I ordered the Lüstzöe singles and they said it'd be a within 7 days. At this point I'm resigned to the fact that it will most likely be 14 or more days and I won't get it until next month.

  18. Just saw that the debates next week are the same except that Swalwell is out and Montana governor Steve Bullock is in.


  19. secret_no_03

    That shit is awful, just drink water or get a damned kool-aid packet. It'd taste better for sure.
  20. Oooh boy, look out AOC, Scherie Murray is coming for you.

    1. lichtlune
    2. YuyoDrift


      Is that the computer monitor brand?

    3. secret_no_03


      No, it's like if your overly aggressive senior class president became a senator. 

  21. secret_no_03

    Birds are a proven carrier of far more diseases than any domestic animal, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/61646.php
  22. secret_no_03

  23. secret_no_03

    If you're a bleeding heart over every little thing you'll soon be bled dry. You only have so little time and energy already to start dying over every little thing that happens to some random person online that you don't know and you'll never meet. Yes, it's awful when someone dies, but that's what living things do; they die. Some things die far before their perceived time and others get to live a long time, but regardless we're all going to die some day. Death is a naturally occurring part of the world, so go about your day and don't sulk or be depressed over the death of someone who has had absolutely no effect on your life. If we died over every little injustice or bad thing that happened to everyone else we'd grow tired very quickly and lose our minds no doubt. Think of it as a form of person to person non-interventionism. 😉
  24. secret_no_03

  25. secret_no_03

    My hat obsession actually started with MIYAVI back in the day with
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