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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by secret_no_03

  1. secret_no_03

    I just hope they don't go the way of Morrigan, fuck you Pitty (enjoy retirement) , hopefully something comes of Aryu and Nihit.
  2. secret_no_03

    Their market is Japan, the best way to cater to fans OUTSIDE of Japan is digitally, if they sold on iTunes or one of the many outlets, they wouldn't have to worry about their stuff being pirated, because let's face facts, very few people are ever going to hear them outside of YouTube or live because things are so hard to get. People like myself and a few others are the only reason why you can find their releases anywhere online, so by let's say...you not uploading them means that I or someone else has to get you or someone else to purchase them and send them to us where we will upload them out of the kindness of our hearts and because once they're disbanded, everything is lost to the auctions and no one gets to hear what little they released in the first place. I just hope you reflect on your stance about not helping international fans share the love of this band and rather worrying about their income from a TINY thing that won't affect their bottom dollar anyway as clearly their strategy is focused on lives, getting people to buy live exclusive releases and merch. If these guys had any competent management they'd find a way to get their stuff up digitally, they wouldn't get as much, but they'd get a hell of a lot more than a select few people importing their music and uploading it across the internet. Don't get me wrong, it pains me to have to rant and bitch about this topic so often, but unless you or someone else eventually uploads their stuff, it will fall away into obscurity, sure RarezHut may eventually get a hold of them, but it's doubtful. I'll just end it by saying that if six months from now they release an album with all of this to the general public then everything will fine. I mean...if DEXCORE can do it or better yet, literally indie ran by one man DALLE can do it , how hard can it be to get your stuff up on iTunes, SARIGIA? I definitely am beginning to think that they don't want to sacrifice $5 digital releases for 1,000 yen physical, but sometimes you have to think about the long term, especially on the HIGHLY off chance that they ever tour outside of Japan. 😔 -I don't want this to seem as a slight to you, you stan the guys, make a little money on the side and offer a service, I'm certain I got DECAYED from you, so I'm thankful for that, I'm just thinking about the many people here who would love to hear something since there's been nothing since Agartha, and they could literally disband any day, I mean the fact two people are leaving DIMLIM and could spell the end of them within months is disheartening as you never know when a band you really like could just disappear. -I'll leave this for its own topic, but piracy is not all bad as once these bands are gone their music lives on and new fans are made every day, yes they might not be able to support THAT band, but if they like the band they're more likely to follow what they moved onto.
  3. secret_no_03

    Yep, beat me to it.
  4. secret_no_03

    Just finished the second season of Dark and 🤯
  5. secret_no_03

    Looking for bands like ロマン急行 or I guess you'd say punk visual kei bands?
  6. secret_no_03

    Yeah, they've disappeared off the face of the map and I don't see them coming back into the general perview until they release an album next year, maybe. It's a true fucking shame because they're very good and Asuka has all of the means to become the next Ruki with charisma, but man they're burying the lead and at this rate they'll be around for 5 years and end it without making a legacy of any kind. /rant
  7. secret_no_03

    One of those bands who release nearly everything live and apparently have no interest in gaining popularity or any international fans.
  8. secret_no_03

    Finished Stranger Things 3 and just started watching season 2 of Dark.
  9. I'm thinking that was a tongue in cheek reference to 薔薇に彩られた悪意と悲劇の幕開け.
  10. secret_no_03

    What in the world?
  11. I feel like I didn't go into the romanticization of it in entertainment enough, but it's kind of something I don't have to because it's very clear everywhere.

  12. The following is an overview of the subject of suicide and my personal relationship with the subject and this is for intellectual discussion only and is by no means meant to make light of, demean, romanticize or condone suicide. If you or a loved one is considering or has considered suicide please seek help from a family member, trusted friend or trained clinician as well as considering the appropriate suicide prevention hotline for your appropriate area. USA: 18002738255 UK: 08457909090 Japan: +810352869090 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal) 18662773553 (outside Montreal) I hope you find this overview of the topic and history of suicide at the very least, entertaining and at the most, enlightening and thought provoking. I myself and I'm sure plenty of people here have had suicide affect us in one way or the other, whether it be suicidal thoughts, the loss of a loved one or an attempt at suicide, so I wanted to approach this subject with the most delicate and welcoming approach as possible. I am not fucking around here, so please don't either. Please feel free to comment down below with your questions, comments, insight, etc. You see it television, movies and in music in the US with the rise of emo music in the past decade, especially in the past two years with the rise of "misery music"; sorry Billie Eilish. You see it whenever someone is taking your shoes off and jumping in front of trains, poisoning yourself or bleeding to death in Japanese cinema, as well as depictions of suicide or self-harm in Visual Kei music videos, some going as far as to bring the romanticization to life; looking at you Mamo. However, aside from the younger generation, suicide is something that is generally looked at in a very negative light, the vast majority of people considering suicide as the ideation of deeply troubled people and as a last resort for a very troubled soul. Suicide isn't talked about much in modern western society outside of the occasional young person taking their life due to bullying or whenever a celebrity kills themselves, but over the past five years or so there has been a movement to normalize suicide for medical reasons that has caused plenty of backlash. Rational suicide, assisted suicide, doctor assisted suicide, doctor assisted euthanasia or as it's best known in the United States The Right to Die is a movement on the rise where for either medical reasons or in some rare cases personal reasons, you can legally end your life with the help of a physician or in the case of Switzerland, volunteers. Currently in the United States California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Montana, New Jersey (Starting August 1, 2019), Oregon, Vermont, and Washington now have laws pertaining to the legality of taking your own life, albeit all under trained physician supervision. In countries like Switzerland where non-physician-assisted suicide is legal, the assistance mostly being provided by volunteers, Swiss rational suicide gaining a lot of attention from the 2012 novel and in 2016 with the subsequent film Me Before You in which a wealthy paraplegic decides to end his life by going to Switzerland, whereas in Belgium and the Netherlands, a physician must be present. In Switzerland, the doctors are primarily there to assess the patient's decision capacity and prescribe the lethal drugs. Additionally, unlike cases in the United States, a person is not required to have a terminal illness but only the capacity to make decisions. About 25% of people in Switzerland who take advantage of assisted suicide do not have a terminal illness but are simply old or "tired of life". A survey of Danish found that 71% of Denmark's population was in favor of legalizing voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide, although at this time assisted suicide is illegal in Denmark; passive euthanasia, or the refusal to accept treatment, is not illegal. Proponents of the movement argue that people who are terminally ill should have the right to die on their terms and with dignity, the opposition countering with concerns of no measures put into place once decided, arguing that laws do not require consent at the time of death, only consent to obtain the lethal prescription, a distinction which can give someone other the patient the power to decide when death occurs. Recently there was a case when Dutch teenager Noa Pothoven who was the survivor of repeated sexual assaults as a child and who subsequently struggled with PTSD, crippling depression and anorexia tried to get permission for state sanctioned suicide via euthanasia and was denied as her parents had not been aware of the situation at the time; Noa subsequently dying at her home by natural causes when she refused to eat or drink anything until she fell into a coma and passed away. The cultural history of suicide is an interesting one, dating back to 800BC with ancient Greece as well as Rome where suicide was never a general offense in law, but it was specifically forbidden in three cases: those accused of capital crimes, soldiers and slaves; the reason being that it was uneconomic for these people to die. In the Middle Ages, the Christian church excommunicated people who attempted suicide and those who died by suicide were buried outside consecrated graveyards, where as In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, loopholes were invented to avoid the damnation that was promised by most Christian doctrine as a penalty of suicide. One famous example of someone who wished to end their life but avoid the eternity in hell was Christina Johansdotter. Christina was a Swedish murderer who killed a child in Stockholm with the sole purpose of being executed, akin to the modern day practice of suicide by cop. Suicide in times of war dates back as far as the time of Ceasar when Brutus and Cassius killed themselves rather than being captured by the forces of Mark Antony and Augustus after they orchestrated the assassination of Julius Ceasar. The best known modern use of suicide as a military strategy is likely tied between the Kamikaze or Tokubetsu Kōgekitai (Special Attack Unit) unit of the Japanese Imperial Forces in World War II in which Japanese soldiers killed themselves by flying planes into Allied Forces navy vessels and the 21st century suicide bombers; suicide bombers belonging to terrorist groups who operate under the guise of religious beliefs which has been subject to furious debate. _____________________________________ I suppose it is apropos that I end this with my own experience when it comes to suicide. I'm nearly 30, but when I was a teenager, especially around the age of 15 I was in a very dark place. It was weird, I had a loving family, a few close friends and the bullying I had suffered from had died down significantly, but I felt alone no matter how much attention I had received and I would spend many a wake less nights listening to music and thinking about how I would kill myself, running it through my head over and over, picturing how my loved ones would react, etc. I thankfully never attempted anything, and kept self-harm to a minimum, mostly scratches, as fucked up as it may sound I feel I wouldn't have even done that if not influenced by Kyo, someone I worshipped at the time. I'm one of those people that subconsciously scratches themselves, or does so in their sleep and wakes up with scratch marks and that always reminds me of when I did it just to feel something. I suffered some crippling depression in my teens, like many I'm sure, staying in bed all day when I wasn't in school or days off; I feel that this was a big factor in me becoming a hikikomori and avoiding going outside for months at a time in later years. Well, fast forward nearly fifteen years and besides a temporary mental breakdown, I've never considered it and depression only seems to occur for a day or two towards the end of the month. I'm very lucky to have a great girlfriend who suffers from mental illness herself, but is always there for me when I'm down as well. Thank you for taking the time to read this, but if you didn't no worries, feel free to leave a comment below anyway, but please no jokes or demeaning remarks about the subject. Clearly, human history has an intimate relationship with suicide whether we like it or not and as time passes it's not hard to expect that there will ever be a consensus on the topic which brings us to the question of today's topic. What is your opinion on suicide, whether it be due to mental health issues, terminal illness, cultural practices or for military purposes and what personal experience do you have with the subject?
  13. secret_no_03

    They only do covers live and NOT IN LOVE is a cover.
  14. secret_no_03

    After listening to it I definitely feel lm.c which isn't instantly a bad thing. I actually like the aesthetic, clearly RENA is a fan of punk and probably wanted to go lighter after TBS, so all the best of luck.
  15. secret_no_03

    I will automatically fuck with anything CHARGEEEEEE is involved in.
  16. secret_no_03

    👌No problem, it's nice to see me stanning these guys is finally paying off xD I'm interested in your feedback after you listen to everything.
  17. secret_no_03

    The woke are on FB? I thought it was all middle aged folks...Facebook is so...I don't even know, 2012? I've started deliberately trying to avoid as much news on Twitter as possible as it's just either SJW bullshit, well let's be real, it literally is just left news as Twitter is a liberal company and platform. I literally saw all Trump stuff the other day after the 4th of July celebration. I guess it's useful when people die though since I'd have never known that they Disney star died, at least until I went on Wikipedia since that's an obituary (for some bizarre reason).
  18. secret_no_03

    I keep telling her to unfollow them, but yeah. I don't fuck with my dad's side of the family and my mom has no siblings so.
  19. secret_no_03

    This is very true, we could literally have a thousand people killed in a shooting and we'd have moved on a month later like it was nothing. I don't know Facebook as I haven't used it how you're supposed to in a decade, I've noticed that my SO gets aggravated by the crazy right wing shit her extended family posts.
  20. secret_no_03

    Clearly people get very offended when you mess with their politics, religion or their childhood. Honestly I'd be more concerned that it turns out like this, than worrying about skin tone.
  21. secret_no_03

    Here's the link to their discography if you haven't found it already. https://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/56366-dalle-complete-discography/ I've collected all of their stuff over the past few years.
  22. secret_no_03

  23. secret_no_03

    TUSK (Vocals) from THE SLUT BANKS カタヤマ ヒロキ (Vocals) from Droog, Lüstzöe, Dudes nao (Vocals) from 首振りDolls 荒金 祐太朗 (Guitars) from Droog johnny (Guitars) from 首振りDolls 戸城 憲夫 (Bass) from THE SLUT BANKS 金川 卓矢 (Drums,Percussions) from THE SLUT BANKS 菊地 哲 (Drums) from D'ERLANGER
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