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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by secret_no_03

  1. secret_no_03

  2. secret_no_03

    All I saw was a ton of porn 🤔
  3. secret_no_03

    I felt the same way with Lime and キズ, but the more I've listened to him I've gotten used to it. Speaking of atrocious voices that make your ears bleed and is an acquired taste...D.O.
  4. secret_no_03

    Tha Blue Herb have a new album out, probably my all time favorite hip hop group, not just Japanese.
  5. secret_no_03

    How do you feel about the reboot?
  6. secret_no_03

    Now it makes more sense.
  7. secret_no_03

    He gave up 12 runs, they let him stay in there and give up 12 fucking runs, that one off of the record held by a guy in the fucking Roaring Twenty's. I haven't paid much attention to baseball this year, and now I'm kind of glad, the only saving grace is that they're pretty far behind and will surely snap the losing streak. On a side note, poor fucking Seattle, acquiring Yusei Kikuchi from Seibu didn't help one bit.
  8. secret_no_03

    8P-SB is literally better than all Kpop. Jesus Christ the Korean music industry dove into the ocean since the days of SE7EN and Rain in their prime. G-Dragon needs to be like Jesus and revive BIG BANG and save the industry from whatever the hell it's morphing into.
  9. secret_no_03

    Withering to Death will always be my favorite because it was my first, but it's tied with MOAB for me.
  10. secret_no_03

    I loved them in 2006, but after 3 years I literally got sick of hearing Tatsurou's voice.
  11. secret_no_03

    It's beautiful violence in auditory form, WTD was more mixed and experimental, everything before was typical VK and everything after is brooding euro metal.
  12. secret_no_03

    Kyo wishes he had the money and success of Kisaki so he could just disappear and be alone like the hermit he truly wants to be and go and live on an island like Juka or just disappear to South America like Klaha.
  13. secret_no_03

    I love SUGIZO and INORAN's solo projects, but I've listened to the entire discography of Luna Sea multiple times over the years and I just can't stand them. I don't know if it's Ryuichi or what, on second thought it's probably Ryuichi.
  14. secret_no_03

    The only good DIR EN GREY albums (albums as a whole) are Withering to Death and Marrow of a Bone, everything since is copied from American/European metal bands and everything before is trying to be Undercode bands.
  15. secret_no_03

    Sukekiyo ruined DIR EN GREY for me as it was just too much Kyo at that point, they are just too similar, I can't stand Sukekiyo which is a shame because I was in for immortalis, but after that it just became a pretentious vanity project and DIR EN GREY suffered and went down hill for it. All Diru since Dum Spiro Spero and Sukekiyo since Immortalis has been fucking awful. It's a shame that I've come to dislike what was my first VK that I worshipped in my teens has been an utter disappointment for nearly a decade and I don't see that changing anytime soon. It's probably time to disband at this point and start coming back every five years. On a side note, I actually have enjoyed what little Seraph and DECAYS have put out. Honestly things started going down hill with Uroboros then fell off of a God damned cliff.
  16. secret_no_03

    -https://twitter.com/SavedYouAClickV?s=09 So useful -Shuji was perfect for EX-ANS and La Nuit is a masterpiece. -The more I listen to DIMLIM the more I slowly come around. Ian Curtis (Joy Division) (RIP) had a fucking awful, miserable existence once he developed epilepsy. Strange he didn't develop it until he was 20. - - ????
  17. secret_no_03

    7/21 Paxton: 7 R (4 ER) 7/22 Sabathia: 7 R (6 ER) 7/23 German: 8 ER 7/24 Happ: 6 ER 7/25 Tanaka: 7 ER (so far) What in the fuck is going on with the Yankees.
  18. secret_no_03

    The price of 喜怒哀楽 has me thinking that they're worried that they need plenty of cash for the near future.
  19. I didn't see this anywhere either and it's something we all require, food. So, what's your favorite food, recipes, snacks? I suppose this could be a place to post your favorite and least favorite foods and some or your favorite recipes. I'll eat pretty much anything and I grew up in the Midwest, but once I got with my wonderful SO, she got into Chinese food and even tofu.
  20. I don't care about the band, I'd say the same of the GazettE if they pulled this shit.
  21. It was $1K when I first got it and over time they kept raising the limit and I used to be terrified of having $1K of debt, but then I moved and needed all kinds of shit and it exploded over nearly a year into what it is now. I'm going to try and pay double or triple the minimum payment in hopes to get it back down to around $1K. The only saving grace that doesn't drive me nuts is that it'll be paid off right around the time I have the car paid off, so this isn't the final hurdle which would drive me even crazier.
  22. Where in the world can you take our 30K in student loans and just forget about them until they disappear? It should be the destination of the world for young college bound people.
  23. That interest rate is your first credit card, well the first one, when you're desperate and don't know anything about rates, you take what they'll give you, at least that's what I did 4 years ago when I got my first card.
  24. secret_no_03

    I never thought of even asking if they'll ship overseas since it didn't say anywhere that they would 😅
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