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merchenticneurosis last won the day on November 1 2018

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About merchenticneurosis

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    Kisaki's Errand Boy
  • Birthday January 10

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  1. Ordering from Brand-x and realizing i cannot back off from their EMS service.

    That was more expensive than the product.



    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I ran into a similar issue for a thing I just ordered from Puresound, although thankfully (or not really?????) the item was still more than shipping and service fees ($40 item, $35 in shipping and shopping fees)

    2. Arkady


      I hate when they do it.  Unless the item is something way over 100€ it's a big NOPE from me.

    3. merchenticneurosis


      Yeah meh, i was robbed, lol. Even Closet Child nowadays provide airmail, which is veeery affordable! Then again, i couldn't get any priviledges from Starwave's own shop, Brand-x has an extra dvd, sooo. I guess i'll just swallow my coins, haha.

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