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  1. Like
    Pretsy reacted to Bear in Best album intros/outros   
    Bathory - Odens Ride over Nordland (from Blood Fire Death)

    This is hands down probably the best intro there is. Not only because the beautifully cinematic and haunting intro itself is fantastic, but also because it sets the atmosphere for the album, and the way the intro segue into the ethereal acoustic intro to of A Fine Day to Die is noting short of perfection. It's the kind of intro that sends shivers down you spine. Three of the finest minutes ever composed by a human being.
    Added the video with the intro and the first proper track of the album because it's beyond perfect. Enjoy.
  2. Like
    Pretsy reacted to enyx in Best album intros/outros   
    Enter Shikari - Common Dreads
    Intro to their second full-length of the same name. Ominous, and a total change in tone from their first album. Although Enter Shikari's switch to a more politically-driven band (which pretty much started here) has certainly turned off a portion of their fanbase over the years, I think most can agree that this is a fantastic intro regardless. Also, it transitions fantastically into the following track, Solidarity.

    DIR EN GREY - SA BIR [Remastered & Expanded ver.]
    Intro to the remaster of their seventh full-length 'UROBOROS'. I already liked the original version of this track, but this version takes the cake. The slow ambient build-up, the ticking clocks, and the pounding bass of the original track all combine really well to kick off a great remastering of one of the most memorable albums of recent times.

    the GazettE - OMEGA
    Outro for their fifth full-length 'TOXIC'. If there's one word I could use to describe this album as a whole, it would either be "boring" or "uninspired". I think that's part of the reason why this outro stands out to me so much. After a mind-numbingly dull 50 or so minutes, you go into what you assume is going to be another generic "wubwubwub" SE, then it out of nowhere it suddenly breaks down into probably the most disturbing 30-40 seconds in the band's discography. That final scream creeps me the hell out. Unfortunately this video cuts out the eerie final few seconds after that scream, but you get the point. 

  3. Like
    Pretsy reacted to nullmoon in Best album intros/outros   
    For me, probably the best ever is Dir En Grey's 'Mode of Adam'. The way it kicks in is just plain astounding.
    Plus, dat bass line

  4. Like
    Pretsy got a reaction from beni in Best album intros/outros   
    Do you remember my album opener and closer threads? Good - because Pretsyboi is getting all active posting-wise, albeit "still playing safe" as usual.
    What are the opening/closing SEs (or in formal English, intros and outros) you cherish the most? We are going with the same rules as in my previous threads, but hey - repetition is the mother of all learning:
    When I say "intros/outros", think of them through everyday context: usually short-ish, minimal-ish and "preparing"/"finishing" piece of certain album etc. - so make sure that you put pieces that are considered as these in common knowledge or by musicians themselves (they tend to mark these as "SE"s in Asian/Japanese (?) music, FYI) - AND 4 POSTS PER PERSON/POST as usual.
    No "nationality/language-based limitations" here, btw - so feel free to post anything non-Asian too (as in my older threads)
    OP starting:
    1)  Dir en grey - Kyokotsu no Nari (from "DUM SPIRO SPERO")

    This album is something that radically divides people into two parts - those who love it, and those who hate it with passion. Despite these differences, I have seen many people - including myself, warming up to this introductory piece. Starting out with quite dissonant, partial piano playing - and moving on with almost apocalyptic mix of ambient-ish synths, low-tuned guitars and Kyo doing his "best Gollum impersonation" til the end...I might not be necessarily "digesting" this album that well, but god this is one hell of a hype track - despite being an intro only. Many pluses to "Kyokotsu" for sounding even creepier/more immense during lives!
    2) Versailles - Sound in Gate (from "JUBILEE")

    "Soul Calibur intro avec cheesy fantasy narration" aside, this track can be basically anything - an intro, outro or even just an interlude to something majestic! Kamijo and co. managed to position this track into such place, where it feels like JUBILEE is basically going full circle (and thus possibly making listener go for a nth round). Talk about careful planning!
    3) Merry - Sasurai RHAPSODY (from "Modern Garde")

    *whistles* talk about a classic-sounding start for a good vk classic! Merry always managed to make some goodie interludes, and this is no exception (as many "vk veterans" know it already). So get your jazz hands ready and hum/whistle along!
    4)  Kagrra, - Miyako (from "Miyako")

    Very mysterious, immense introductory number from Kagrra - I don't dig them that much, but boy - they do have some hidden gems! No "faux-Japanesque" merrymaking here, folks!
    S'il vous plaît!
    ps. in case you can't find your favs in YT, google "tunestotube" and use it for uploading your tracks...
  5. Like
    Pretsy reacted to nekkichi in Angelo new single "SCARE" release   
    ugh, nooooooooooooo
    it means they're writing another boring ass album atm
    go away angelo, no one needs you after those pierrot revival hints
  6. Like
    Pretsy reacted to Raburr7 in Show Yourself (again)   
    im the last guy from the left xD on a trip in a church durin our military practice

    me and a friend on our way to the church ;p

    and here durin our trainin ;p
    sorry for spammin dats it ;p
  7. Like
    Pretsy reacted to hitsuji-hime in MERRY new album "NOnsenSe MARkeT" release   
    They will showcase songs from the new album "NOnsenSe MARkeT" on their tour starting on November 7 at Birth Shinjuku (CORE only) and then for everyone else starting on November 10 at Shibuya Club Quattro.
  8. Like
    Pretsy reacted to enyx in Best album closers   
    凛として時雨 - mib126
    Closer for their third full-length 'just A moment'. One of sigure's best songs in my personal opinion. It starts off as a rather subdued track that builds up slowly before completely exploding into one of their most intense tracks in the second half. Undoubtedly one of their finest moments to date.
    Closer for their third mini-album 'GIFT'. Well, I did say in my description of Moiré in the best album openers thread that I consider GIFT's title track closer to be at least on par with its terrific opener, so I pretty much have to include this here. I almost consider them to be two halves of the same song, at least in terms of their overall feel. In particular, I really find the final few minutes of this song to be absolutely beautiful.

    Opeth - Faith In Others
    Closer for their eleventh full-length 'Pale Communion'. I feel a little weird including this considering that the album it's from only came out last month, but I pretty much immediately identified this as the best closing track that the band has ever done. Time will tell whether I'll truly consider it to be one of the best album closers as the months and years go by, but it's certainly given me a fantastic first impression. Just a quick note, this Youtube version seems to have the first 10-15 seconds missing, but it's basicaly just an extended fade-in so you're not missing too much.
  9. Like
    Pretsy reacted to Bear in Best album closers   
    Bathory - Blood Fire Death (from Blood Fire Death)

    This album start off with what's perhaps the most epic and best intro ever, and ends with one of the best and most epic tracks ever. THere's not really much more to say. It's epic, epic and way more epic. Black metal AND viking metal at its very best. Simple as that really.
  10. Like
    Pretsy reacted to Furik in Best album closers   
    Gets me every time.
  11. Like
    Pretsy got a reaction from CAT5 in Best album closers   
    Basically the opposite of this thread, but same concept (rules etc.) is still applied - and as a reminder:
    MAX. 4 PICKS PER PERSON/POST AND NO OUTROS ALLOWED (I consider outros to be one form of cheating tbqh)
    Also:  some people were curious about whether they are allowed to post non-Japanese stuff too - answer is: yes - feel free to post anything, as long as it's a "proper" closer (in your opinion) + make sure to explain briefly why you chose the certain song etc.. Just because we are "J-music based community" doesn't mean that we should be "STRICTLY" limited to "only JP music" policies FFS - so cast your prejudices aside and go-go!
    OP's example/picks:
    1) Plastic Tree - Circus

    La Grande Finale of one of my favorite Pura releases, "Puppet Show" - pretty much showcases their talents and ability in expressing their unique, dreamy imagery through britpop-ish influences (and most britpop-influenced acts don't really showcase their "messages" vividly imho). I also like how it changes its tempo fittingly along the way and gives a nice spotlight for Ryutaro's vocals as I knew them back when I began to know them. Gorgeous song is gorgeous.
    2) Dir en grey - Inconvenient Ideal

    What would sound like a normal semi-power ballad in the beginning soars beautifully to the immense levels of "wow"-factor til the end - as a Dir stan I found it difficult to find a fitting favorite out of their closers, but "Inconvenient" hands down gave me the same impression today as it did back in November 2008 - pure pleasure. I got to note that I find build-ups during the chorus and climax (along with "300"-y gang chants) really epic and something what you'd memorize even after many years. 
    3) MUCC - Hanabi

    One of those "totally unexpected, but neat" closers - you'd normally put your volume down/skip when you hear opening notes that remind you of those cheesy piano ballads way too much, but...BANG! And there goes almost "festive" part of Mucc's Hanabi. I might be the only one who feels this way, but "Hanabi" feels very "Japanesque" to me but not in stereotypical a la "Kiryu/Kagrra" fashion - perhaps the melody has some folk-ish tinges? That aside - Mucc has many good closers (Zutazuta, Freesia...), but as I noted earlier - the "wow" factor is important to me whether I listen to certain parts of an album, and "wow" here is totally existent - and BIG too.
    4) The Dillinger Escape Plan - Mouth of Ghosts

    Moody and emotional, almost jazz-ish in parts and immense build-up...here might lie my key recipe to "closers that totally get me in". Sure - the song itself isn't necessarily of what they're doing normally (this sounds more like an unique approach on some late FNM song), but you gotta give kudos to them for total surprise! Might not be your cup of tea, but "one of a kind-ness" is certainly retained in MoG - as I see it.
  12. Like
    Pretsy got a reaction from enyx in Best album closers   
    Basically the opposite of this thread, but same concept (rules etc.) is still applied - and as a reminder:
    MAX. 4 PICKS PER PERSON/POST AND NO OUTROS ALLOWED (I consider outros to be one form of cheating tbqh)
    Also:  some people were curious about whether they are allowed to post non-Japanese stuff too - answer is: yes - feel free to post anything, as long as it's a "proper" closer (in your opinion) + make sure to explain briefly why you chose the certain song etc.. Just because we are "J-music based community" doesn't mean that we should be "STRICTLY" limited to "only JP music" policies FFS - so cast your prejudices aside and go-go!
    OP's example/picks:
    1) Plastic Tree - Circus

    La Grande Finale of one of my favorite Pura releases, "Puppet Show" - pretty much showcases their talents and ability in expressing their unique, dreamy imagery through britpop-ish influences (and most britpop-influenced acts don't really showcase their "messages" vividly imho). I also like how it changes its tempo fittingly along the way and gives a nice spotlight for Ryutaro's vocals as I knew them back when I began to know them. Gorgeous song is gorgeous.
    2) Dir en grey - Inconvenient Ideal

    What would sound like a normal semi-power ballad in the beginning soars beautifully to the immense levels of "wow"-factor til the end - as a Dir stan I found it difficult to find a fitting favorite out of their closers, but "Inconvenient" hands down gave me the same impression today as it did back in November 2008 - pure pleasure. I got to note that I find build-ups during the chorus and climax (along with "300"-y gang chants) really epic and something what you'd memorize even after many years. 
    3) MUCC - Hanabi

    One of those "totally unexpected, but neat" closers - you'd normally put your volume down/skip when you hear opening notes that remind you of those cheesy piano ballads way too much, but...BANG! And there goes almost "festive" part of Mucc's Hanabi. I might be the only one who feels this way, but "Hanabi" feels very "Japanesque" to me but not in stereotypical a la "Kiryu/Kagrra" fashion - perhaps the melody has some folk-ish tinges? That aside - Mucc has many good closers (Zutazuta, Freesia...), but as I noted earlier - the "wow" factor is important to me whether I listen to certain parts of an album, and "wow" here is totally existent - and BIG too.
    4) The Dillinger Escape Plan - Mouth of Ghosts

    Moody and emotional, almost jazz-ish in parts and immense build-up...here might lie my key recipe to "closers that totally get me in". Sure - the song itself isn't necessarily of what they're doing normally (this sounds more like an unique approach on some late FNM song), but you gotta give kudos to them for total surprise! Might not be your cup of tea, but "one of a kind-ness" is certainly retained in MoG - as I see it.
  13. Like
    Pretsy reacted to Bear in Best Album Openers   
    Bathory - A Fine Day to Die (from Blood Fire Death)

    This album starts off with a perfect intro that's probably the best and most epic intros of all time, before A FIne Day to Die. The song starts off with beautiful, haunting acoustic guitar over some ambience and whispery singing, before all hell breaks loose a minute and a half later. And from there on it's complete mayhem, in a majestic and powerful way.
    Could just as well have included the intro instead, being beyond amazing and all that.
    This song is even better than the more or less perfect title track btw, which I mentioned in the album enders-thead.
  14. Like
    Pretsy got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in MEJIBRAY new album "THE "420" THEATRICAL ROSES" release   
    Tsuzuku better deliver something like this http://macchalatte.blogspot.fi/2013/05/mejibray-kase-to-chinou-english-lyrics.html then
    Always straightforward .
  15. Like
    Pretsy reacted to Senedjem in #buyKissMeOnceOniTunes   
    enjoy ur explosive diarrhoea

    if u dont make it back can i have your blog 
  16. Like
    Pretsy reacted to Elazmus in MEJIBRAY new album "THE "420" THEATRICAL ROSES" release   
    They come on MH to sell green for career advice.

    "PV needs hella bong masks."

    They trust me know...
  17. Like
    Pretsy reacted to nekkichi in MEJIBRAY new album "THE "420" THEATRICAL ROSES" release   
    so this album title basically proves someome from the band is reading MH, right? 
  18. Like
    Pretsy reacted to Aferni in MEJIBRAY new album "THE "420" THEATRICAL ROSES" release   
    Tsuzuku, plz teach me how to mejiblaze it.
  19. Like
    Pretsy got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in How important are usernames/internet handles to you?   
    I use solely many variations of my first nickname (which also happens to be one of my first, frequent irl nicknames too) when in the forums and so (last.fm might be an exception but whooo caareesss)
    So yeah, nickname choices in my case really matter (and no, I didn't intend to refer to one of the worst bloggers ever with my current nick, sorry ppl!)
  20. Like
    Pretsy reacted to Wonrei in MEJIBRAY new album "THE "420" THEATRICAL ROSES" release   
    marijuana kei
  21. Like
    Pretsy got a reaction from Tetora in SuG Vo.武瑠(Takeru) solo project "浮気者(Uwakimono)"   
    + this is a collab between Takeru and TeddyLoid (who's quite known for example co-producing/arranging handful of songs in Gazette's Division like "Derangement" etc.)
  22. Like
    Pretsy reacted to Senedjem in "Rock is dead" - Gene Simmons   
    old man yells at cloud
  23. Like
    Pretsy reacted to CAT5 in "Rock is dead" - Gene Simmons   
    I think he's referring more so to the music industry, and not rock as a genre - and if that's the case, then I agree with him. Any mildly curious person with internet access would be able to tell that rock isn't dead, but the spirit of rock, the spirit of DIY musicians, and artistic integrity is definitely pretty dead within the industry. None of this is really news, though.
  24. Like
    Pretsy got a reaction from CAT5 in Best Album Openers   
    Some neato openers you guys have there!
    Keep them coming - any genre goes as usual
    AND REMEMBER - only max. 4 picks per post/person (let's play it fair and square)
  25. Like
    Pretsy got a reaction from Flame-X in Best Album Openers   
    Thought of making this, since I find it odd that no one ever discussed about their "favorite album openers" here, so yup:
    Feel free to post your (some of your) favorite openers (max. 4 links and no order needed + doesn't matter if its studio or live) here...and a reminder:
    Intros are not counted (the definition of "intro" is pretty vague - but I think you get my drift anyway - my excuse would be "just because", sorry!)
    To start this thread, I will post some of mine (as an example/template if you will):
    1. Tokyo Jihen - Ikiru
    One of those songs I consider to be "the total bangers" of Shiina's repertoire - unusual ("Imogen Heap meets Queen-ish" ), sparsely arranged song ending up with good ol' TJ cast playing up to the max. I see this having a lot potential to surprise even those who are not necessarily fans of this kind of genre - which is why I recommend you to try out the link above (Ultra C live version - not for those who *dislike* Shiina's vocals).
    2. Capsule - Soratobu Toshikeikaku

    Someone might be already saying "but Perez, this is an interlude?!" - no, it's not an interlude. If you are even a bit familiar with house/electro music in general, you know pretty well that "lyricless" full-length songs can be openers as well as sole songs too. I see 'Soratobu' as Capsule's - no, Nakata's most brilliant and creative effort he has ever produced/done during his career. It's not a farce when people say that "good songs make you imagine things more vividly and even "live them" - and 'Soratobu' is worth being the showcase to those opposing the idea. No wonder that it even has a PV done by Ghibli staff (or Ghibli subsidiary staff, JIC)...
    3. Luna Sea - Loveless

    If we have to make a manual on "how to make a good opener", this has to end up there - talk about a way how to introduce the band carefully: the song progresses slowly by not having members appear at the same time but otherwise - and finally ends with all the elements combined together without making certain instruments "drown". Atmospheric, theme-setting number - and perhaps quite legendary too!

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