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Manji 卍

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  1. Sometimes I want to die

    Sometimes I just want a new girlfriend

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    2. platy


      Honestly I've heard some of my guy friends say the same thing. I don't know if it's the same with you, but they were always looking for women in the wrong place, for example, at the clubs. Then they'd get hung up on these girls who clearly just want to use them and curse out everyone else. 


      There are plenty of women looking for romance, It'll take time to find, but it exists. Two of my friends who are the biggest awkward geeks I ever knew put themlseves out on tinder(!!!!) and now one is engaged and the other is living out a fairy tale romance lol don't give up. I promise you it's out there. 

    3. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      Yea,platy, your text is a fact....and I confess that I had some opportunities to be with real "good girls",I mean ,those respectful girls,but I kinda screwed that up with my approach. I gave up my University bcuz of my depression and now I work as a bartender in a big bar few days a week,and I can tell you that place is a cesspool of promiscuous people and vile girls with no values at all. Yesterday for example I saw my college of work staying there overnight just to have an affair with my boss and he's married with a new born child.i walked back to home wishing I could slit my throat, can't explain my level of disgust for that. In resume, I've been seeing the ugliest side of humans,that plus my previous bad experiences contributes for my lack of faith. 

      But I feel like your text gave me a North,so thank you

    4. platy


      I'm sorry you had to see that. Humans have a disgusting side, without a doubt. If you can  focus on good news. There are pages on FB or twitter dedicated to positive things people do, like rescuing animals on the brink of death. It can be a good reminder, especially in this dark world climate. Don't give up :)


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