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Manji 卍

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Manji 卍 last won the day on April 4 2019

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  1. Seriously,never get into drugs

    any kind of them. NEVER

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elazmus


      I've always wondered if my peers and I would have done better if they hadn't eagerly suggested focalin and benzos and shit to our parents when we didn't get good grades at age 12... there was obviously SOMETHING wrong with me/us, but in retrospect popping a bunch of amphetamines while going through puberty seems like we were TRYING to make it worse over time XD. As an adult  I've been revived like a half dozen times w cpr and narcan pens and a lot of my friends that still lived near me are dead now for similar reasons - I know most got the same deal I did at that age. Still, I just believe in personal responsibility at the end of the day!


      We would sit through the fucking (D.A.R.E. - anti-drug) presentation in grade school and I couldn't pay attention to the dangers of being on speed cuz I was on too much speed already....


    3. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      All seems fine when you keep only cigarettes and beer,but sooner or later an offer or invitation to experiment something "different" will come,and when you realize you're curious to know about it or someone pushes you into it

      And when you're depressed it's easier to get fooled cuz you're desperately looking for something to keep you numb or your mind shut

      I don't care much about my own life,but seeing my relatives worried and struggling bcuz of my own mistakes is a shit

    4. The Moon

      The Moon

      don't tell me how to live my life hun x

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