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  1. Like
    jaymee got a reaction from jiji94 in 「Plastic Tree Tribute~Transparent Branches~」 9/6 Release   
    Ugh god IDEK why Kiyoharu is so eager to crank out horrible shit for every tribute album under the sun. He must really need that coin.
  2. Like
    jaymee reacted to Saishu in 15-Artist D'ERLANGER Tribute Album Release 2017.9.13 + Lives   
    Those Crush compilations are another example of covers that were mostly sterile versions of the originals, though Merry's cover of Schwein no Isu was okay. 
    But yeah, I don't expect a cover to be exactly the same as the original, I just want it to sound like the band gave a shit when they recorded it. 
  3. Like
    jaymee reacted to cvltic in Bangya Hacks! (Advice for Attending VK Lives)   
    lmao someone tried this at a (fairly large) lynch. show and she got told to put it away by Reo and dragged on twitter/tanuki for it. i'm sure OP knows already but definitely try to follow the crowd on this one or you'll stick out in a bad way....

    for ensei hotels i highly recommend jalan.net, it requires a basic understanding of japanese but i've managed to stay in hotels that are cheaper than hostel dormitories and much better, on top of being private. even better if you have a travel partner. i'm too paranoid to sleep in net cafes...
  4. LOLOL
    jaymee reacted to emmny in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    i love that DEG sell garbage cans, nice to know irony isn't lost on them!
  5. Thanks
    jaymee got a reaction from Zeus in Lawson/Loppi System Trouble   
    This tweet from a girl who had a bad experience with Lawson canceling her tickets is making the rounds on Japanese Twitter. Although this might be a rare situation, just something to note in case someone here experiences the same trouble.
    To summarize:
    She got an e-mail that her pre-sale ticket reservation was approved and paid for them at Lawson. After that, she then receives an e-mail that her tickets have been cancelled, so she calls Lawson customer service to figure out what's up. The female operator tells her that her tickets were cancelled that morning, and assumes she cancelled them. The girl insists she wasn't the one that cancelled them, has already paid, and asks if the tickets can be re-validated/re-issued. The operator says that this isn't possible, and the girl asks if she can look into the details/status of the cancellation. The operator obliges, and the girl is switched to someone higher up, this time a male operator. 
    The male operator tells her that it will take up to two weeks to look into the situation, but even if the reason is found, the tickets still will not be able to be re-validated/re-issued. The only thing she can do is try another pre-sale or wait for the general sale. He also states that they usually don't refund ticket sales, but since she didn't cancel the tickets herself, they will refund her if she sends the receipt.
    Lawson calls her back a second time, this time a higher up representative than before. He tells her they didn't find any evidence she had cancelled the tickets herself. He also tells her customer service has been notified in detail about the situation, however it doesn't change the fact that they cannot re-validate/re-issue the tickets. They tell her to feel free to share her story online, etc. in case there are people with similar issues.
    They call her back a third time, to report that it was some kind of system error that caused her approved ticket reservation to disappear from the system. They apologize and tell her to try again for the general sale tickets. There's nothing she can do so she has no choice but to let it go.
    However, what's interesting is that from this, a lot of commenters have reported about instances where Lawson has double-booked tickets, given out incorrect reservation numbers  (numbers that are too long to fit into the Loppi reservation machine), given tickets for areas that were off-limits/not being used on the day of, and failed to send tickets out in a timely manner.
    Some events/artists only sell through Lawson, so this is obviously worrisome for many. Anyways, might be something to keep in mind should you experience any strange errors when reserving live tickets.
  6. Like
    jaymee reacted to Elazmus in GOEMON RECORDS new band, "POIDOL" will form   
    this was what i was thinking, i like it!
  7. LOLOL
    jaymee reacted to Takadanobabaalien in 15-Artist D'ERLANGER Tribute Album Release 2017.9.13 + Lives   
    There's not a single song that sounds good to far. How did Kiyoharu and slut banks fuck their songs up so bad though? 
  8. Like
    jaymee got a reaction from YuyoDrift in New retro wave/retro electro/synthwave   
    Satellite Young is a Japanese band I recently discovered through a friend, but I feel like since they're synthwave they'd get way more love here. (And since they played SXSW back in March they seem to be gaining a lot more international attention lately.)
    Their sound captures that period of synthy 80s anime openings/endings so well it's almost hard to believe they're a modern group.
    Someone upped their entire album, of which I'm pressed to find any track I don't like. My favorite is probably "Ai no Threnody" tho. (20:35)
  9. Like
    jaymee got a reaction from jiji94 in MH FEATURED POLL #43: Do You Have Any Conscious Racial or Ethnic Preferences in Dating?   
    I ended up marrying a Japanese person, but I have no ethnic preferences nor any pale/dark skin ones. There are plenty of hot guys from any corner of the globe.
    Aesthetically/fantasy-wise I think VK guys are really hot, but reality-wise I like guys with a little more meat on their bones that aren't so feminine-looking, if that makes sense. Besides not being too skinny, my personal physical preferences are must be neat/groomed without an extreme amount of body hair, decent skin, and a nice head of hair. Otherwise I'm not too fixated on body type- muscular, chubby, normal, etc. is all good with me. 

    My only thing dating/relationship-wise is that from early on I was never interested in dating just to date or one night stands. I always needed to feel some kind of emotional connection to the person. Also, I could never date someone trying to impose their religion on me.
  10. Thanks
    jaymee got a reaction from TheZigzagoon in [LYRICS] Kiyoharu - Note (romaji lyrics and english translation)   
    Here you go...
    Kiyoharu - NOOTO (Notebook)
  11. Like
    jaymee got a reaction from r... in Lawson/Loppi System Trouble   
    This tweet from a girl who had a bad experience with Lawson canceling her tickets is making the rounds on Japanese Twitter. Although this might be a rare situation, just something to note in case someone here experiences the same trouble.
    To summarize:
    She got an e-mail that her pre-sale ticket reservation was approved and paid for them at Lawson. After that, she then receives an e-mail that her tickets have been cancelled, so she calls Lawson customer service to figure out what's up. The female operator tells her that her tickets were cancelled that morning, and assumes she cancelled them. The girl insists she wasn't the one that cancelled them, has already paid, and asks if the tickets can be re-validated/re-issued. The operator says that this isn't possible, and the girl asks if she can look into the details/status of the cancellation. The operator obliges, and the girl is switched to someone higher up, this time a male operator. 
    The male operator tells her that it will take up to two weeks to look into the situation, but even if the reason is found, the tickets still will not be able to be re-validated/re-issued. The only thing she can do is try another pre-sale or wait for the general sale. He also states that they usually don't refund ticket sales, but since she didn't cancel the tickets herself, they will refund her if she sends the receipt.
    Lawson calls her back a second time, this time a higher up representative than before. He tells her they didn't find any evidence she had cancelled the tickets herself. He also tells her customer service has been notified in detail about the situation, however it doesn't change the fact that they cannot re-validate/re-issue the tickets. They tell her to feel free to share her story online, etc. in case there are people with similar issues.
    They call her back a third time, to report that it was some kind of system error that caused her approved ticket reservation to disappear from the system. They apologize and tell her to try again for the general sale tickets. There's nothing she can do so she has no choice but to let it go.
    However, what's interesting is that from this, a lot of commenters have reported about instances where Lawson has double-booked tickets, given out incorrect reservation numbers  (numbers that are too long to fit into the Loppi reservation machine), given tickets for areas that were off-limits/not being used on the day of, and failed to send tickets out in a timely manner.
    Some events/artists only sell through Lawson, so this is obviously worrisome for many. Anyways, might be something to keep in mind should you experience any strange errors when reserving live tickets.
  12. Like
    jaymee got a reaction from suji in GOEMON RECORDS new band, "POIDOL" will form   
    Well, Goemon Records is billing this new band as their "third assassin", so basically they plan on this band being their new, biggest killer after Arlequin and Pentagon. I think it would be a bit silly for them to exaggerate that much if this was just a band full of newbs/nobodies, but hey, wouldn't be the first time for a new band to get a lot of fake hype... lol
    As for the band's name, I'm guessing POIDOL is some kind of romaji rendering of "poi" (toss something away) + "idol" to mean something like "throw-away/cast-away idols".
  13. Like
    jaymee got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in Dir en grey   
    Kyo looks like he's trying to channel Ao lol
  14. Like
    jaymee reacted to evenor in 15-Artist D'ERLANGER Tribute Album Release 2017.9.13 + Lives   
    Kiyoharu sounds HORRIBLE in that sample!
  15. Like
    jaymee reacted to Jigsaw9 in 15-Artist D'ERLANGER Tribute Album Release 2017.9.13 + Lives   
    Not many of these sound particularly interesting or even fitting for the artists so far (cringing at Kiyoharu trying to struggle through with those syllables, lol).
    Maybe DIR EN GREY can do something cool with their track since it's a pretty wild one to begin with. MERRY is soundin' decent too.
  16. Like
    jaymee reacted to doombox in 15-Artist D'ERLANGER Tribute Album Release 2017.9.13 + Lives   
  17. Like
    jaymee reacted to hotcocoa in Bangya Hacks! (Advice for Attending VK Lives)   
    I have to agree with @jaymee that when you have a problem with a specific person at the live you shouldn't confront them directly. If you don't know anyone there talk to the staff if the problem is really bad, or at least relocate. It's better to enjoy the band from the other place than spend time fuming being close to the stage.
    Personally I had more good than bad experiences with other gya. My Japanese friends sometimes joke about me getting more attention, but never in a bad way.
    Nice thing to do is also to remember about the whole give and take rule. For many gyas exchanging small gifts at lives is part of the culture, so you can have some small sweets for the time in the line (especially if you can bring something from your home country), if your band was ever abroad and you have some pictures from that time many girls would love to see them. 
    Wouldn't not paying for a reserved ticket make that account not worth keeping? I think some sites have penalties (as in getting a worse number or less chances of winning the lottery) if you don't pay for the ticket?
    And also agree about jouren - when 9GBO was still around no matter in which city I went to see them I always saw the same few women in saizen...
    The other thing I really disliked about their concerts was that the first few rows would have so much space when the fans in the back would be absolutely squeezed. No matter how many times venue staff might ask for fans to move the first few rows would never do that. I know gya want to look all pretty and pull their awesome moves, but it's counterproductive for getting their favorite band new fans and is very inconsiderate towards other gya. I guess this is similar for many other bands as well.
  18. Like
    jaymee got a reaction from Komorebi in Bangya Hacks! (Advice for Attending VK Lives)   
    Just out of curiosity, how are you having issues with Japanese bangya outside of Japan? Is this like with the gya who follow bands overseas? Because as you can probably tell by their willingness to drop everything and follow a band to Europe or whatever, they probably are pretty obsessed/may be crazy lol.

    When a (Japanese or foreign) gya slights me, I usually don't do anything back. Often they are just ignorant or they often do the same to other people, so they start off with or already have a crappy reputation with the members, other gya, or both. Once some newb fan (I say newb because she didn't seem old enough to have been following the band extensively) tried to run up and push me and another girl out of saizen and Tanuki was real quick to shit on this person the next day. Since then, I haven't noticed this girl trying to aggressively push her way up, or really sticking to the front much, since she got burnt.
    As a foreigner/minority, unfortunately you will also come out looking like the aggressor if you escalate the situation or actively try to pull other gya in to mediate. This goes for work relationships and stuff here as well. Also, I feel like bands who give a ton of visibly unnecessary attention to foreigner (girls) are kind of shitty themselves. They should know better that this behavior will pit you against the crazier types. Guys tend to get a free pass because they're not seen as "competition", but not always. Also, fan cattiness gets worse the younger/more immature the fanbase is.
    All of this! And yeah sometimes some of the worst gossip in the scene back in the day was perpetuated by foreign gya themselves.
  19. Like
    jaymee got a reaction from AmberCrystal17 in Mix Speaker's,Inc. will disband   
    So reading though all of it, it seems that although AYA and seek had no intentions of leaving MSI to continue with PLC, some or all of the other members had their reservations about them continuing with two bands at the same time, and finally in light of this, NIKA and Miki felt they could no longer continue to be a part of MSI. It doesn't seem like AYA and seek were slacking off any in MSI, just that some or all of the members felt everyone's hearts should be in the same place with just their one band.
    If re-posting this/these translation(s) elsewhere, please link back here/credit me, yeah?

    Imporant Announcement from Mix Speakers,Inc.
    Imporant Announcement from Mix Speakers,Inc.
    We’d like to express our sincerest gratitude for your continued support of Mix Speakers,Inc.
    Following the EX THEATER ROPPONGI performance on February 25, 2018, Mix Speakers,Inc. will disband.
    We deeply apologize from the bottom of our hearts for this sudden announcement.
    We are sincerely grateful to all of our fans, staff, and everyone who has supported us during these many, 11 years.
    Mix Speakers,Inc.
    [ S. ]
    AYA posted some follow-up tweets in light of the disbandment announcement, and I felt like this one was particularly relevant:
    "What’s next
    After MSI’s disbandment was decided, I did a lot of thinking. I thought about retiring, and I also thought about devoting myself entirely to Psycho le Cemu, but I can’t help but still want to keep making my own music.
    Nothing has changed about wanting to express myself and I still have much to give.
    I’m not sure what form of activity this will take, but I want to create a new place to express myself."
    So it seems like regardless of PLC getting back together, AYA didn't want to contain himself to just one outlet of expression. Perhaps seek feels the same way, although he hasn't posted or expressed any thoughts since tweeting about MSI's disbandment announcement.
  20. Like
    jaymee got a reaction from AmberCrystal17 in Mix Speaker's,Inc. will disband   
    Actually I'll just go ahead and post a translation of the general announcement and NIKA's message first, because I think it offers the most insight into what is going on. I'll update with the others later.
    Imporant Announcement from Mix Speakers,Inc.
    Imporant Announcement from Mix Speakers,Inc.
    We’d like to express our sincerest gratitude for your continued support of Mix Speakers,Inc.
    Following the EX THEATER ROPPONGI performance on February 25, 2018, Mix Speakers,Inc. will disband.
    We deeply apologize from the bottom of our hearts for this sudden announcement.
    We are sincerely grateful to all of our fans, staff, and everyone who has supported us during these many, 11 years.
    Mix Speakers,Inc.
    Just as it says, we’ve decided to disband.
    I’m sorry to surprise you all with such sudden news.
    I know this must come as a betrayal to those of you who have supported us up until now, and were hopeful about or were anticipating more to come in the future, but as painful and regretful as it is, it can’t be helped.
    We’ve been together for a long time.
    We were able to forge many strong bonds during our activities, but we’ve also had a growing number of disagreements between us.
    Although I’ve tried to bridge these disagreements once becoming aware of them, and it was my intention to put forth my best effort so we could continue together in the future, it was just too much for me.
    For this I am truly sorry.
    When we were together, stupid things would get blown up, but we’d stay positive through it all, and united on making our live shows and music the best we could.
    It isn’t that there’s bad blood or anything like that between us.
    This is the honest truth.
    Even bearing the heaviness of these arguments on our shoulders, we pressed on with our band activities, because we love all of you bangya princesses and princes so much.
    And because of that, I’d like to keep a bright, Mix Speakers,Inc.-like smile on my face until the very, very end.
    I’ve decided that Mix Speakers will be my last band, so after our disbandment I have no plans to form another band or take the stage again.
    So I sincerely ask that somehow, you come to say goodbye.
    In order to make Mix Speakers, Inc. stand out, even if it's just a little bit more, all of us will be putting everything we have into our final tour.
    Finally, to all of you who have supported us up until this point, you have my sincerest gratitude.
    I hope you’ll continue to support us for just a little longer.
  21. 悲しい
    jaymee got a reaction from AmberCrystal17 in Mix Speaker's,Inc. will disband   
    They posted the news today on their official site:
    I'll translate the member messages later tonight if anyone is interested. (Since every member wrote something it's kind of long and I don't have enough time before my lunch break ends...)
  22. Like
    jaymee got a reaction from zombieparadise in Bangya Hacks! (Advice for Attending VK Lives)   
    I figured it would be cool to have a thread like this for people just starting out going to lives, or maybe even some of you veterans out there that are always trying to make the most of your time and/or maximize efficiency getting in and out.
    Hack #1: Getting Good Ticket Numbers

    Hack #2: Getting a Locker
    Hack #3: Have Everything Ready

    Hack #4: How to Bring Your Own Drink/Keep It Out of the Way
    Hack #5: Buying Goods
    Hack #6: Trying to See Better if You’re Short
    Hack #7: Showing Your Spirit
    Hack #8: Making gya friends
    Hack #9: Saving Money on Transportation Costs
    Hack #10: Finding Cheap/Close Accommodation
    Hack #11: Buying Tickets
    Hack #12: Bringing/Giving a Gift
    If you know of more tricks, please add to the list by replying! 
    EDITED 5/23/2018 with suggestions from the replies  Also, thanks mod @platyfor the sticky!
  23. Like
    jaymee got a reaction from platy in Bangya Hacks! (Advice for Attending VK Lives)   
    Definitely this if you are only here temporarily and can make the most out of the pass.

    Agreed just taking the atmosphere of a band/their fans the first time is good if you don't know what general VK live manners are yet. I have mixed feelings on furi. Sometimes it's really lame, sometimes it's simple/non-obtrusive enough to tolerate, sometimes it's crazy fun, and sometimes it just makes no sense and gets in the way.

    I like headbanging/fist pumping if the song is actually worth head banging or pumping to. Nothing worse than a band trying to get you to headbang to some crap pop rock lol. But if the shows are head banging/gyaku dai/etc. heavy, I think fans should have some general manners about it. Dir fans (especially a lot of the gyao) at the Androgynos shows were too aggressive and had no idea how to headbang without bumping into me/other fans and were bad about trying to push up front at times when it wasn't really appropriate. Push up during gyakudai and stuff, sure, but like using your fist to punch forward and make the other person move out of the way to avoid your fist so you can take that spot between them or just aggressively pushing people during jumping songs is kinda rude. Then again, gya who take too much space in the front and try to elbow people trying to fill in the space gaps out are also pretty rude. It's a fine balance, lol.

    Yeah, every band has their crazies who are obsessive/actually "in love" with their favorite member and will try to do everything they can not to have to share. It's dumb and immature. Rest easy knowing that if the girl is a jouren, her favorite member probably hates her guts tbh lol. A good band will watch closely what the girls/guys in the front are doing, and it's not uncommon for them to frown on or subtly discourage inappropriate behavior. More than once I've noticed a member making eye contact to check up on me or other fans in the front when girls or the occasional guy rudely tries to push themselves forward. Or someone will "out" that person on Tanuki and/or through gossip among fans to nip it in the bud. If there is an especially bad fan, sometimes it's common knowledge that a certain song was written especially with them in mind, and not in a flattering way lol.

    Yep, definitely switch out! And dear god, if you are a newb (especially a gaijin newb), the fastest way to become unpopular is to push your way from a distance to the front in an inappropriate manner.

    LOL the shit crowd surfers. At The ROMEO lives, the nice ones would at least take their shoes off or wear "soft" shoes. I feel like being kicked in the face by a crowd surfing casual lolita in platforms or otherwise is some kind of bangya right of passage lol. But like... the crappy bandmen from new/no1curr bands diving can be just as bad or worse lol. 
  24. Like
    jaymee got a reaction from qotka in Bangya Hacks! (Advice for Attending VK Lives)   
    Definitely this if you are only here temporarily and can make the most out of the pass.

    Agreed just taking the atmosphere of a band/their fans the first time is good if you don't know what general VK live manners are yet. I have mixed feelings on furi. Sometimes it's really lame, sometimes it's simple/non-obtrusive enough to tolerate, sometimes it's crazy fun, and sometimes it just makes no sense and gets in the way.

    I like headbanging/fist pumping if the song is actually worth head banging or pumping to. Nothing worse than a band trying to get you to headbang to some crap pop rock lol. But if the shows are head banging/gyaku dai/etc. heavy, I think fans should have some general manners about it. Dir fans (especially a lot of the gyao) at the Androgynos shows were too aggressive and had no idea how to headbang without bumping into me/other fans and were bad about trying to push up front at times when it wasn't really appropriate. Push up during gyakudai and stuff, sure, but like using your fist to punch forward and make the other person move out of the way to avoid your fist so you can take that spot between them or just aggressively pushing people during jumping songs is kinda rude. Then again, gya who take too much space in the front and try to elbow people trying to fill in the space gaps out are also pretty rude. It's a fine balance, lol.

    Yeah, every band has their crazies who are obsessive/actually "in love" with their favorite member and will try to do everything they can not to have to share. It's dumb and immature. Rest easy knowing that if the girl is a jouren, her favorite member probably hates her guts tbh lol. A good band will watch closely what the girls/guys in the front are doing, and it's not uncommon for them to frown on or subtly discourage inappropriate behavior. More than once I've noticed a member making eye contact to check up on me or other fans in the front when girls or the occasional guy rudely tries to push themselves forward. Or someone will "out" that person on Tanuki and/or through gossip among fans to nip it in the bud. If there is an especially bad fan, sometimes it's common knowledge that a certain song was written especially with them in mind, and not in a flattering way lol.

    Yep, definitely switch out! And dear god, if you are a newb (especially a gaijin newb), the fastest way to become unpopular is to push your way from a distance to the front in an inappropriate manner.

    LOL the shit crowd surfers. At The ROMEO lives, the nice ones would at least take their shoes off or wear "soft" shoes. I feel like being kicked in the face by a crowd surfing casual lolita in platforms or otherwise is some kind of bangya right of passage lol. But like... the crappy bandmen from new/no1curr bands diving can be just as bad or worse lol. 
  25. Like
    jaymee reacted to AwesomeNyappy in Going to Japan + recommendations of events   
    I second that! You really need to explore the side streets in Harajuku to really find the good suff. They have some great second hand shops there.
    And since you mentioned Goth as well...I saw a Goth bar somewhere in Roppongi.
    Always walk away from the tourist/ the noise and explore the area, and you'll discover some great shops.
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