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  1. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to Komorebi in DIEALO 3 members will depart   
    Ahahahahahahaha they lasted even less than I was expecting ahahaha
    I knew it was a matter of time for Jun to get fed up with Naru's shit.
    Jun was the leader, so let's see how Diealo stands now lol
  2. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to Takadanobabaalien in 黒百合と影 Kuroyuri to kage   
    they're officially looking for a drummer now
  3. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to Himeaimichu in 黒百合と影 Kuroyuri to kage   
    Speaking of Koyomi, I found something interesting recently. Turns out, the vocalist of Dezert (Chiaki) used to play in the same band with Koyomi. They both were in Yukilein. Also, their support guitarist was also the guitarist for Mei's old band, Rose Valley. The ex guitarist of Rose Valley is now in Smile Berry. I always wondered why Kuroyuri and Dezert seemed to have the same influences, and turns out, it's because the members know eachother. I wonder what Koyomi's personal music influences are though. His twitter is gone, so I can't see who he followed. 
    I know that they all obviously listened to a lot of Nu Metal. Kuro and K both like Limp Bizkit (I hope they only like them for the guitars, since Fred Durst is a horrible rapper xD. I know a lot of people though who listen to Limp Bizkit for the guitars though. And I can see that since they have a pretty creative guitarist). Also, Kuro is a fan of Kuroyume. Also, K posted on instagram that he listened to 50 cent xD (It's no surprise he listens to rap, tbh. He looks like the kind of person who would). Mei also personally listens to Caligari and Korn. (I'm basing most of this on what they follow on Twitter and Instagram) And of course they all follow Dir En Grey on twitter. 
    Back when Kuroyuri was Memento Mori, they also got to play with Inugami Circus Dan once (Below is a picture of Mei with Kyouko.) and it's obvious the members love EroguroKei. I mean, Kuro and Koyomi's riffing has a LOT of Mucc influence, and commonly reference the art of Suehiro Maruo. I also noticed some Ningen Isu influence, but it's very slight and is mostly in their stuff as Memento Mori, which had quite a bit of doom metal influence at times (Especially Joroya). Also, a lot of Kuroyuri's songs definitely have a Korn influence and even Funk in general. So maybe sometimes the Kuroyuri boys are jamming out to James Brown and George Clinton Pariliament Funkadelic xD. Ok, I'm kidding there but I do think that maybe they do listen to a little bit of real funk. 
    Does anyone remember who Koyomi followed on Twitter? Is there a way to see a deleted twitter account? xD. 
    Or do any of you know any other influences on Kuroyuri To Kage? I like delving into a band's influence so I can deconstruct their music and look at it in a different light. 

  4. Like
    zaa_zaa got a reaction from suji in DIMLIM 1st minialbum VARIOUS   
    1) They were getting several thousand views an hour with NO exposure on foreign websites, and zero-to-none exposure on Japanese social media.
    2) As such, they got to 116k within 4 days, and the very first day they had at best 4k. There was a time period when they got around 20k within 3 (!!!) Hours. I dare you to find me anything on any social media that would bring them so much natural trafic.
    3) After that, they gained 1.5k during 7 days-ish. Assuming that they naturally got 120k views within 4 days, it's impossible to have such a drastic fall in views.
    4) Also, they had a very unnatural ratio of likes-to-views until they reached 100k - it was around 300-400 likes. Again, it's impossible to have such a small number of likes when you have natural trafic, unless you somehow get exposed to an audience that just doesn't care about your music to such a degree, that they don't even give you a dislike.
    5) They are playing in such a niche genre, especially for visual kei, that they can't have that many fans even if you take all the bangyas and mitsus from D.I.D., Deviloof and Airish (which they have not that many of). 
    So we can conclude that they bought the views - unnatural trafic, strange likes-to-views ratio, drastic fall of views, the fact that they don't have that many fans, the fact that they had almost zero exposure on the social media.
  5. Like
    zaa_zaa got a reaction from Aferni in DIMLIM 1st minialbum VARIOUS   
    1) They were getting several thousand views an hour with NO exposure on foreign websites, and zero-to-none exposure on Japanese social media.
    2) As such, they got to 116k within 4 days, and the very first day they had at best 4k. There was a time period when they got around 20k within 3 (!!!) Hours. I dare you to find me anything on any social media that would bring them so much natural trafic.
    3) After that, they gained 1.5k during 7 days-ish. Assuming that they naturally got 120k views within 4 days, it's impossible to have such a drastic fall in views.
    4) Also, they had a very unnatural ratio of likes-to-views until they reached 100k - it was around 300-400 likes. Again, it's impossible to have such a small number of likes when you have natural trafic, unless you somehow get exposed to an audience that just doesn't care about your music to such a degree, that they don't even give you a dislike.
    5) They are playing in such a niche genre, especially for visual kei, that they can't have that many fans even if you take all the bangyas and mitsus from D.I.D., Deviloof and Airish (which they have not that many of). 
    So we can conclude that they bought the views - unnatural trafic, strange likes-to-views ratio, drastic fall of views, the fact that they don't have that many fans, the fact that they had almost zero exposure on the social media.
  6. Like
    zaa_zaa got a reaction from Shir0 in DIMLIM 1st minialbum VARIOUS   
    1) They were getting several thousand views an hour with NO exposure on foreign websites, and zero-to-none exposure on Japanese social media.
    2) As such, they got to 116k within 4 days, and the very first day they had at best 4k. There was a time period when they got around 20k within 3 (!!!) Hours. I dare you to find me anything on any social media that would bring them so much natural trafic.
    3) After that, they gained 1.5k during 7 days-ish. Assuming that they naturally got 120k views within 4 days, it's impossible to have such a drastic fall in views.
    4) Also, they had a very unnatural ratio of likes-to-views until they reached 100k - it was around 300-400 likes. Again, it's impossible to have such a small number of likes when you have natural trafic, unless you somehow get exposed to an audience that just doesn't care about your music to such a degree, that they don't even give you a dislike.
    5) They are playing in such a niche genre, especially for visual kei, that they can't have that many fans even if you take all the bangyas and mitsus from D.I.D., Deviloof and Airish (which they have not that many of). 
    So we can conclude that they bought the views - unnatural trafic, strange likes-to-views ratio, drastic fall of views, the fact that they don't have that many fans, the fact that they had almost zero exposure on the social media.
  7. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to suji in ミサルカ (Misaruka) SE collection album "-Arcobaleno-" release   
    tldr, they're a bootleg ripoff of Versailles, their music sucks, who wants to like a band that threatens their fans with disbandment if they don't come to their lives/buy this many copies of their shit???...
    oh, and it's called an opinion.
  8. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to suji in ミサルカ (Misaruka) SE collection album "-Arcobaleno-" release   
    Misaruka members session, 「悪意と悲劇」, will perform at HOLIDAY SHINJUKU on June 16.
    「悪意と悲劇」 lineup:
    Vo.rui (Misaruka)
    Gt.Raizo(Scarlet Valse)
    Ba.Kenta(KISS the CROWN)
    How the hell they got Mayu, I have no idea.
  9. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to suji in D 14th anniversary oneman event + new looks!   
    D will hold their 14th anniversary oneman event, 「ヴァイスヴァルトの花嫁/シュヴァルツヴァルトの獣」 (Weisswald no Hanayome/Schwarzwald no Kemono), on April 6, April 14, and April 15.
    2017/4/6 [木] TSUTAYA O-WEST
    2017/4/14 [金] 名古屋Electric Lady Land
    2017/4/15 [土] ESAKA MUSE
    Ruiza's solo band will make a guest appearance.
    Bride of Weisswald:

    Beast of Schwarzwald:

    I'm so mad they got rid of that elf look so quickly...
  10. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to Takadanobabaalien in new band アザレア (azalea) will form + single release   
    These guys taking the piss at Hina @ lucifers underground with that name
  11. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to emmny in DIMLIM 1st minialbum VARIOUS   
  12. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to anadentone in THE EGOIST Vo.Rouis has departed + they have disbanded   
    hire Ice as their new lead singer, come back as Narcissist ?
  13. Like
    zaa_zaa got a reaction from suji in DIMLIM 1st minialbum VARIOUS   
    100k in two days.

    Four hours ago it was 85k.

    Can't believe it is legit. Kinda sad, tho, that the band seems to have bought the views.
    Regardless of how good they are, they didn't receive any coverage on any major website about music, and I doubt that they have so many mitsu and bangya to get that many views.
  14. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to suji in SHAPE SHIFTER will disband + last live DVD   
    Honestly, the only thing I remember about this band was when we found out that Tomoka was Tomozo xD other than that, their music was bland af. Hopefully Z reforms Art Cube or focuses more on Moi dix Mois.
  15. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to YuyoDrift in TRACES VOL.2: Can You Hear a Difference Between iTunes Store and Hi-Res?   
    The answer is a little complicated.
    Does this Hi-Res copy sound better than say, a 320kbps copy? Yes, by a mile.
    Does it sound better than a FLAC copy? That's to be debated.
    People would be correct to conclude that the human ear is not capable of distinguishing anything higher than 20KHz, and so it would be a waste.
    What they don't know is that that is 1/2 the truth.
    In reality, we actually can hear the difference.
    The only problem is, the volume would have to be turned up so high, that it would cause hearing impairment at those frequencies. So not the most pleasant listening experience.
    Plus, most listeners aren't even aware as to what to look for in differences between the two.
    Finally, you'd have to be in a dead silent room (the average environment is about 30db of noise) in order to even get the chance to do any of this.
    Another issue is that NO DAC/Amp, or device on the market in 2017 is even remotely capable of, or ever will, be able to reproduce anything higher than 20Bits.
    Trust me, I've looked (and even done a research paper on this lol). Modern Tech is just not at that point yet to reproduce frequencies that high.
    What this means is that no HD/Hi-Res copy will be capable of being 24bit due to tech being shit still. So we are stuck with 20bit max.
    Why is it called 24bit then? Well techies will tell you that we count bits by 8.
    8bit (Think Video Game Music), 16bit (FLAC Quality), and 24bit (HD, Hi-Res, SACD)
    24bit Hi-Res is not intended to be used by the average consumer, but it is made available to us because well, why not?
    It is intended for Audio Engineers, who use low-pass filtering for master recording and/or editing (kinda like a graphic designer/photo editor using RAW formatted images).
    So this quality of music is really only able to be used in software, otherwise the raw frequencies of sound can kill your audio devices.
    Plus, the recording companies are greedy SOBs that would never share master records with the average consumer. Those golden days are over.
    Our entertainment systems have been made possible  to listen to at least 60db of sound affordably (on purpose, some might say), because any more would require more power (current) and amplification, to the point that we'd all be broke as shit if we wanted to hear this to it's real sound.
    This can go way deeper in explanation, but I will stop here.
    Take advantage of @Aeolus' kind gesture, and add this copy to your Music Collection.
    You'll NEVER be able to play this in 24bit, because not even master recording equipment can. So don't BS anyone about your 5K sound equipment lol.
    Record companies have purposely made audio sound like shit nowadays for their own profit.
    Unless you listen to this in a sound booth at ear exploding volumes, then it'll probably sound the same as FLAC.
    So enjoy this Hi-Res album, using a simple DAC/Amp and a really nice set of Noise-Cancelling Headphones for now.
    Your crappy HP laptop headphone port isn't gonna cut it folks.
  16. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to Shir0 in DIMLIM 1st minialbum VARIOUS   
    you mean アハレワタ?
    Also Issei is baaaack!! (ex. D.I.D)
    from Visualioner:
    Vo. Sho → DIMLIM
    Gt. Ryuuya → All Must Die → Deviloof → DIMLIM
    Gt. Retsu → D.I.D.(roadie) → D.I.D.(support) → DIMLIM
    Ba. Tsubasa → Airish (Haiji) → DIMLIM(Tsubasa)
    Dr. Issei → Saya → HATED, Amulet*(support) → Harvey → (V-Family→freesia) → Shin sekai → Neo → 2the DISCOLAND(tekede) → D.I.D.(support/Issei) → D.I.D. → DIMLIM
  17. Like
    zaa_zaa got a reaction from blackdream in -OZ- one-day revival   
    Oh my god

    That's some amazing shit!
    Where's the source, btw?
  18. Like
    zaa_zaa got a reaction from blackdream in -OZ- one-day revival   
    FUK you =D

    I just realized, man
  19. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to Yukami in Noi'x will revive & new single release   
    vo.詩那 (ex.NOi'X)
    gt.吏 (ex.朱鷺)
    dr.杏 (ex.forCroiX)


  20. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to blackdream in -OZ- one-day revival   
    -OZ- will "revive for one-day" with original members at Shibuya O-WEST on 2017/07/07 at which an important announcement will be made.
  21. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to Karma’s Hat in X Japan new album scheduled for 30th of TBD   
    I dare people to listen to that thing from beginning to end. That kind of flaccid low testosterone arena rock is just about the worst thing in the world next to poverty and cancer. I don't think it's as spectacularly bad as born to be free, although I wonder who on earth would listen to it in 2017 for god sake.
  22. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to Alkaloid in NightingeiL will reform   
    NightingeiL will perform at Ikebukuro BLACK HOLE at 2017/7/27.
    As they have also opened a Twitter account, could they be reforming? 
    Lineup at 2017/7/27:
    Vo.紺 (Kon) (ex-La'Mule-->Red Carpet-->NightingeiL-->CELL)
    Gt.カイエ (Kaie) (ex-Material Slave-->Romance for~-->WITH SEXY-->HYSTERIC BLAME-->Vasalla-->ゲノ(geno)-->Cryella-->dead mark enterprise-->Red Carpet-->NightingeiL-->KISSBULLET)
    Ba.零 (Zero) (ex-ギロチン(guillotine)-->Kar'MariA-->Domestic+Child-->ギミック(gimmick)(support)-->GHOST-->Hi:BRiD-->パネマジ(Panel Magic))
    Dr.ハクヤ (Hakuya) (ex-CROWS DIEARLY-->イクス(ex)(support)-->独立国歌-Ashe'--->VARB-->NightingeiL-->Louder-->PolterGeist, now in Dear My Misery)
  23. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to nekkichi in Shinya of Dir en grey new solo project SERAPH   
    rip legendary queen, her selling out tours in Chelyabinsk gave every1 good memes
  24. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to Nowhere Girl in Shinya of Dir en grey new solo project SERAPH   
    Interesting. The DIRU IZ DED OMFG conversation has come up constantly since THE FINAL, and we've laughed it off as ridiculous. Now we're in a weird position where 3/5 of the band are doing other things, and the band themselves have been extensively touring most of their old material from past to present like some kind of last hurrah. These could be the final days. On the other hand, Dir en grey is WAY too big to just lie down. There's money there, whereas I doubt most people will care too much about these side-projects. Perhaps they're feeling creatively bankrupt as Dir en grey and need to move on. Or maybe these solo endeavours exist simply to fill in the down-time between DEG tours. 
    Of course, we can speculate, but there's really no way of knowing.
  25. Like
    zaa_zaa reacted to nekkichi in Shinya of Dir en grey new solo project SERAPH   
    mama looking *exhausted* but also v. artful
    are Dir en grey truly over now?
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