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Everything posted by heresytrash

  1. My ex coworker expects me to pay for her ticket for Panic! again this year, how does one tell someone that you are not in the nicest way possible?

    1. heresytrash


      Thing is, I've already told her this twice but it seems she thinks I'm going to pay upfront for it and 'she can pay me back later' when I know it won't happen. orz 

    2. platy


      then just say I CAN'T REALLY DO THAT AT THE MOMENT BITCH. Play the victim, your financial situation isn't good at the moment, you gotta pay for health bills or something lol

    3. heresytrash


      Yeah, I'm going to go that route. Thank you!

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  2. heresytrash

    While DOGMA was good in it's own aspect, it's one of those albums that I feel is best heard LIVE. I didn't like the actual song DOGMA until I saw them in LA, and my friend didn't really like the album as a whole until she went to DOGMATIC-UN. I don't feel DOGMA caused them to gain any new fans at all, if at all it wasn't much. The fandom has always been pretty big. Also NINTH was said to be DOGMA 2.0 which I hope isn't the case. Also I'm just really hoping that Aoi and the others got to compose songs on NINTH, rather it being just Ruki's vision.
  3. heresytrash

    That makes more sense then. I wish the GazettE would do vinyl, but it'd be very expensive too. .__. I barely use Itunes anymore unless I want to listen to stuff that isn't on my Spotify anyway. But I guess I do like the packaging in CD's too, I like to hold them in my hand and look at them-but that's just me.
  4. heresytrash

    Unfortunately it'll always be an issue, it happened with BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY came out where even the band noticed that links were being shared before the actual release date. Same as DOGMA. orz I'm worried about what will happen, especially since Ruki tweeted last night about something with Apple and LP. Not sure what it said, but it might effect album sales?
  5. heresytrash

    I just barely got Gama a couple of months ago and I can't believe I lived through my entire fanhood without it.
  6. heresytrash

    On the topic of HERESY, we've gotten those emails warning us that those who are sharing leaked photos are going to possibly get the site shut down. Not sure if it'll effect the Domestic fans, but it'll definitely effect the international fans and we don't get a lot other than their radio and a few photos.
  7. Panic!at the Disco is coming back to my state, and I legit started crying with happiness.....

    I need help.

  8. heresytrash

    If people don't like the GazettE however, it's because they aren't very impressed with their sound and that's okay. Even veteran fans lose interest and decide that their music isn't for them, but it shouldn't effect how you like them. It's not that they're 'haters', it's just that the GazettE's style isn't what they like and they voice their dislike as a form of critique. (Fans do this too, it's totally normal.) Also there are trolls who try to get a rise out of fans by saying mean shit, but you shouldn't pay attention to them like others have stated before.
  9. heresytrash

    Yeah I've learned that not everyone is going to like the GazettE, and I'm fine with that. Personally I think they sound great live, Ruki's vocals has been sounding good especially on the ABYSS/LUCY DVD, but that's just my general opinion.
  10. So I got a free Metallica CD cause I got tickets to see them in November, but I dunno if I wanna listen to it. lmaooo

  11. My birthday's in a month, welp. I'm an oldie.

  12. I hate getting up early for work, so used to going in later. 

  13. heresytrash

    Aoi always says stuff like that, so sometimes it has some sort of sad undertone to it since a lot of times when he brings a song to the table the others sort of turn it down. He stated in his last HERESY interview that Ruki said he wanted something different so that's what he did, and then Ruki was like "Oh, well that's too different."
  14. heresytrash

    Well, taken the fact that I got this rumor from another fan and I'm not familiar with Josh Wilbur to begin with, then yeah I guess it would make sense that I singled that out? I'm sorry if I don't seem smart in that area I guess. *shrug*
  15. heresytrash

    There's a rumor that Josh Wilbur, who mastered CROOKED TEETH by Papa Roach, also had a hand in mixing this new song/album. I'm wondering if that's true, if it is, it'll be interesting to see what the final product will sound like.
  16. GazettE fans acting like you can't have a negative response to new music is nothing new. As a fan I did like Falling, but hey it's not for everyone. 

  17. I wonder if it was a good idea to go with an HP this time around, but Toshiba doesn't make laptops anymore.

    1. Shmilly


      I've been using HP for the last 8 years or so and I'm pretty satisfied. At the moment I'm using their high-end OMEN gaming notebook which I picked up last year in the January sale discount.

    2. heresytrash


      That's good to hear, it was a choice between this Pavilion 360 convertible or a dell brand but everyone told me HP was better in quality.

  18. The Tumblr portion of the GazettE fandom reminds me why I left that platform to begin with lmaooo Ahhhh. well hello, everyone.

    1. suji


      you're always welcome here! heller~♥

  19. Wish I could've been at the coldrain budokan live 😭

    1. rekzer


      i hope they release it on DVD. I want to see this in better quality:



  20. Catching up on gotcharocka and I suddenly became obsessed with their song Ash. 

    1. Komorebi


      It's soooooo gooooood!!!

    2. leighla


      *o* if you need any recommendations, I'm a huge fan :3 Ash was sooooo great to hear live.

    3. heresytrash


      I'm currently going through their discography, thank you <3 

  21. I'm going to be in Seattle again in two months, wild.

    1. Mamo


      Nice say hi to the cast of Grey's Anatomy for me lol

    2. saishuu
    3. heresytrash


      I guess now I'm reminded why I don't come back lmao thanks

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  22. FATELESS has basically been on repeat for the past two months. I listen to other music, but I love it too much.

    1. freesia


      coldrain ftw!

  23. I need to go to another concert. 

  24. I got like three months until Seattle. 

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