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Everything posted by heresytrash

  1. heresytrash

    Yeah, I usually go to itunes if I can anymore. Though I would rather have the physical copy incase anything happens to my account. The Story is probably one of my favorite songs by them, I'm actually hoping to get a lyric tattoo based off it lol
  2. heresytrash

    Oh! I think a lot of the footage used in Wrong was taken from this tour! That's so cool ;A; I honestly loved the acoustic versions, but that's okay if you didn't like them. We all have our personal tastes. I really like Masato's vocals in those two, but I always was a sucker for Acoustic songs to begin with. I have only two physical copies of their albums though, the Revelation and Vena. Which both I got when I saw them the two times, and I'm sort of scared to touch one album cause they signed it for me.
  3. heresytrash

    Oh really? I didn't know that. When they played in the States, they were the opening band-but they haven't played in the States before their Northlane/Volumes tour so that's probably why. Wish I could've seen them then too. They have a new extension to their Vena Album, but that's it. Two new songs and two acoustic versions of Gone and the Story.
  4. heresytrash

    I got into them by chance because of a tweet I saw from a member of another band I liked. And honestly I'm surprised there wasn't a thread already for them, because they seem to be gaining a lot of popularity especially with doing Warped Tour this year. I'm hoping for their own headline tour, or maybe one day save up and see them in Japan. I was a casual listener before seeing them live. [lol] and then I got a hold of Vena and it went from there.
  5. heresytrash

    I hope they come back overseas soon! If you do get a chance, I really suggest it! I was surprised the first time I saw them here in the States, because they were so good. I really like Vena, and I don't think there's a song I don't like from them. I hope they headline their own tour tbh.
  6. heresytrash

    Does anyone here listen to them? I'm curious, as I would like to meet more fans. I saw them live, once back in November of 2015, and then this past year at Warped Tour. They put on a good show, and having met them twice-they are genuinely nice people too. [Also if there's already a thread about them, feel free to let me know. I tried searching for one, but couldn't find any.]
  7. My most played album right now is VENA by coldrain.

  8. heresytrash

    Kagrra, PHANTASMAGORIA, and AND [Eccentric Agent] Deluhi too. ;-; ..... Also vidoll tbh
  9. heresytrash

    Name is Ash. I don't have much to say about myself. I don't listen to much Visual Kei like I used to, lately I've been listening to the GazettE as far as VK goes and then coldrain and Crossfaith as far as Jrock goes. I'm also getting into a band called SIM, so there's that. I'll try to be as active as I can, but honestly not sure what to expect.
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