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About heresytrash

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    Kisaki's Errand Boy
  • Birthday April 11

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    Jrock, anime, reading

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  1. Who knew that Animal Crossing NH would have discourse at all? People pressed about people time travelling, and for how their towns look even. 

    Let people play how they want, if you're competitive at Animal Crossing then it's probably not the best game for you.

    1. Gesu


      Totally agree. I don't time travel myself but I don't have a problem with those who do. As for people getting jealous of other people's islands, the thing that I find with simulation games like AC is that it's meant to be played at your own pace and that the fun is largely in the journey, not the destination. I'd get bored of the game real fast if I started playing it one day only to find my house, character and island were already exactly the way I wanted them with no further developments to make.

    2. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      Seriously? There's some for even this kind of game?...Don't they know people have been time traveling since the original one...I can't imagine finding any reason to be angry around one of the most casual and relaxing games to exist aside from like...plant simulator lol.

    3. heresytrash


      Everytime someone talks about time travelling, someone has to comment about 'cheating'. I get that you want to keep your playthrough 'pure' but at the same time, a lot of people time travel because their real lives are hectic and maybe they wanna get those time sensitive events. 

      I time travel one day at a time, then go back in time. But that's me. 

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