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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. Maiku

    TOTALLY~! :'D Alice Nine and THE KIDDIE are my all time favs. And then there are the ones in my sig that I enjoy a lots. 8D What else you like yo? 8D
  2. Maiku

    I'll probably listen to them millions of times when they come out. xD
  3. Maiku

    BWAAAAAA. I need to hear something from this new album ASAP. ;O;
  4. Maiku

    Any you want. 8D
  5. Maiku

    I don't like lobsters.
  6. Maiku

    The full pv got posted in the artist section. 8D
  7. Maiku

    Ahahaha. "Fucking fucking." xD Thanks Masamune~! :'D <3
  8. Maiku

    Apparently tomorrow is protest ACTA day.
  9. Maiku

    WOOT. s9vYx33Sgbk
  10. YAY~! :'D I bet it'lll be awesome. I also like how they have a song called Kepler-22b. xD Excited~!
  11. Maiku

    Bwaaaa. I'm don't feel well this morning. ;__; @Marshall: I drank them all last night. ;O; You can have some schnapps though. @Sai: Partied with a pal and got way tooooo drunk. xD
  12. Maiku

    Let's get happy on the rainbow~! このぺエスで以降~! :’D There is a pretty drunk girl sleeping on my bed and I gotta stay up and make sure she is ok. Anyone wanna chat-at-at-at-at. I got beers~! I'll share.
  13. Maiku

    Saga never looks good.
  14. Maiku

    Aww. They look like a hardcore Elvis Nine. :'D
  15. Maiku

    Mastering was finished yesterday on the album. I. Can't. Wait. ;O;
  16. Maiku

    Bahahaha. Ten pounds and no sexy curly mohawk. ;__;
  17. Maiku

    Ahahah. Thanks guys. xD I wish I still looked like I did in my avatar. ;__;
  18. Maiku

    Best overall band in our hearts, though~ YAY~! :'D <3 <3 <3 <3
  19. Maiku

    I GOT MISO UDON. ;O; :'D
  20. Maiku

    Well you could get the new one that is coming out~! :'D <3 I found mine at gamestop with the first 3 games in an anniversary edition for 15 dollars. ;O;
  21. Maiku

    Probably at a store that sells video games~!
  22. Maiku

    I don't get why THE KIDDIE didn't win anything. ;O;
  23. Maiku

    Making and then eating Tamagoyaki over rice with stir fried peppers and onions. ;__; MOST GLORIOUS LUNCH EVER. Like all the other times I've made it. WHile watching Saiyuki. :'D
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