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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. Maiku

    Prophets is cute. ;O; <3
  2. Maiku

    I love Alice Nine so much and have a feeling that there will be a bunch of gems surrounded by the single garbage. ;__; OR AT LEAST THAT IS WHAT MY HEART HOPES.
  3. Maiku

    I can't wait~!
  4. Maiku

    Totes BugLug. <3 <3 <3
  5. I think I'm spending new years alone actually. Ahahaha. At least I'll have The Kiddie and UNiTE and BugLug to keep me company.
  6. Maiku

    Bahahaha. His hair is definitely weird. XD How was the live? :'D
  7. Maiku

  8. Maiku

    Toxic by The GazettE.
  9. Maiku

    Woot~! :'D I'm excited. :'D
  10. Maiku

    YAY~! What a cool song name. 8D
  11. Maiku

    12012!! :'D
  12. Maiku

    I am so excited for the album art and track list to be released. xD
  13. Maiku

    I say BAY-GULL. ;__;
  14. Maiku

    I have a feeling the album is going to be amazing. :'D I really enjoyed Brave New world. BWAAAA. I JUST WANT TIME TO FAST FORWARD.
  15. Maiku

    LOL Nekkichi she talks about mainstream sucking and then talks about Skrillex, who is the most mainstream "EDM" music producer ever.
  16. Well it's another popularized time of celebration used to pull you away from things that really matter and just get fucked up and party. So what are you doing for your celebration of the New Year? What are your resolutions? I'm going to party with a bunch of friends and get drunk on various alcohols. My resolution is to make my dreams come true.
  17. Maiku

    I'm sure the album will be as amazing as Utsukushiki Redrum considering it's on the album. I CAN'T WAIT. I hope I can get a job soon so I can buy the album. @_@
  18. Maiku

  19. Maiku

    He kind of looks like that in the 絶交悦楽論 PV.
  20. Maiku

    YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY~! :'D <3 <3 <3 <3 ☆★イェイイェイ~!!! This will totally be a Mastar Piece~! <3 <3
  21. Maiku

    Awww Piisu dats mean. ;__;
  22. Maiku

    Ahahah. BugLug is cool. :'D <3
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