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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. I couldn't get into either of the albums. X_X Amon Amarth just has this arrogant sound. D: And then Tristania just seemed so PRETENTIOUS. I dunno gaiz. ;O; Metal isn't really my forte. Can never take it seriously. ;__;
  2. Maiku

    I'm a total power bottom. >:'D
  3. Maiku

  4. Maiku

    RIGHT SUBLIMINAL!? I'm not down to get jiggy for a while though. All the boys around here are drama faggotz. ;__; ICAN'TTAKEIT.
  5. Maiku

  6. Maiku

    FUCK WHY DID I POST IT IN THIS GHOST TOWN AREA?! No one comes here really. Just da same faces. ;O; WHY IS THIS BOARD 70% lurkers? ;O; It's actually probably 90% lurkers. IT'S RIDICULOUS. Don't you guys wanna be friends? LIKE SERIOUSLY. We need moar unity with in the forum~! LET'S GET T SHIRTS. AND COFFEE MUGS. YEAH. LIKE. You all keep yo distance. =__= WHAT ARE YOU HIDING!? I'm very concerned now~. I mean. Dis is the most rockin' Jrock message board on da net right now. (Sure it's taken some hits from constant URL/Name changes...) BUT LIKE. THERE IS STILL A SHIT TON OF YOU WHO DON'T TALK. WHY? YOU SCURRED? HUH?! AWW SHIT. Look what I just found. DcGNv5aw9eY
  7. The board shout box still exists and is much fun! WELL NOT NO MOAR. CAUSE. FOR SOME REASON. NOT ON DA MAIN PAGE. WAT. Been like dat for a minute. BUT. YOU CAN STILL ACCESS IT. On a very tiny, miniscule link. Dat says Shoutbox. I SWEAR IT'S THERE. JUST SQUINT OR SOMETHING. Or you can just use dis grand link~. http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/mchat.php#mChat I think you can see dat~. BUT ANYWAY. It's 8:00 AM and the shout box is dead. /never used to happen. WHAT AM I TO DO IN BETWEEN READING NOW!? HUH!? WHAT?! Well. Just go to the Shout Box and we can talk about how AMAZINGLY TALENTED The Kiddie is. :'D Or we can talk about Visual Kei Conspiracy Theories. (Mine are mainly created to annoy dem lolita darlingz~! I weave them well and they make sense. Remember Da ViViD CodE? I no longer felt the need to point out anymore similarities between their songs cause they now do it so well themselves~. But I like'd dat Indies DVD. LOL SHIN TWIRLED DAT TOWEL SO CHESSILY AND RIDICULOSLY. AHAHAHA. OMG. LIKE. WTF WAS DAT. /SHOCK. AND THEN. LIKE. HIS RIDICULOUSLY FORCED SINGING. ;O; He's gonna go the way of Sonny Moore and become mute and start making lame ass dubstep. I MISS BETA-SKRILLEX. Oh to be 14 year old depressed faggot~. Bwahahahha BUT I DIGRESS. SERIOUSLY. What was I posting about before? OH YEAH. Shout Box. Go there. http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/mchat.php#mChat
  8. Maiku

    AWWW. Poor Allisapp. ;O; IDON'TKNOWYOURPAIN.
  9. Maiku

    Currently reading: Lasher by Anne Rice. (Wow. She's such a pervert. No wonder she's decided to only write about Jesus and Angels and shit from now on. I'm almost done. Prob gonna read the next book too...) Up Next: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.
  10. Maiku

    Cute geek. 8D
  11. Hmmm. Can't really listen to Metal at this time of night cause people would get woken up. @_@ But tomorrow! I shall jump into this. 8D Sounds uber fun. Also, I'MMNOTARITHMETICA. ;___;
  12. LOL you listed the ones I gave ya as Arithmetica. ;O;
  13. The Kiddie - Brave New World (Genki Japanese Pop rock of LOVE) Jefferson Airplane - Crown of Creation (Psychedelic Rock) Fiona Apple - When the Pawn (Piano Rock) CocoRosie - Noah's Ark (Freak Folk) The Bubbles - Daydreaming in Technicolor (Psychedelic Pop rock) [look for it on band camp you can pay whatever you want. Even nothing.] Ott - Mir (Psychedlic Dubtronica) Pretty Lights - Making Up A Changing mind (Electro House) The Q4 - Sound Surroundings (Hip-hop) Regina Spektor - Songs (Vocal) The Smashing Pumpkins - Gish (Alternative) The Blood Brothers - BURN PIANO ISLAND BURN (Post-hardcore)
  14. I'm currently majoring in smoking pawt and getting drunk. My day job is watching tv shows and sketching in my sketchbook and fucking around with my Wacom Intuos3. Nights I moonlight with hookin' up with cute dudes or reading for extended periods of time. In my free time I dance with a hula hoop and a girl with dread locks. Life is very prosperous and wonderful.
  15. Maiku

    Yup. Guys are lame. I have replaced men with books. I am much happier.
  16. Maiku

    You look like Linda Cardellini.
  17. Maiku

    Gin so hot. :'D
  18. Maiku

  19. Maiku

    1. Love Story - Bass rolls in instantly followed by weirdly distorted guitars and Kirito's creepy singing a la Pierrot. Then when the chorus springs itself on you you'll feel an almost kind of motion sickness as his singing changes to a clangy hopeful croon. Weird song. Weird album opener. 2.3/5 2. Feather - AHAHAHA. Angelo doing Barairo no Sekai basically. Which means it's good. But you could just listen to Barairo no Sekai... 4/5 3. My Strife - Aside from the dumb title this song is actually rockin' as fuck. Hard rock styled vocals and distorted guitars. I'm having nostalgia attacks. It sounds like a modern Pierrot hard rock song. I'm in love with it. :'D Woah~oh~oh~! 4.5/5 4. THE TOWER OF BABEL - Awesome intro. 8D This is an Angelo song for sure. (I.e. Expansion of the sound from Pierrot's Heaven The Customizeable Landscape era.) It's actually pretty fucking awesome. It makes me wanna dance. "Kami wo nabikase~!" Bahaha. I love the chorus. Oooh nice little pleasant not overly screechy guitar solo. Favorite so far. 4.8/5 5. Kirisama hoo o nurashite - The Kirito fanboy in me wants to go "OMG so beautiful. Kirito's voice is like a flame flickering in za dark~!" but my jaded 21 year old brain just hears your standard Angelo/Pierrot/Kirito ballad. It's nice and easy on the ears. 3/5 6. Plosive - Where is the ex? Anyway. CREATURE TYPE #15.0. Just heard some Engrish. LOL. "NO WAY NO MOAR FEEL BLISTERZ?" LOL wut. The guitars are actually getting more awesome as the song goes on. Fast paced and awesome. I love it. Haha. "Kurikaeshi kuru saite~!" THEN COMES THIS FUNKY SOLO. HOLY FUCK AHAHA WHERE DID DAT COME FROM. xD LOL. Most awesome song on the album fo' sho so far. 4.9/5 7. White Fury - ... LOL DAT TITLE. Boring repetitive guitar intro and then some neat little synth shit comes in. xD Woah. Wait a minute. Weirdy whispering that actually sounds cool? So far it's not bad. Guitars sound cooler as the song goes on. Not bad. Just sounds like Pierrot. ;__; 2.7/5 8. DECESE - Uh what. Anyway. Song features Kirito's singing showcased by soft music in the background then it explodes into a more power ballad like song. "Mabayuku furisosogu~" I like this ballad better than Kirisama hoo o nurashite... 9. Gospel - PLEASE BE A GOSPEL STYLED SONG. LOL. Starts with some pretty piano playing. :] then it disappears and the guitars rush onto the suteeji~! Misleading title is misleading. I like it so far though. Nice beat, nice guitars, cool singing. OK. He's singing higher randomly and it sounds weird. LOL. what you doin? Cool singing returns. Yay. Kinda meh overall though. 2.5/5 10. Manic State High Pressure - Uh. So far... It sounds familiar. OH WAIT. SOUNDS LIKE PIERROT HEAVEN THE CUSTOMIZEABLE LANDSCAPE ALBUM. LOL. Not a bad song I guess. Pretty rad kind of. 4/5 11. Ruins - Neat guitar intro. I'm expecting a lot from this song cause of the cool title. Kirito sounds so coooool~. These new guitarists aren't that bad of a fit with them at alllll. I'm really happy with this album to be honest. Hahahaha. This song is neat. 4.1/5 BASICALLY THIS ALBUM IS HEAVEN THE CUSTOMIZEABLE LANDSCAPE 5.0.
  20. Maiku

    Wat. What is this? I don't even...
  21. Maiku

    So boring. Da ViViD CodE leaves no room for experimentation.
  22. Maiku

    I'll miss ya' and all your Mephisto Pheles love all over the place. ;O; Take this time and turn internet time into hobby time. Take up something creative! :'D There are always fun things to do.
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