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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. Maiku

    I bet dreambox means vagina.
  2. Maiku

    Blue Flame is a grower though. Even with that intro. It's catchy and fun. Keeps their weird elegant rock thing they have going on for them a float. LOL. The Second track started off kind of weird with Shou's singing for me. It got a lot better as it went along and feels like a weird combo of new Alice Nine and old Alice Nine. @_@ G3 is amazing. Hands down shows how great they are even if it is a remake of an old song. Most bands can't pull it off just right but they totally did with G3. ;O;
  3. Maiku

    The cover art definitely looks like it would be the cover for a Dir en Grey album. It fits in with the rest. Who cares about cover art anyway? At least it's not some crappy photoshopped band shot. The track list sounds fine. What's wrong with ZA BURASUMINGU BEERUZABABU? Sounds pretty cute to me. :'] (LOL THE LAST THREE POSTS GOT POSTED BEFORE I COULD POST THIS. xD LOL@dat Gargoyle cover.)
  4. Maiku

  5. Maiku

    This review sums up the single greatly. <3 <3 <3
  6. Maiku

    To me Alice Nine is the only band on PSC worth taking seriously anymore. I don't give a fuck about looks or quality of music as long as the sounds of a band are pleasant and refreshing. All the other bands are pretty much boring. The GazettE did alright with their DIM stuff but now they are just rebooting old songs and making them more modern it seems like. SuG is terrible. I only like ViViD because it's cute how much the singer adores Shou from Alice Nine. Kra had Artman. which is an amazing song but lately they have been getting all creepy and weird. ScReW is so bland. So very very bland. Born is a weird GazettE Sug mash up now and have lost all originality they had before joining PSC. And Dauto's singer's voice cracks my eardrums with his shitty singing. To me most PSC bands exist to be observed and then go all "WTF are they doing!?" I'd rather have Kra beat Dauto as well. It just seems to me that PSC doesn't wanna have more than 5 bands major at once and Dauto is supposedly going major on PSC. And Kra VS Dauto are the only two actual bands that are versing each other and are not shuffle bands. Then again I don't really know if the band that loses disbands. Just a ton of speculation is going on in this thread haha.
  7. Maiku

    That doesn't make their music better. LOL I didn't say that. I'm just saying this whole battle thing is probably just PSC's way of getting rid of Kra to make room for ダウト. I mean they are the only two that aren't versing a shuffle band. I doubt PSC would do anything based on whether the music is good or bad. It's all about which makes more money or which has the potential for more money. And Kra just seems to be dwindling constantly with the quality of their music and the Kra fan base is already pretty small.
  8. Maiku

    SuG and ViViD make too much for PSC for them to get rid of them.
  9. Maiku

    Really? I hope the band that loses disbands. My dream is ダウト would lose but I'm pretty sure Kra will lose out that one. The rest... ScReW would probably lose. I don't really see Alice Nine, SuG, or ViViD losing. I wonder how a band wins? Is it voting? Is it judged? @_@
  10. Maiku

    I think the stars are the new shuffle bands.
  11. Maiku

    I bet it has something to do with the shuffle thing. Or maybe bands that lose have something bad happen. IDK. @_@
  12. Maiku

    ??日程】 <8月11日(木)> Alice Nine VS ★★★★★★★ <8月12日(金)> OA:BORN SCREW VS ★★★★★★★ <8月13日(土)> OA:SuG Kra VS ダウト   ...and more? <8月14日(日)> OA:BORN SuG VS ★★★★★★★ <8月15日(月)> ViViD VS ★★★★★★★ <8月16日(??)> Session Night SPECIAL GUEST:THE ??京 HIGH BLACK <8月17日(水)> OA:BORN ★★★★★★★ ??OPEN/START】 8月11日(木) OPEN 18:00 / START 18:30 8月12日(金)~8月17日(水) OPEN 16:30 / START 17:00 I don't really get the VS thing. Maybe they will fight to the death. it's 7 days long at shi shi remon harr.
  13. Maiku

    Yeah well... They went major. what do you expect? xD The earlier releases as The Kiddie were better and the earlier releases as Kazoku were better. But when they became The Kiddie they pretty much sold out. And then sold out even harder when they became major. Proof in the SMILE SMILE SMILE and NUTTY NASTY~YY. Regardless I'm still a fan and enjoy the new releases. 8D
  14. Keepin' my eyes on dis band along with DOPES. Ok it's pretty much because of the band names. xD Dopes and Downer. LOLOLOL.
  15. Maiku

    Nutty Nasty - First impression: Um... what?! Nutty Nasty? Gross. Second impression: ... this is kind of catchy... Third impression: NUTTY NUTTY BAYBAY. NUTTY NUTTY BAYBAY~AY. 3.5/5 Grim Cat: Energetic, fun, catchy, flows nicely and sounds sweet. 4.5/5 Brutus: 4.5/5
  16. Maiku

  17. Maiku

    MINDFUCK. Is what G3 is.
  18. Maiku

    Maybe all musicians should follow Da ViViD CodE...
  19. Maiku

    Budokan one-man already? O_o
  20. I'm excited. Harder Lotus sounds like fun. 8D
  21. Dir en Grey is spelled Dir en Gray on Havoc TV on Comcast on Demand. xD
  22. Woots. They are my new fav supaa-gei-kei band.
  23. Holy fuck. >_> I think this is the first time I've thought a VK person was sexually attractive. Naru's fackin' hot. >_> But his voice sounded a little forced and husky in the preview I just heard. xD He almost sounds like that bland singer for Screw. At least he's not that bland though. I forget what Velgreed sounded like. I used to listen to them but forgot about them. Hmm.
  24. Maiku

    Aww but I enjoy his pop-rockyness.
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