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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. I just pretty much listen to them because they have been around for a while. Like how I keep tabs on The GazettE and basically all other Jrock bands just solely because I use to be a giant fan. Dir en Grey never sticks to the same thing and are always changing so it makes it interesting to stay interested in them. The GazettE however gets more boring as it goes on and I don't even really keep up with what they're doing. I don't care how well a band can make or write music as long as they keep things interesting. If they can do that, then it doesn't really matter what music they put out. As long as things don't get repetitive and boring a band is worth being a fan of. It's not even being loyal or anything. I don't care about the members of dir en grey individually. I just care about what they do. I could give a fuck what Kyo does to his hair or what they do when they aren't making music. People that get ridiculously into who they are annoy me. The music is what matters. Bands that do the same thing over and over aren't worth my time. People can bitch all they want about their change in music style and departure from visual kei but Dir en Grey still puts out interesting music. I mean, VK music is all about caring about what doesn't matter. Looks, label, etc. So I'm not surprised when people bitch about these things. /end rant
  2. Your Elvis Nine love makes me smile. <3
  3. I hope it takes at least one or two more years before they release the next album. Lotus was boring. Hageshisa was great but was missing something. I don't know what to expect from this new single.
  4. Maiku

    Zombified topic. o__o
  5. I thought that's what this thread was all about...
  6. Maybe he wanted to be on a more wealthy sinking ship?
  7. Maiku

    It's better than Stargazer:. That's all I care about. :]
  8. Maiku

    I love it. :'D Totally Alice Nine. Sounds like it's def the transition single. It's a sweet blend of old Alice Nine with the new. :'D
  9. I still talk to him lots. 8D
  10. Maiku

    I wonder if this is going to be like another transition single that wont appear on the next album. Like Tsubasa and Hana.
  11. Maiku

    Shaved my head.
  12. Maiku

    Their new look is like if SuG's P!nk Masquerade look was made for GaGaZette.
  13. Maiku

    Ahahaha. I rike it. Fits da ViViD CodE pretty well.
  14. I hope the PV has the same amazing choreographed dance moves dat make Takeru look like he doesn't know how to move his own body. :'D
  15. Maiku

    New single Blue title song = Yume Mugen no Kanata + REM x DA BLEACH OP CodE.
  16. Maiku

    Errbody post party pics! :'D http://i55.tinypic.com/316oqko.jpg Giant. ;O;
  17. Maiku

    Da ViViD Code states dat da nu shingaru will be supaa ballad. Actually I don't even about what this one is gonna be. I imagine Yume Mugen No Kanata+RiskxRem+Yume Michishirube. But then again it could not be a ballad. I can't tell what a song is gonna be by the titles anymore. ;O;
  19. Maiku

    They should have followed Da ViViD CoDE. Just sayin'.
  20. Maiku

    Ahahaha. xD I didn't even look at what I was drawing until it was done and then I was like "What the fuck!?" xD LOL.
  21. Maiku

    HOORAY THE GRAVEYARD BOOK! I'm reading Full Dark No Stars by Stephen King.
  22. Maiku

    Thanks~! :'D Here's the entire sketch page. 8D http://i55.tinypic.com/242hf2c.jpg
  23. Maiku

    @Chianti: Nope no celeb from Orange County. xD Just a lil gay artsy fartsy kid from outer suburban Pennsylvania. xD @Ramrod: S. E. X. Y.
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