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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. Supaa Cool. 8D I actually play the doodling games a lot when I'm bored. xD
  2. Ahahaha right? My favorite is the stars one. CfJzrmS9UfY She has a few more. 8D
  3. Maiku

    The closeness to the release date is killing me. MUST. HAVE. ELVIS NINE'S. Jimminy. NOW.
  4. DK5Z709J2eo Probably the best videos everrr. heKK95DAKms
  5. Maiku

    Oh man. Oh man. Wonder what's gonna come of this. Fail possibility at 98.7%.
  6. Maiku

    I hope Marshall has a giant break up of hilariousness with that faggot boy he hooked up with. xD
  7. Maiku

    It's not that bad. But not as good as your version. At least the gay kid in this one is prettier. UK Ian Gllagher US Ian Gallagher
  8. Maiku

    The original is a lot better character wise than the new one. Sheila was SO hilarious in the original. She was my favorite character. D: And the thing where Frank buried his aunt in the back yard? Yeah. That wasn't Frank in the original. Sheila buried her first husband in her backyard. COMPLETELY stole her agoraphobia origin story and slapped it on Frank. Like. WTF. My heart is broken.
  9. Maiku

    There are rumors the next season is the last and ends with Nancy's death. ;O; SOEXCITE. SHIT. I WANT IT NOW. Gotta wait til summer though.
  10. Maiku

    Ahahaha. I love that show so much. xD Buck and Alice are my favorite Alters. New season is coming this spring. I'M SO PUMPED. :'D SERIOUSLY. CAN. NOT. WAIT.
  11. Maiku

    I love ALL of Showtime's shows. (Except for Queer as Fuck and The Lesbo Word.) Weeds, Dexter, United States of Tara, Nurse Jackie, Shameless, etc. They are so great. I can't live with out their shows now. xD I liked the original UK version of Shameless better. The actors looked and acted more realistically and weren't as movie star pretty.
  12. Maiku

    I'm addicted.
  13. Maiku

    Even though I disprove of your BagRag Melty Love your post is visible in the reply part.
  14. How do you pronounce that band name?! @_@
  15. Maiku

    BugLug totally owned Melty Love. ;O;
  16. Maiku

    That laugh coming from Ramrod is pretty sexy. Then again anything that comes from Ramrod is sexy.
  17. Maiku

  18. Maiku

    I'm a fan poppier music but the direction they've gone in doesn't really feel right to me. The songs are bland and I feel like I've heard them before. I was gettin' pretty excited and was hoping it was going to be amazing. Destiny and Inochi no ki were the best songs on it I feel. And when I heard those I thought they were pretty bland too. But I was hoping they'd make progress from those and continue on. I dunno. D: Maybe the next round will be better. ;~; Also, Girugamesh has ALWAYS had a bit of a poppy additive in their music. I've always thought of them as hard pop rock. @_@
  19. Maiku

    I felt the same way when Alice Nine released a single on my birthday. 8D
  20. Maiku

    nice joke, man Ahaha. I know right. 8D
  21. Maiku

    1. heidi. - ピンク スパイダー (hide) I agree with the Champster. Pretty bland. But better than anything Hide could do. 2. ドレミ團 - 街 (SOPHIA) Hate. 3. BugLuG - Melty Love (SHAZNA) A GODLY WORK OF ART. 4. NoGoD - 1/3??純情??感情 (SIAM SHADE) Boring and uninteresting. I liked the Siam Shade tribute with all them 80's guys way better. 5. D - 月下??夜想曲 (MALICE MIZER) D and Malice Mizer? PFFFT. Skip. 6. 少女-ロリヰタ-23区 - STORM (LUNA SEA) Skipped too. 7. 摩天楼オペラ - 紅 (X Japan) Skipped harder. 8. DaizyStripper -With-you EW. 9. 12012 - Winter, again (GLAY) ... LOLwut. 10. アンド - ロマンス (PENECILLIN) /confused. 11. Mix Speaker’s, Inc. -S.O.Sロマンティック (CASCADE) MSI? PFFT. Skipped. 12. LOST ASH -ENDLESS LOVE (D-SHADE) Lame. 13. Merry - Schwein??椅?? (Dir en grey) Merry? HA. Skipped. 14. Duel Jewel - Jupiter (BUCK-TICK) NOTHANKYOUWHYTHEFUCKWOULDTHISEVERHAPPEN?!!? 15. DOG inTheパラレルワールドオーケストラ - 夢より素敵?? (Raphael) I imagine this is what a stroke feels like. D: BugLug's Melty Love was the only good thing. ;O;
  22. Maiku

    OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DATS WHAT HE SAID. No. Seriously guys. That's what Ito said.
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