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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. Maiku

    Neon looks so artsy. xD
  2. Maiku

  3. Maiku

    I don't care. 8D I was just really stoned everytime I posted in this thread. Lawlz.
  5. Maiku

    The self portrait is amazing! :'D
  6. Maiku

    Wishes Ron would have ended up with Luna and not that bitch Hermione. (At least that is what I am assuming about your username.) xD
  7. Maiku

    I've been exposed .__. OMG IT'S THE TRUTH.
  8. Maiku

    That would just be silencing a person's opinion. What about a neutral opinion? Like mine? Which is that it does not matter at all to me whether he gets better or if he is forever paralyzed and unable to create music ever again. If he is meant to continue making music he'll get better. If not? Well, I guess he wont be making music anymore, will he?
  9. GazettE must end sometime. But I don't consider best ofs to mean disbandment. A lot of bands have released best ofs and are still going. If they were going to disband they wouldn't have a new single and new tours coming. Best ofs are just a way to make money off of things that they've already done. If you really want to read into it, look at it as them saying "We aren't going to release anything better than what is on this collection. It's the best of what we've done and will never top it." But that's assuming they actually make best ofs by putting their best songs on it. I'm 100% sure it's gonna just be songs that made the most money and have nothing to do with artistic merit.
  10. Maiku

    Just got a LG Shine at the beginning of the month.
  11. Maiku

    What about people who hope he doesn't recover?
  12. Maiku

    Kisaki looks like a horse. Legit.
  13. Maiku

    LOL. xD I just don't understand how you liked half of the Black Parade and none of the new album. xD I still like you too and so does my ViViD code. xD <3
  14. Maiku

    Is it because bad things always happen to the suicidal because of their constant negative energy? xD
  15. Maiku

    I watched the movie. Stopped halfway through to pass out and picked up again. And I don't really get how you guys didn't catch on to all that in just one watch. @_@ I was freaking out when she saw herself in the other ballerinas and I picked up that the whole lesbian sex scene was a delusion the same time that Nina realized it. It was pretty easy to follow I think. It wasn't too innovative with the whole psychotic delusion thing. My favorite part was when she was dancing the black swan at the end and her arms turned to wings. I expect the DVD version to have an alternate ending. Oh man. Great movie.
  16. Maiku

  17. Maiku

    There it is! Sai don't like it. It's obviously the best album released this year.
  18. Maiku

    Ahahaha. I've been in similar situations. I once had an art teacher go into a long rant about how my "feminine facial structure" would have been immortalized in a statue or bust if I had been alive during the renaissance. But the worst was one where no one could see me... I was on the phone with this foreign guy who was helping me fix my fuckin' internet when it crapped out. And when I got it to work he said "Atta girl." I instantly laughed myself to death. xD
  19. Maiku

    Ahahaha don't worry Allisapp. People like to tell me I look like a girl. I feel your pain.
  20. Maiku

    Made an Irokui wallpaper on deviantart.
  21. Maiku

    When you pretend they died long ago and stop giving a shit.
  22. Maiku

    Maybe it's a marketing ploy. Get all poppy and then come back all metally and double their profits. Or come back all hip-hoppy and die for ever or something. LOL.
  23. Maiku

    I almost thought you had a daughter Peace. XD
  24. Maiku

    Will's a cutie. Just imagine that after all the weightlifting he's planning. xD
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