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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. Maiku

    I feel like their older works are what is over rated.
  2. Maiku

    America! WHAT ARE THEY LIKE? ;O;
  3. Maiku

    Those are bacon cheese burgers on a sliced glazed doughnut. xD
  4. Maiku

    ^Summarizes it pretty well?
  5. Maiku

    ARE YOU AS TANTALIZED BY THE DEEP FRIED COCA-COLA AS ME? Wanna tryyy. And that Turbaconucken looks amazing.
  6. Maiku

    That's like... everything I've been saying the entire time. xD Why aren't we friends again? xD
  7. Maiku

    Deathcore ballad? :'D
  8. Maiku

    It's been raining all day and no snow. D: Sucks.
  9. Maiku

    ALL THOSE FOODS LOOK GLORIOUS. And I could eat all that shit and keep my slim figure. xD
  10. Maiku

    AHAHAHA. THIS IS TRUE. But I'm only blasting it cause my little brother brought a girl home and is in my dad's room with her? YOU GET SuG BLASTED FOR BEING SO WEIRD ON THANKSGIVING.
  11. Chariots DELUHI Sadie -OZ- Dir en grey Cindykate MUCC HERe:NE Deathgaze Alice Nine
  12. Maiku

    Oooops. Assumed you meant definition one.
  13. Maiku

    Ahahaha yeah sarcasm is a bit more ambiguous in text but that's why I threw in the eye roll emoticon. xD And I think people mistake large blocks of text for angry rants. xD But yeah! The discussion (that's really fun!) I think Marrow of a Bone has plenty of variety. The underlying rage just makes it hard to differentiate. xD I only like Agitated Screams of Maggots live. xD
  14. Maiku

    Oh yeah let's rag on them for having an "American-music-styled" album. Ahahaha right. Give me a break. I live in America too and I don't see it as a "copy of American music" at all. I haven't heard anything that sounds like Marrow of the Bone. Maybe the songs didn't stick with you enough because you were too busy worrying about them having an "American sound." Marrow of the Bone still has Dir en Grey's style no matter what you say because it's Dir en Grey. Of course there are American influences since they had been touring with American bands. They were inspired by the music and the influence is completely obvious but it doesn't muffle Dir en Grey in the slightest. Probably the only song that is "American-music-styled" is Agitated Screams of Maggots, which is the only song by them I don't like. Just because they used what they learned while touring with other musicians doesn't make their music regressive. To me they would have been regressing if they kept on going the way they were. Marrow of the Bone fits right in after Withering To Death and I believe that Marrow of the Bone makes UROBOROS just seem that much more amazing and UROBOROS would never have happened with out what they did on Marrow of the Bone. The only complaint I really have is Kyo's barely understandable English. Saying they regressed because they used their American influences is RIDICULOUS and petty. And if it sounds like music you've heard before then try thinking about what it sounds like to the Japanese. Probably rather fresh and interesting. There are other Japanese bands that sound more American than Dir en Grey did on Marrow of the Bone. Look at Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. *Shudders.* And I didn't answer Shaneth's question because I don't see the point in it. It doesn't matter what I want to see them do, they are going to do what they are going to do. It's not like my opinion or anyones' opinion is gonna make them go "Oh hey! Let's be more Japanesey like Kaggra,! Yeah! Let's do things like Kaggra,!" (That's just an example. I don't like Kaggra, because their music is boring and un-interesting to me.) I just want them to make the music they are going to make and if I like it, I'll like it. If not? Oh well. No big deal it's just a band. And personally I don't see how the "traditional Japanese + American metal" thing is a fail-safe formula for epic music. Seriously. Traditional is boring. Let's see them do something new and fresh. [EDIT] This is an argument? D: I thought we were having a serious discussion about a band...
  15. Maiku

    I wasn't saying they lack progression. I was saying they constantly progress. I disagree with your opinion that Marrow of the Bone is them regressing. I see Marrow of the Bone as them completely shedding the whole "Visual Kei" thing because they saw how bands are in the states. (If you haven't noticed Visual Kei bands are completely different from ALL other kinds of bands in the ways that they are produced, managed, etc.) Marrow of the Bone was just Dir en Grey taking the freedom they wanted and running with it. Just because the album doesn't have as many ballads as Withering to Death doesn't make it regressive at all. I think Dir en Grey had a lot of anger to release in that album which is why it's so intense. A lot of Diru fans are just pussies who can't handle that intensity. Dir en Grey shed the make up and the image they had had for a long time and a lot of fans couldn't take the intensity with out the pretty boys dancing around all the gore. Those very same fans consider everything after Vulgar to be a regression JUST because of that. Dir en Grey matured and started taking music seriously which is why UROBOROS is the masterpiece it is.
  16. Maiku

    prog·ress    [n. prog-res, -ruhs or, especially Brit., proh-gres; v. pruh-gres] Show IPA –noun 1. a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage: the progress of a student toward a degree. 2. developmental activity in science, technology, etc., esp. with reference to the commercial opportunities created thereby or to the promotion of the material well-being of the public through the goods, techniques, or facilities created. 3. advancement in general. 4. growth or development; continuous improvement: He shows progress in his muscular coordination. 5. the development of an individual or society in a direction considered more beneficial than and superior to the previous level. 6. Biology . increasing differentiation and perfection in the course of ontogeny or phylogeny. 7. forward or onward movement: the progress of the planets. 8. the forward course of action, events, time, etc. 9. an official journey or tour, as by a sovereign or dignitary. –verb (used without object) pro·gress 10. to go forward or onward in space or time: The wagon train progressed through the valley. As the play progressed, the leading man grew more inaudible. 11. to grow or develop, as in complexity, scope, or severity; advance: Are you progressing in your piano studies? The disease progressed slowly. The definitions that apply are in bold.
  17. Maiku

    Because progress is constantly missing from Dir en Grey's work.
  18. His head with shit photoshopped on it.
  19. Maiku

    Crazy Bunny Coaster look is on the OHP. Takeru looks like some crazy sci-fi video game character.
  20. Maiku

    kotrhi'oerhpoieh :'D YES.
  21. Maiku

    In celebration of the new single I added a picture to the first post. 8D
  22. Yeah but Sayonara Setsuna's cover had a cool picture of them.
  23. Maiku

    Google: 139,000 results (Mostly just anime shit and other shit and other Maikus.) Google image: 24,200 results (SO MUCH PORN. ;O; )
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