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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. Maiku

    I'm kind of... a high metabolism miracle. Nothing about my lifestyle is healthy. I pig out on food that is terrible for you while smoking away at my cigarettes and chugging me some coffee. But I do wanna start being healthier. I'm tired of being skeletal so I'm thinking of starting to work out. I've been attempting push ups for a few days. I collapse after like 30. xD
  2. Maiku

    Thanks! There were no special cuts to it. xD My hair was just that length and she cut it into a mohawk. I am super pleased.
  3. Maiku

    My friend's mom cut my hurr.
  4. Maiku

    LOL if Girugamesh were a PSC band Shuu would have left the band because of "creative differences," or in what we'd call "too ugly."
  5. Maiku

    Someone who will leave me alone and keep his emotions to himself until I want sex.
  6. Maiku

    O hai itz will shall now be referred to as Dir enCyclopedia.
  7. Maiku

    There's one for Sword Summit. xD nvw1Aka7tkI
  8. Maiku

    Holy fuck it was love.
  9. Maiku

  10. Maiku

    Ahahahaha. I know! xD It's amazing. :'D The original is more disturbing. xD iFBnDgxBsfM
  11. Maiku

    I like the hot dog episode where they say pissed. xD
  12. Maiku

  13. Maiku

    9 tracks, probably average each song is probably around 4 mins long. That's 36 minutes worth of songs. That is including the ones we have heard already. That is too short. @Mono2: At first I thought you were being witty because 9 tracks is obviously short for an album and that you were just being sarcastic. Then I remembered you are Mono2. @Will: Yeah. I don't get why they don't just call it a mini-album.
  14. Maiku

    SERIOUSLY THE BEST CARTOON IN AGES. dR_3qAKKhsM Anyone else love this shit? It's totally made for stoners.
  15. Maiku

  16. Maiku

  17. Maiku

    Steady: A nice mellow pop-rock song. The chorus is different every time and the song doesn't feel repetitive at all. 4/5 Smile: FILEDOESNOTEXIST. UNABLETOPREPAREDATA. ??/?? Plasma: Easily the best song on the album. It's amazing. It's a fun rock song. 5/5 teenageZ: I'm not too sure about this song. Yusa's emphatic vocals coupled with the harder music is a little weird. Like chocolate covered bacon weird. It's not a bad song but... It sets an odd mood. Especially when it slows down and Yusa's voice fits better with the music from that point on. Not a bad song. It's just a little awkward. 3/5 Arashi no Yoru: The intro is nice and I love the jazzy feel going on. The guitar solo is nice and Yusa's vocals are delicious. I actually really get into this song when I hear it. xD Makes me wanna move. 4/5 HAKUGEI: Uh. This song. It makes me nervous. I don't like it. Yusa's singing sounds... not so nice. I like the music... It's almost kind of hypnotic in a way. But Yusa's just sounding kind of bored or something. No! I KNOW! He sounds indifferent. Hmmm. I want to like it though. 2.5/5 SOS: Ewwwwwww. LOL WHAT. What is going on here? "ABCDEFG." Totally said in there. WTF. AHAHA. I dunno I guess it's kind of cute. It's making me laugh. The chorus is actually really sweet on muh ears. WHATS THIS ECHO SHIT I DON'T EVEN. AND IT'S OVER. 2/5 MY GIRL: (Someone better get stung to death in these lyrics.) This song is pretty cute but at parts Yusa sounds constipated in the beginning. It's a really nice song though with a pretty beat and a positive vibe going on in the sound. I like it. It's sounds so care free. ;O; 3.5/5 (Pending if someone gets stung to death in the lyrics, rating may jump to 5/5) GOD BLESS YOU!!!: I hate this title more than anything in the world. And Yusa's annoying me with the way he is singing here. Either that or it's just that my negative energies are imposing on my opinion and making me not like it. Either that or it's all the "Nee Kamisama! Tasukete!" FFFFUUUU. Holy shit those claps scared the shit out of me. This song is annoying. And what's with that random whooping? Someone just whistled. Sounded perverted. What. I don't even. Yusa's singing is annoying in this. I'd rather listen to that ????? song. 1/5 CALLING: The single that wasn't Smile so it was good but it's corny and cute but the music isn't that bad it's just... So done before. But it's alright. Even if the PV is retarded. (All of them have been retarded since they went major.) >_> Blah blah blah Calling is alright. 4/5. LOVE: I bet this song is about love. It's a cute acoustic ballad that picks up and gets intense pretty nicely as it goes on. That's all that can really be said. LOL. The random burst of electric guitar almost seemed like it was put there by mistake like someone forgot what they were doing. xD 4/5 RE:EVOLUTION: I've been fearing this one. Any song with Evolution... Doesn't end well. It kind of just bursts out of nowhere after that acoustic ballad. It's a really energetic rock song. Hmmm... Bad unintelligible Engrish going on... Sounds like "I want teach you in my own way." "I want teach you in things I want?" I dunno dats what I hearrr. AHAHA IT'S RE:EVOLUTION. FFFFF. :B It's a pretty fun weird song. xD I rike it. 4/5 FLASH: Ohhh ending with a rock ballad. I see what you're doing. The only thing I don't like about it is the weird high pitched whispering in some parts. It's scary in a bad way. Wow when Yusa says "Lalalalalalala" Actually sounds like he is pronouncing it with an L sound. Props. 5/5 LOLjk. 3/5 Overall: 3/5 Nothing innovative but that's not what's to be expected. The album is entertaining and a fun listen. Especially if your stoned. Just make sure to get rid of track two. TRACK TWO IS A MYTH. A MYTH I TELL YA!
  18. Maiku

  19. 2w02QxQZGQc I saw that. And laughed even harder because I remembered this thread.
  20. Maiku

    The writing is so terrible. MY EYES. ;O;
  21. Maiku

  22. Maiku

    MISSA, Macabre, Gauze, Vulgar, Withering To Death. Why'd you put older in quotations? Are you implying that they aren't old?
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