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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. Maiku

    I've always wondered what happened to Chianti... ;O;
  2. Maiku

    My parents are in disbelief. "People would shit." NOT IF THEY DON'T KNOW ABOUT IT. The big media stations aren't really saying anything about this shit. My parents think I'm making shit up.
  3. Maiku

    They better. :'D I bet some will. Hooray for spreading awareness! Except I believe the government would think we were mobilizing against them and strike us down with some good old fashioned non-torture water boarding. THIS IS THE WORLD WE LIVE. OH THE DESPERATION~!
  4. Maiku

    You haven't heard shit because we are America and our media only wants to tell you about who the celebrities are fucking and what new gadgets you can get on facebook with. There have been many media black outs on many things that have been going on. Look at how the Occupy Wall Street wasn't reported on for weeks by major news stations. We are the American public and we don't need to know what's going on because we are too busy being entertained to notice what is up. The government is trying to prepare itself for an internal revolution. Best way to do that? Take away everyone's rights to annihilate the threat.
  5. http://newsvoice.se/2011/12/02/us-senate-declares-the-entire-usa-to-be-a-battleground/ http://newsvoice.se/2011/12/02/paul-c-robert-former-reagan-administration-official-comments-national-defense-authorization-act/ Knew it was coming. American rights are going bye bye~. Hello new world order.
  6. Maiku

    LOL @ Fitear. xD Look at what Auggie said a few posts before you. xD IT'S DEFINITELY DAT. xD <3
  7. Are you more attracted to music that emphasizes technicality and instrumental proficiency or music that puts more emphasis on soul and accessibility? Answer: Yes.
  8. Maiku

    How come under their logo it says "Ugly Motherfucker?" xD
  9. Ahahaha. The lion cover is so much love. :'D And I agree Doe the full thing is better but IT DOES SOUND SO DISJOINTED. It's like Shou's singing don't fit at all yo. Which is weird cause Shou is normally more suited to ballad type things... Anyway, I feel these current singles that have come out have been like follow up money makers for them. Like "Ok we did so much work on Gemini and are burnt out so we are gonna take it easy with these releases and what comes after this will be Universally Epic." I still don't even over Heart of Gold. That song was like. I dunno. Shou's voice sounds so husky and raspy in it. xD This new single is sooo slow. I think it may be the slowest song they've ever wrote. ;O; The word ethereal that Lyric used is a great way to describe the sounds the usually generate. :'D Mugen -Electic Eden- is an AMAZING ballad by them and they've had amazing ballads before. SO I DON'T REALLY GET THIS SONG. AHAHA.
  10. I already forget ViViD. I'll check out da album when it comes out. 8D
  11. The lion cover is epic on a universal level.
  12. They can do so much better. ;__; BUT Ikindoflikeit.
  13. Maiku

    I envision GIRUGASTEP. The future does not bode well for civilization. DaGagazettoStep was almost too much. Nuclear melt down impending. In 3-2-1~!
  14. Maiku

    Fuck yeah. 8D We could get married and make tons of friends with hot tops and invite them over for Pierrot and sex. 8D
  16. Maiku

    Expecting crooning loving track ala Blue X Precious.
  17. Maiku

    I wanna get Married to Ramrod. ;O; We could consecrate our love while listening to Pierrot. <3
  18. Maiku

    Sai cause Sai likes The Kiddie and Alice Nine. :'D
  19. Maiku

    This shit better be a new single. Or the announcement that they got another guitarist.
  20. Maiku

    AHAHA. I thought that that elephant was Ganesh. xD Had no idea what that DBZ robot thing was called.
  21. Maiku

  22. Maiku

    Aliene Ma'riage.
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