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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. Maiku

    The artwork reminds me a lot of the Hana single artworks. :'D
  2. The Smashing Pumpkins is always a great alt band. :'D
  3. Maiku

    I agreee with Nuke with my whole heart. <3 :'D I'll skip Niji no Yuki as well. Just like Stargazer. LOLOLOL.
  4. Maiku

  5. Maiku

    BWWAAAA. I'm so excited for the new single you gaiz~! Judging from the look and the single name and the fact it's in HARDCORE KATAKANA RED makes me think it's gonna be a hard rock slightly metal pop song. :'D YAY.
  6. Maiku

    you were always CAT5 to me. <3
  7. Maiku

    My sentiments exactly.
  8. @Pretsy: Thanks~! :'D And I think so. It is the reviews section. Plus mods/admins/CAT5 have to allow them to be posted. So I was like "If dis gets posted. It's ok~!" Bahaha. :'D @Nuke: イェイイ~!!イェオオ~!And I posted it in the videos section~! :'D
  9. Maiku

    I don't see why you have to feel guilty about a great band. xD
  10. THIS IS THE KIDDIE'S FIRST LIVE DVD. OMG. It is so amazing. How do I know? I saw it yesterday, dawwwg~! :'D SO I THOUGHT I'D REVIEW THE DVD. THIS IS GONNA BE SO FUN OMFG. (≧∇≦) [Dat EMOJI brought to you by Nuke. <3 And copypasta productions. Who also helped me get the set-list here. THIS IS GONNA BE A COOL REVIEW CAUSE I'LL ALSO GET TO REVIEW THEIR PERFORMANCE. ) 0. Opening - Oooh. Nice techno opening and the audience seems PUMPED~! LOLOL. The members come out and do flashy gestures at the audience. xD And they are eating dat shit up. xD Oh gawd so many people. ;__; Must be intimidating. Then again... I'm sure they are used to it by now. xD BWAAA YUSA. ;O; Oh it got dark. 1. smile. - Ippo~ippo~! Here we go~! -and the track is playing loudly over them live. Wat. Well dat "Oh~oh~ohwowo~." thing Yusa did was cute. Oh Yusa's really good live. ;O; He seems to be more flashy with his vocals. xD Adding cute littly flarey sounds to the end of things he's singing. Everything sounds great. ;O; And I can't stop watching them. OMG. ;O; This has to be the most cutest performance EVER. Holy fuck. I can barely take it. Ahahaha. Yusa sounded so manly just now yelling at the audience. xD <3 Bwaaa awesome dual-solo followed by awesome high five. Bahahahahaha. YOU GUYS THS IS AMAZING. ;O; I don't even normally like the song but they are performing it so well that I can't not like it. xD And Yusa's definitely the cutest vocalist on the scene right now. Jesus christ. 10/10 2. Re:evolution - YAY~! I fucking love this song. And he's dancing with a pink bandana. xD Wow. I can't. I don't even. ;__; DREAMS COME TRUE. I am in love with this live performance of this song so much. ;__; They are as good live as I hoped they would be. ;__; 10/10 3. in one sense - OH shit. Ahahaha. "Jyampu~! Jyampu~!" Jesus christ. Yusa is the cutest vocalist. Did I mention that yet? I can't handle this. EVERYONE MUST EXPERIENCE IT. BRB. Gotta start dancin' to this shit. AHAHA. Member introductions again? xD They are performing this perfectly. I AM GONNA SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST. Holy shit the audience looks like a raging sea~! :'D YEIII~! 100/10 4. Calling - Perfection. Yuusei's guitar playing is so nice on the ears. ;__; THE WHOLE BAND IS. JESUS CHRIST. And they are performing these songs better than the studio recordings. ;__; I'm gonna cry. ERRTHING I DREAMED OF. RIGHT HERE. BEFORE MY VERY EYES. THESE EYES. THEY SEE. ... I can't handle how perfect this is. ;___; 10/10 5. STEADY - OH GEEZ. OH GAWD. I'm probably going to cry. ;__; Suteedi Maiku. Bwaaa. It's already amazing. ;__; "Toki doki~! omounda yo~! Kimi to bai-bai shita to ni~!" ;__; MAN MAN MAN. JUST. I can't handle dis. Yusa is so amazing. AND SO IS EVERYONE ELSE. WEEPIN CREEPIN JESUS. This is the best DVD ever. They did this perfectly. 10/10 6. PAIN: Oh~! Za b-saido from Calling. :'D Fuck yeah~! GIT IT~! :'D OMG. xD Yusa is so fun to watch and listen to. xD THEY ARE SO ON POINT. I'M FREAKING OUT. SO PERFECT. ;O; 10/10 7. AWA TO CIDER - OH YEII YEII~! :'D One of my fav songs. xD BAhahaha. LOL. Yusa clapping on the hand holding the mic wat. I JUST. LOVE THIS BAND SO MUCH. OMG. 10/10 forever. 8. Nutty Nasty - Oh man. The song that I don't really like. Bahahahaha. xD LOL errone is dancing like crazy. xD And it's being performed pretty well~! :'D Man. xD This band is great. "Oh really really kawaii mai baybay~!" 11/10 9. LOVE - OH SHIT. ONE OF THEIR BEST SONGS. OH MAN. GONNA. LOSE IT. SHIT. Bwaaa. Yusa and the acoustic guitar. Fuckin' so sweet sounding. ;O; <3 FUCK YEAH. xD The song bursts into intensity with electric guitar and drums and bass and Yusa's amazingly powerful lovely voice. ;O; Holy crap. Fuckin' amazing. ;__; 10/10 10. マイガール - BAHAHA. THIS IS A GREAT SONG. xD "Furisosoinda tokimeki no ame~! Atari mae ga~! Sou jyanakunatte~!" xD Gah. THIS SONG. OH GOD. ;O; It's the best. ;__; It's so adorably funky. <3 AHAHA. xD Oh yusa. xD I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW GREAT THEY ARE LIVE. EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS. Man. They are just groovin' so hard. ;O; What a great solo. ;__; Man. 100%/10 11. プラズマ - I've seen this a million times since it randomly surfaced on youtube and it's still amazing. ;__; The audience just goes crazy during this song and THE KIDDIE continue to go all out and DESTROY. :'D <3 10/10 12. 嵐の夜 - Bwa. I love this chibi-uta. ;__; SHIT THIS BAND IS SO FLY. HOLY FUCK. FUCKIN. AWESOME. 10/10 13. BLACK SIDE - OH MAN. :'D I love this song. xD EXCITE. Wow. Just wow. All I can say. 10/10 14. Beaming - OH GOD. MY FAVORITE SONG. :'D AND IT'S ALREADY BEING DONE PERFECTLY. WOW. ;__; EVERYONE MUST WATCH THIS DVD FOR THIS PERFORMANCE. ;__; "Letz get happy on za rainbow~! Kono peesu de ikou~!" ;O; Bwaaa. They are so perfect. ;__; 10/10 I'll finish my review at a later date. ;__; I've got a cold and all this perfection has tired me out. So until then~! The DVD is perfect. And anyone that as any doubts about this band's abilities should check it out and watch it with giant attentive eyes and absorb the happiness. <3
  11. Maiku

    i've always thought THE KIDDIE was really cute! (;3;) but every time i mentioned it in real life, the other person who look at me weird, like "... they named their band The Kitty"? ( ̄∇ ̄) Ahahaha. Right. Or they think it's something perverted. xD
  12. Maiku

    THE KIDDIE is a pretty ridiculous one. If I had a vk band... I'd name it... GORE JUICE. :'D
  13. Maiku

    Bahahah. Same~! xD I like them though. Sometimes they sound like xTRiPx too.
  15. Maiku

    Bwaaaa~! :'D They are awesome. :'D I really like them! The Shou is soooo cute. OMG. <3 Very good work! Post some more recent artworks please! :'D
  16. Maiku

    Zess is right. The VK fandom is spread out alll over the world. In my town there is only one other person who listens to Jrock. So when it comes to concerts and cd sales in foreign markets (not Japan) it's really hard for them to amass some sales and sell out concerts.
  17. Maiku

    Right? :'D <3 They are really awesome. :'D
  18. Maiku

    DMC2 was just super weird compared to 1 and 3. ;__;
  19. Maiku

    OgfXeUldLt4 X_NvkdhIpF0 CiQIs1s0UM8 GoLglViK5Ek qhN5tS3Jt40 SO FUCKIN' EXCITED.
  20. Maiku

    I met a fangirl once that thought PSC was a tv channel and the logo at the end of PSC bands shit was just a Japanese tv channel. LOLOL. I was like "No that's the music label." And then she was like "REALLY I THOUGHT THE BANDS DID EVERYTHING BY THEMSELVES."
  21. Maiku

    I got the impression Miyavi was fired behind a clever guise of "graduation from the label," for being wound up in that pop star pregnancy scandal.
  22. Maiku

    BUT. YOU GAIZ. ELVIS NINE~! *Grabby hands.*
  23. Maiku

  24. Maiku

    THE KIDDIE fanbase is totes awesome. I mean. Look at me~! :'D J/k. But seriously. THE KIDDIE is awesome.
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