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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. Looking forward to the OZ cover of PIERROT~!! OMG. :'D And that NoGod of TMR. xD
  2. Maiku

    OMG YAY~! :'D Now I will obsessively visit your blogspot. xD THE KIDDIE are great~. I'm so excited for the new album.
  3. Maiku

    When I see this video I see Yosuke as Fievel from Fievel Goes West. ;__; bVD-xssuwIY
  4. Maiku

    237Q this is an awesome idea~! :'D I love reading little notes that the translators occasionally make. Maybe you'll overcome my FAVORITE translator~. http://ameblo.jp/mary-nine/theme1-10004691141.html#main (She's responsible for me being able to sing every THE KIDDIE song ever~. She recently translated monopolize by Boodieman I think.) She doesn't really analyze the lyrics though~.
  5. Maiku

    LoKTuVwBIJ4 I wish everyone was this excited about wind energy.
  6. Maiku

    u5khcQWHkKg I love how he is dressed like he just got back from a very ViBrAnT sky diving session~.
  7. Maiku

    Manga = awesome.
  8. Maiku

    I am envisioning KornxSkrillex style The GazettE.
  9. Maiku

    Obsessing over this Australian Man of Glory and Triumph and Magnificence. sYHlrttxbQU
  10. Maiku

    Getting high and playing Shin Megami Tensei III: NOCTURNE.
  11. Maiku

    Ahahahaha. I always do~. 8D
  12. Maiku

    I can't wait for the new album. Gonna write the best review ever.
  13. Maiku

    Arithmetica is so cool. ;O;
  14. Maiku

    I suggest you all try the happy play list. :'D It's great~.
  15. Maiku

    http://www.stereomood.com Listen to music based on your mood/activity/etc.
  16. Maiku

    Why did I sleep until 2pm? ;__;
  17. Maiku

    UGH. I'm just. IDK about this whole thing. ;__;
  18. Maiku

    It is a devil song.
  19. Very cool~! :'D Interested in hearing what they sound like. 8D
  20. Maiku

    2pqxl2CoAyg Retz go dansu furoa.
  21. Maiku

    I got all pumped but then saw it was just a pv collection~. I'm more of a songs and live DVD kinda guy than a pv guy. ;__; They should include a new pv for it~. Like a new song and pv especially fo da dvd. Then I'd be all "Totes want." Wait I'm poor so none of this matters. ;__; Please Lord Jesus Christ grant me the ability to find a job that will hire me and give me money so I can have nice things like Alice Nine PV DVDs. And a region-free dvd player.
  22. Maiku

  23. Maiku

    I wanna write a ghost story.
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