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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. Maiku

  2. http://birthofanewearth.blogspot.com/2011/08/obama-appoints-monsantos-vice-president.html Hi welcome to America. We're insane and fat.
  3. Maiku

  4. http://designtaxi.com/news/351464/First ... r-A-Pulse/ SHITS GETTIN REAL SON.
  5. Maiku

    Never finished high school. Never go to college. LOL. OMG I LOVE THE KIDDIE SO MUCH. THE NEW TRACK LIST SOUNDS SO COOL. ;__;
  6. Maiku

    THE KIDDIE must have amazing computer skillz.
  7. Maiku

    Awww you don't like God Bless You? ;__; Also, I took a screenshot of the new look so I could add it here... And when I upload it to tiny pic... THIS IS WHAT SHOWED UP. LOLOL
  8. Maiku

    THE KIDDIE ohp updated and THE NEW LOOK iS AWESOME :'D 1.MA★PIECE 2.mr.FIREBIRD 3.Sun'z up 4.茜射ス空、落チル影 (Akane sasu sora, Ochiru kage) 5.来世の女神 (Raise no Megami) 6.Nutty Nasty 7.サマードリーム(Summer Dream) 8.ハッピーエンドが待っている (Happy End ga Matteiru) 9.Destination 10.美しきREDRUM 11.二人のメモリーズ (Futari no Memories) 12.stand by me 13.アダルト[bonus track] (Adult)
  9. Maiku

    Apparently THE KIDDIE are doing the theme song for the new PSP game Kimikare. The game looks... like a shonen ai game. o__o I dunno if this is the CDs the song is gonna be released on or if the song is from their new album?
  10. OMG thankz. :'D Fitear should do a review too~! And Nekkichi. ACTUALLY ERRONE WRITE YOUR OWN REVIEW ON THE DVD. ;O; It'd be interesting to hear different opinions actually. :'D OMG LET'S GET CHAMP TO REVIEW IT~! :'D
  11. Maiku

    Message - I just feel like I've already heard this song a million times. It drags on and Shin's crooning is at 100%. The guitars and the beat are nowhere near interesting. It's boring. Wow what a terrible guitar solo. It's not even cute. 1/5 Ring - I just feel like I've already heard this song a million times. It drags on and Shin's crooning is at 100%. The guitars and the beat are nowhere near interesting. It's boring. Wow what a terrible guitar solo. It's not even cute. 1/5 Vanity - OK this is terrible. Normally I enjoyed their forays into rap rock. Like WBA and Chronikuru etc. (They are all essentially the same song anyway.) Holy shit. This is terrible. I wish it were a little bit better because it doesn't really sound like something I've heard before cause I haven't really heard anything this lame before. His English is pretty alright too. 0/5 I don't really get this single. Especially since I kind of liked the b-sides of FAKE. I feel like maybe they didn't wanna put much money into this single and save up a bit more for the next? I mean. The crappily done artwork was kind of a little hint there. The PV was terrible. But then again all their recent pvs have been terrible. (Seriously, Shin lost the ability to lip sync some how. I don't really get it.) Their outfits aren't even interesting. The songs are terrible. They seriously haven't been any fun since they went major. ;__;
  12. Maiku

    I don't really eat syrup on my waffles to begin with because real maple syrup is so expensive and hard to find. I can't stand that high fructose corn syrup with maple flavoring. ;__; I don't even drink soda because it's made with high fructose corn syrup. EVERYTHING NOW A DAYS IS MADE FROM CORN.
  13. Maiku

    That. "My brain just sparkled." ;')
  14. Maiku

    LOL. I dunno. Mayhaps. I like yo siggy pic though~.
  15. Maiku

    When it comes to pancakes and waffles I like pancakes. But only because my mom threw my waffle iron out a long time ago. ;O; I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY SHE DID IT. ;__; Homemade Waffles totally destroy pancakes though. I hate tasteless Eggo waffles. D:
  16. Maiku

    Don't worry it wasn't a real date. LOL. I'm saving my heart for you. <3
  17. Maiku

    YES. :'D And since I seem to listen openly to everyone else' guilty pleasures I totes can contribute. 8D
  18. Maiku

    Here is me with my first ever girl date.
  19. Maiku

    Oh neat~. I wonder what it will be like.
  20. Maiku

    Truthfully it just looks like he's ripping off band logos. Maybe it's like... fan-made band goods and he's just a fan. But if the labels found out I bet he'd get in trouble or something.
  21. Maiku

    LET'S HAVE A THE KIDDIE NIGHT EVERYONE! :'D We'll play Kazoku and THE KIDDIE. And bands that everyone else was in. Like Givuss. And since Elvis Nine vox and Tora were with Yuudai in Givuss you can play Alice Nine too. Plust Elvis Nine is rad and the only good band on that Piisu and sumairu komupanii.
  22. Maiku

    I like the skull face and the incoherent lumps of english words. Would not buy though.
  23. Maiku

    @Nuke: I'm sorry. I think I don't like Stargazer: cause IMMA MAN. And it just sounds... I dunno. Too girly for me. XD @Auggie: FRIENDS FOREVER. <3 <3 <3
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