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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. Maiku

    Oh man. Pretty exciting. 8D
  2. Maiku

    THE KIDDIE put an extra track and DVD for their limited edition and the regular just came with the normal track list -1 song. But not every band can be perfect like them~.
  3. Maiku

    DIPLOSOMIA = Conjoined Twins.
  4. Maiku

    Bwaaa I miss Deadman. ;__; And this looks like an awesome live. ;__;
  5. Bwaaa if only I had the money to go to the live. ;__; Still sounds cool~.
  6. Maiku

    New look released and it's pretty cute~! :'D
  7. Uu6BlQ2TN2I Seriously, Libraries are the best things ever.
  8. Ahahahaha. They sound a lot better than I expected. xD Pretty awesome~.
  9. Maiku

    I got these when I got obsessed with Persona 3. ;__;
  10. A song written and composed by THE KIDDIE? 8D Fuck yeah~. :'D
  11. OH MAN AWESOME! :'D I'm sooo excited. 8D
  12. Maiku

    Last night I made my specialty. INGEDIENTS: 1/2 cup of Brown Rice. 1 cup of boiling water. 1/2 cup of not boiling water DIRECTIONS: Step 1: Boil water. Let cool for a couple seconds. Dump it all over dat brown rice. Step 2: Let that shit chill for as long as you want~. Read for like an hour or so. Step 3: Add dat non-boiling water. Then bring to a boil. Then lower heat and let it simmer until all water is evaporated. (Sometimes you may need to add more water. If you have a kettle you can keep relatively hot water on hand and add it if you notice it needs more water. It's pretty easy to tell. Every time I make rice it needs different amounts of water...) Step 4: Serve in a bowl. Add organic sustainably harvested sea-salt. Step 5: Devour while watching television.
  13. Maiku

    THIS. SO. MUCH. :'D
  14. Maiku

    Yay~! Tadamitsu and Sunao~! :'D The band looks pretty cool. 8D
  15. Maiku

    @Uglymouth - Ahahaha thanks. 8D <3 I remember when I posted it on myspace forever ago I got made fun of a shit ton. Ahaha. xD @Kamijosick - What's scorpions lair? and you're very cute. :'D
  16. Maiku

    New season starts July 1st. Here is what I think happened. Andy Botwin got shot by Alanis Morrisette and is no longer in the show. Information to support this? Justin Kirk has a new show.
  17. Maiku

    This sentence is applicable to most of these people. This woman is a dadaist poet.
  18. AHAHAHAH~! :'D Wow~! :'D <3 <3 <3 <3
  19. Maiku

    It sounds like dooky.
  20. Maiku

    MOAR PLEASE~!! <3 <3 <3 :'D
  21. Maiku

    Everything she says is true though.
  22. Maiku

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