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Everything posted by Maiku

  1. Maiku

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MASA~! :'D <3 <3 <3 Thanks Greenstrings, Sai and Neon. <3 <3 <3 <3 :'D
  2. Maiku

    Replaying Persona3 and Shine Megami Tensei Nocturne. ;O; <3 <3 Also been playing Castlevania DS games. <3
  3. Maybe the フリクリ-kei Kyo-tama is hinting that the tv head means autotune.
  4. Maiku

    Been reading Mister Monday by Garth Nix. Also have 2012 Writer's Market and The Art of the Short Story.
  5. Maiku

    OMG. I Sing For You full PV. BLFoa-uvS8k
  6. Maiku

    Ibitsu sounds like a funny collage of Shiver and Pledge. LOL. And is anyone else pissed that Ruki said Toxic was "incomplete?" Pretty much just saying "Oh we failed at Toxic so here have this new version of Toxic."
  7. Maiku

    Awww man. D: They were really cool. ;__;
  8. Maiku

    I don't see what is so special about the look. It looks the same as Suicide Circus.
  9. Maiku

    Maybe a photobook documenting Kyo's throat surgeries.
  10. Maiku

    me too! except i'm not taking break. although i did stop reading for like a week after the RW. I just need a break from the series because it's a torrent of depression. ;__; So I'll read a book that's a little less depressing and then go on to the 4th and 5th when I finish dat book.
  11. Maiku

    I never got why An Cafe has such a fan following. Especially when THE KIDDIE does that kind of music a lot better and have a more consistent quality to their work.
  12. Maiku

    Maybe they finally noticed that "Heavy Positive Rock" tagline they started out with.
  13. Maiku

    I wish I had nice supiikaasu.
  14. Maiku

    Been reading Storm of Swords and pretty sure I'm taking a break from the series after it.
  15. Maiku

  16. Maiku

    Yeah that single was bomb. ;__; They were really cool. Maybe some cool new bands will be born from the disbandment.
  17. Maiku

    Sounds exactly like what they did on the last album.
  18. Maiku


    Yay a new THE KIDDIE fan~! :'D Oddly enough both our names are Mike. 8D Welcome to Monochrome Heaven~.
  19. Maiku

    I can't wait for the new single~. This song was written and composed by THE KIDDIE. :'D H7WChXaO_gY
  20. Maiku

    G238MsbboFM onx1FNNxMtw
  21. Maiku

    Has anyone ever wondered about what happened to boogieman? It'll be almost a year since LOOPS. And there seems to be absolutely no new information posted on the website and there were no blog links.
  22. This is my new profile on last.fm, yo. http://www.last.fm/user/RideOnStars
  23. I SING FOR YOU: Suki:
  24. Maiku

    A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin. When I started the first one I didn't think they were that good but then I got sucked in. ;__;
  25. Maiku

    Another band that has given up on making good tunes apparently.
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