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  1. Like
    geist got a reaction from r... in Laputa   
    Thanks for the recs! All I have so far is the 3DISC Best and Coupling Collection and thought those two would be a great entry into the band. I'll make sure to dig into these soon! I've really been enjoying Kouichi's guitar work so far, definitely a highlight for me.
  2. Like
    geist got a reaction from setsuha_ in Laputa   
    Laputa was a Japanese nagoya kei rock band, active from 1993 to 2004. The band chose its name from the flying island in Gulliver's Travels and tried to portray a similar unrealistic view of the world with their performance. Their 1997 album Emadera was named one of the top albums from 1989-1998 in a 2004 issue of the music magazine Band Yarouze.
    I had never heard of these guys before and stumbled across them after listening to Dir en grey's "Ash" and their song "舌" was queued afterwards. What is everyone's thoughts on this band? Like them? Hate them? Favorite releases? They seem pretty interesting and I was looking to check them out later!
  3. Like
    geist reacted to Takadanobabaalien in Laputa   
    Their early stuff is some of the best nagoya kei ever.
    This is such a classic.
  4. Like
    geist reacted to Saishu in DIR EN GREY new single "人間を被る" (Ningen wo Kaburu) release   
    I love that I was recently bitching about how they’ve ignored Ash for years and now here we are. 
  5. Like
    geist got a reaction from EzraEroguro in DIR EN GREY new single "人間を被る" (Ningen wo Kaburu) release   
    I think I'm starting to look forward to Ash just by virtue of it pissing everyone here off.
    Years ago, when the Hageshisa single was released, I wanted a Kiri to Mayu remake because I knew how good that song could be with their new sound, and I think that will be the case for Ash as well. If you don't like Metal, you're not going to like this.
  6. Like
    geist got a reaction from Mamo in DIR EN GREY new single "人間を被る" (Ningen wo Kaburu) release   
    I think I'm starting to look forward to Ash just by virtue of it pissing everyone here off.
    Years ago, when the Hageshisa single was released, I wanted a Kiri to Mayu remake because I knew how good that song could be with their new sound, and I think that will be the case for Ash as well. If you don't like Metal, you're not going to like this.
  7. Like
    geist got a reaction from Saishu in Dir en grey   
    I can understand wanting to fit another guitar part in there to stand out; but please make it more tasteful than THAT!
  8. Like
    geist reacted to Saishu in Dir en grey   
    Midwife is pretty bad. It bothers me a LOT when they throw those weird, skronky, almost atonal riffs in the heavier material. It just makes everything sound goofy. It happens in Bugaboo and practically everything in Withering to death. 
  9. Like
    geist reacted to Ro plz in Dir en grey   
    I find a good bunch of the old stuff that’s not MISSA, or GAUZE , very unlistenable. I hate Kisou also. There’s some of the songs that have aged well and sound awesome if you watch the MODE of DVDs. 
    But I love the progression from WTD to ARCHE. They satisfy my metal needs in their own special ways. But lately I’ve been bumping ARCHE over And over. 
  10. LOLOL
    geist reacted to Ro plz in DIR EN GREY new single "人間を被る" (Ningen wo Kaburu) release   
    Since this is new Dir en grey Material, I wont say that i'm excited for it in fear that I'ma be passive aggressively attacked with a long ass post with how im wrong for doing so.
    I ain't dumb. I'm trying to stay outta trouble in these parts. 
  11. Like
    geist reacted to patientZERO in DIR EN GREY new single "人間を被る" (Ningen wo Kaburu) release   
    I wonder if this is one of the new songs I heard when I saw them last year. I'm hoping it's the heavier track and not the ballad-y track ... because who likes ballads as singles?
  12. Like
    geist got a reaction from suji in Dir en grey   
    Now excuse me while I rant about how terrible it is you have an opinion that differs from mine. 
    For real though, Rinkaku is pretty fucking great. Kyo’s voice is good; but it’s the instrumentation that does it for me. 
    And is that troll really posting with a different account now? lmao, how embarrassing. 
  13. Thanks
    geist got a reaction from Mamo in Dir en grey   
    Easy with the inferiority complex, sweetie, you’re embarrassing yourself. I never said my statements triggered people. Let’s not forget: you started pissing and moaning because one person on the internet said they liked a song. 
    Just one problem: you decided to weigh your opinion on a topic which you have 0 knowledge of, so I had to correct you. You legit thought the Gaika and Inferno outros were the same when they have 0 similarities other than the fact musical notes are being played in 4/4 time. You only said this because Dir en greys new material triggers you, so you tried to pretend you knew shit to slap down other people that like the music. 
    But again, it’s hard to discuss music with someone that has 0 knowledge of music and who couldn’t tell the difference between a C major chord and their own asshole. 
    I know why you lashed out at me. It’s painfully obvious. Within music communities (especially VK), an individuals perceived status is linked to how much they know about the band. You wanted to fit in and impress people with your supposed “knowledge”, so you legitimately got upset when I drew that “knowledge” into question. Simply put: I hurt your ego, and you lashed out in an attempt to protect it. 
    I find it odd you would liken me to a child when I’m not the one who started crying when someone else said they liked a song that I didn’t. But of course, your fragile ego needs protecting, so believe whatever nonsense you’d like: not like that hasn’t stopped you before, now has it?
  14. Like
    geist got a reaction from Ro plz in Dir en grey   
    Now excuse me while I rant about how terrible it is you have an opinion that differs from mine. 
    For real though, Rinkaku is pretty fucking great. Kyo’s voice is good; but it’s the instrumentation that does it for me. 
    And is that troll really posting with a different account now? lmao, how embarrassing. 
  15. Like
    geist reacted to Ro plz in Dir en grey   
    Rinkaku is still the best Dir en grey song ever.
    Is there any debate to this? Id love to hear peoples (wrong) thoughts. 
  16. Like
    geist got a reaction from The Moon in Dir en grey   
    Easy with the inferiority complex, sweetie, you’re embarrassing yourself. I never said my statements triggered people. Let’s not forget: you started pissing and moaning because one person on the internet said they liked a song. 
    Just one problem: you decided to weigh your opinion on a topic which you have 0 knowledge of, so I had to correct you. You legit thought the Gaika and Inferno outros were the same when they have 0 similarities other than the fact musical notes are being played in 4/4 time. You only said this because Dir en greys new material triggers you, so you tried to pretend you knew shit to slap down other people that like the music. 
    But again, it’s hard to discuss music with someone that has 0 knowledge of music and who couldn’t tell the difference between a C major chord and their own asshole. 
    I know why you lashed out at me. It’s painfully obvious. Within music communities (especially VK), an individuals perceived status is linked to how much they know about the band. You wanted to fit in and impress people with your supposed “knowledge”, so you legitimately got upset when I drew that “knowledge” into question. Simply put: I hurt your ego, and you lashed out in an attempt to protect it. 
    I find it odd you would liken me to a child when I’m not the one who started crying when someone else said they liked a song that I didn’t. But of course, your fragile ego needs protecting, so believe whatever nonsense you’d like: not like that hasn’t stopped you before, now has it?
  17. Thanks
    geist got a reaction from saishuu in Dir en grey   
    Easy with the inferiority complex, sweetie, you’re embarrassing yourself. I never said my statements triggered people. Let’s not forget: you started pissing and moaning because one person on the internet said they liked a song. 
    Just one problem: you decided to weigh your opinion on a topic which you have 0 knowledge of, so I had to correct you. You legit thought the Gaika and Inferno outros were the same when they have 0 similarities other than the fact musical notes are being played in 4/4 time. You only said this because Dir en greys new material triggers you, so you tried to pretend you knew shit to slap down other people that like the music. 
    But again, it’s hard to discuss music with someone that has 0 knowledge of music and who couldn’t tell the difference between a C major chord and their own asshole. 
    I know why you lashed out at me. It’s painfully obvious. Within music communities (especially VK), an individuals perceived status is linked to how much they know about the band. You wanted to fit in and impress people with your supposed “knowledge”, so you legitimately got upset when I drew that “knowledge” into question. Simply put: I hurt your ego, and you lashed out in an attempt to protect it. 
    I find it odd you would liken me to a child when I’m not the one who started crying when someone else said they liked a song that I didn’t. But of course, your fragile ego needs protecting, so believe whatever nonsense you’d like: not like that hasn’t stopped you before, now has it?
  18. Like
    geist got a reaction from nullmoon in Dir en grey   
    Easy with the inferiority complex, sweetie, you’re embarrassing yourself. I never said my statements triggered people. Let’s not forget: you started pissing and moaning because one person on the internet said they liked a song. 
    Just one problem: you decided to weigh your opinion on a topic which you have 0 knowledge of, so I had to correct you. You legit thought the Gaika and Inferno outros were the same when they have 0 similarities other than the fact musical notes are being played in 4/4 time. You only said this because Dir en greys new material triggers you, so you tried to pretend you knew shit to slap down other people that like the music. 
    But again, it’s hard to discuss music with someone that has 0 knowledge of music and who couldn’t tell the difference between a C major chord and their own asshole. 
    I know why you lashed out at me. It’s painfully obvious. Within music communities (especially VK), an individuals perceived status is linked to how much they know about the band. You wanted to fit in and impress people with your supposed “knowledge”, so you legitimately got upset when I drew that “knowledge” into question. Simply put: I hurt your ego, and you lashed out in an attempt to protect it. 
    I find it odd you would liken me to a child when I’m not the one who started crying when someone else said they liked a song that I didn’t. But of course, your fragile ego needs protecting, so believe whatever nonsense you’d like: not like that hasn’t stopped you before, now has it?
  19. Like
    geist got a reaction from nullmoon in Dir en grey   
    Which legitimately no one said. I don’t know why The Inferno, or new Dir en grey material in general, triggers you as much as it does. 
    It literally set you off into being a passive aggressive asshole out of nowhere when I commented on how much I enjoy the song. 
    I get it, you’re upset I corrected you in our conversation a few days ago and this was your chance to get back at me, but please try to act less petty, ESPECIALLY when you evidently don’t know a single thing about music and the only term you remotely know is “motif” to make up for your lack of musical vocabulary. 
  20. LOLOL
    geist got a reaction from nullmoon in Dir en grey   
    Don’t forget! They also both contain musical notes! Fuckin self-plagiarists!!!
  21. Like
    geist got a reaction from nullmoon in Dir en grey   
    Now we’re at the crux of the issue. Not only are you musically ignorant, you also don’t like the direction the band has gone (*cough* metal *cough*). 
    Which is fine, you don’t have to like the direction Dir en grey has gone musically; but when you make arguments out of ignorance to inflate the importance of your half-baked opinion, it warrants correction. 
    Just keep that in mind. Also, please keep your silly American politics out of this thread, thanks. 
  22. Like
    geist got a reaction from nullmoon in Dir en grey   
    Who said Dir en grey's musical style being predominantly metal was "carved in stone"? I get the point you're trying to make; but let's stop pretending Dir en grey are not a 'metal' band when over 80% of their catalog is classified as 'metal'.
    Ah yes, the "true metal" argument. This is one of those arguments people slap around when they evidently know very little of the style of music being discussed (see: your comments on "Djent"). It's an abstract non-argument where you're not actually saying anything despite the fact you're stringing sentences together. Please, define for us "true metal" and how that is distinguished from a band like Dir en grey who are apparently not "true metal".
    I don't recall ever specifically defining Dir en grey as "progressive metal", whom are you quoting?
    No offense; but it's difficult to discuss music with people who are unable to distinguish between guitars chugging in C# (Gaika) and an A minor/diminished half-step riff (you, know, a staple within the 'extreme metal' style) built on two guitar harmonies outlining a i-v (A, E) chord progression and a tri-tone. Not only are they different harmonically, they're entirely different in how they're introduced in the song.
    Saying Dir en grey "aped" the outro to Gaika demonstrates clear ignorance of music and musical form.
  23. Like
    geist got a reaction from nullmoon in Dir en grey   
    If you think the outros to gaika and Inferno sound anything alike, I suggest you get your ears checked because you might be tone deaf. 
    And yes, Dir en grey is a metal band. I don’t see how that is remotely in dispute. Perhaps that’s tied to being tone deaf? 
    Though this IS coming from the same person who didn’t know “Djent” started with Meshuggah, sooo.....
  24. Like
    geist got a reaction from Takadanobabaalien in Dir en grey   
    Which legitimately no one said. I don’t know why The Inferno, or new Dir en grey material in general, triggers you as much as it does. 
    It literally set you off into being a passive aggressive asshole out of nowhere when I commented on how much I enjoy the song. 
    I get it, you’re upset I corrected you in our conversation a few days ago and this was your chance to get back at me, but please try to act less petty, ESPECIALLY when you evidently don’t know a single thing about music and the only term you remotely know is “motif” to make up for your lack of musical vocabulary. 
  25. Like
    geist got a reaction from Takadanobabaalien in Dir en grey   
    Now we’re at the crux of the issue. Not only are you musically ignorant, you also don’t like the direction the band has gone (*cough* metal *cough*). 
    Which is fine, you don’t have to like the direction Dir en grey has gone musically; but when you make arguments out of ignorance to inflate the importance of your half-baked opinion, it warrants correction. 
    Just keep that in mind. Also, please keep your silly American politics out of this thread, thanks. 
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