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Status Updates posted by Ruri

  1. New look is avaliable. Vote for it.

  2. the lfm page for DOBE redirects to some american band called Dope... how... why... those. are two different names

  3. me woooooooooo

    tojireba iiiiimaaaaa 


    waratta kimi ga ite
    itsu kaaaaa mata kanarazu aeru tooooo
    shinjite iru karaaaaaaaa
    yakusokushita karaaaaa
    black stooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooone

  4. i was so late to the party on gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy, what a fucking good band

  5. always find it weird when people insist this "era" of vk is deprived of talent, every era of vk up to now has been filled with talentless hacks, you just don't remember them because they were so unworthy of recollection that your brain basically filtered them out. there was no "golden era" where every band was good, you just don't have an eidetic memory that allows you to vividly recall hundreds of singles by mediocre knockoff bands you listened to in 2010

  6. i was planning to do a tape rip a day for a while but that'll have to be put on hold as i've just become technically homeless (i'm not living on the street, but i have no permanent place of residence, i'm couch-surfing). my tape collection is safe in storage so the uploads will resume once i'm back on my feet!

  7. listening to doginthePWO and having a weirdly specific nostalgic flashback to a time i was sitting in the park in the city centre in the August sun with my weeb friends, we were all arguing about death note ships. we had my oshare folder playing on shuffle on a portable speaker. we're all wearing studded rainbow belts and have awkwardly gelled spiked hair in some kind of budget-vk/scene kid combo. one kid literally just wore his L cosplay and took his fucking shoes off outdoors in a public park to complete the look. the same kid brought his copy of the first volume of black butler (which had JUST come out in english) and we all huddled round and read it over his shoulder lmao, with A9 and paradeis playing in the background like it was the most normal shit ever. i really miss those times ;-; 

  8. lots of clean singing in the new jiluka :3 love it

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