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  1. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to edgelady in Starting a Cover Channel?   
    -deleted, because embarassed-
  2. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to suji in #resurrectVK   
    i'm so sick of hearing about this #resurrectvk garbage, how bout #resERECTmyErection
  3. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to STAR in My name is STAR   
    My name is STAR. Actually, my real name is Tiffany, but I prefer STAR. I am a 14 year-old female. I am an honors student, and I will be entering ninth grade in the fall. For anyone who cares, I do study Japanese independently. I am a bit shy and reserved in real life, so please forgive me if I act obnoxious or annoying online. Its the only way my real personality gets to come out.
    I'm just going to put it out there, I'm a massive fan of both Yohio and Seremedy (Or what was Seremedy). I know they both have their haters on this forum, respectively, but I don't really care. I love them both unconditionally.
    I am also a Malice Mizer and Gackt fan. And I don't care about that Gackt sexual assault allegation that is going around, I will always adore him and his voice.
    To be honest, I only came here for album rips. I was sent here by a member, but I don't know their screen name on this site, so I'll update that later when I do figure it out.
    List of My Favorite Visual-Kei/JRock Bands
    Alice Nine BABYMETAL D DIAURA GACKT High And Mighty Color LoVendoR Malice mizer MoNoLith ONE OK ROCK SCANDAL SCREW Seremedy Stereopony the GazettE UVERworld Versailles YOHIO Honestly, I couldn't think of many off the top of my head so I went through my YouTube history and picked the ones that appeared the most.
    EDIT #1: I'd also like to mention that first and foremost I am a fan of H!P more than a visual kei fan. So I'm pretty out of date with visual-kei things other than what I choose to look up. I don't keep up on news or things  like that for bands other than my favorites, so please don't expect me to know everything you're talking about.
    EDIT #2: I Also forgot to say that I am a fan of LoVendoR. Which, to anyone who doesn't know, is the rock band that Reina Tanaka started and graduated from Morning Musume to focus on. They don't really qualify as rock . . . maybe Idol-Rock, but that's about it. But I will still follow them because I am a Reina fan.
  4. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Himeaimichu in The Bad Boys of Visual Kei   
    Dynamite Tommy always seems to get himself in a pickle. According to TV tropes, one of his fights with Yoshiki caused a bar to be demolished. Can anyone provide backstory on this?
  5. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to ghost in Your 9 Albums   
    I've got 2 lists.
    9 albums that influenced my musical tastes at different points in my life
  6. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to LIDL in Your 9 Albums   

  7. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to herpes in X Japan - We Are X: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack   
    This pompous fucker. Bet he only played the first movement. 
  8. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to efuru in Chanty Gu.shia. has been arrested   
    Gotta pay for their music videos somehow. 
  9. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    cant help it, that's just what the stars are saying sweaty....... 
  10. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Bear in random thoughts thread   
    Best thing about going to concerts or clubs/bars in Trondheim is the bus home at 3am. 9 out of 10 times it's just brilliant. Most times I'm actually laughing for the entire ride (60-90 minutes, depends a bit). Unlike in Oslo where there's always some shit going on on the bus or among the people waiting, here there's only joy. Overly drunk people who do stupid shit and make fools of themself, some nice people and just good atmoshere all the way, all over the place.
    Even the hour and half wait for the bus was amazing. One drunk, pessimistic dad of three, one overly drunk mom of three and me. And some people who come and go of course. Hilarious!
  11. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    leaked grainy hand-held cam footage of the guy from r-15 doing donuts in an empty parking lot in the 'down with trans' bus
  12. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Tokage in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Have that one sitting around on my PC, probably gonna have to get around to playing it soon, it seems to be exactly the kind of stuff I love
    I've been playing a lot of TF2 again for some reason. Say what you want bout the game now that it's gone F2P, but I still find myself having fun just fine 
  13. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Takadanobabaalien in Genres you love, but can't stand most of the bands of   
    Does anyone often find genres that they love, but actually can't stand most of the bands of? 
    visual kei
  14. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to doombox in Memorable Millenial Kei Vocalists   
    @TakadanobabaalienBABYLON were awesome, though. Excuse me while I go cry in my vk nostalgia corner now.
  15. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Takadanobabaalien in Memorable Millenial Kei Vocalists   
    How is there a topic like this without a mention of Takuma (srsly come back soon)!
    タクマ (Takuma)
    → LUV'ra-Doll → RusH → バビロン (BABYLON)
  16. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to heresytrash in A goodbye of sorts   
    Not as active as I thought I'd be. I'd rather put my time into something I'm active in, so I'm leaving. 
    best of luck
  17. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to suji in [April Fools '17] Kaya is preggers [queen of gays]   
    Kaya has announced on his twitter that he is pregnant with a "fetus of sodom".
    Congratulations!! Any bets on who the baby daddy is?
  18. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Valicious in The RarezHut Megathread: the largest internationally-based Visual Kei megastore   
    The last of the EU orders are ready to send out from our shipping center! Thank you for being patient while our EU shipping hub is in transition

  19. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to chemicalpictures in Show Yourself (again)   
    me rocking my SRASH NOTES GARDEN tee at lollapalooza
  20. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to nick in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    I joined TW somewhen in 2008 just for the rarez and stuff back then, and it has become a huge part of my daily life that I keep visiting since.
    Moreover, MH has so many veteran VK fans from various countries throughout the world, and that alone makes me think if you claim to be a VK fan but haven't heard of MH, you're probably just a n00b one. lol
    Well, besides MH being an international J-Rock/VK community, it's also a place where I've been learning English from interacting with both native and non-native speakers. The fact that my English has been so much improved is because of the edit button and Google Translate people here. <33
    It was also an honor that the staff approached me in October 2013 inviting me to join the team as a blue mod; otherwise, I wouldn't dare to sign up myself. lol. And that was the right decision, so I can contribute something I'm capable of doing to the community.
    Finally, I would like to thank MH for existing all these years and all the people here for your valuable contributions.
    Thank you so much for a great 10 years, and let's move forward to the future together.
  21. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Karma’s Hat in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    A legendary epoch for me personally, even as far as my life really, was the heyday of the chat. I think I started appearing there around late 2011 and up until late 2013.  Anyone who was there at the time knows exactly what I'm talking about and how special that thing was.  
    At one point you could rest assured that someone would be there all the time, like Yasu or slsr or somebody else who seemed to be on the computer day and night. I pretty much spend as much time there as I could myself, and I when I left the house I had chat on mobile and when I got home I logged in with the computer! People who are new to this forum cannot even begin to imagine how many classic happenings took place there from those long running gags to all the fights like the big one that eventually sounded its death knell. 
    I try to relate a couple of favorite stories that I remember off the top of my head. I try to be as brief as possible so that people will actually read all this lol
    One fairly recent character was my boi Kahzooey Tunasama from Scandal Heaven, who upon introducing himself proclaimed that he was going to leave the forum in September of something. Then he kept post-poning his exit until he made the ill-fated thread 
    He showed up to the chat a couple of times too, but wasn't all that enthralling a person. We did go trolling on scandal heaven one day, and I think at least Cat and sai took the literal piss. I haven't laughed that much too many times in my life. 
    When raburr joined and dove-eyed and fuzzy tailed I hazed the fuck out of him in the chat. For the life of me I don't remember what he said, but I kept copypasting some nonsense supposedly under his name where he had said something to or about sai, and sai played along and pretended that what I wrote was legit. I'm surprised he even stayed after all that lolol great guy though. The ones I love I treat the worst.
    Back in 2012 I had to go and practice dancing for my lovely lady at the upcoming prom, and being the age of the chat as it were I was pretty much in there every chance I got. Chat when I rode the tram; chat when I waited to hit the ballroom; chat when I was at mcdonalds afterwards and before ( true og's remember I was at Mcdonald's every day, a habit I continue to this day god bless ). On one fateful day Maiku had bought a book from Barnes & Noble or some shit and had manage to get the dumb glitter ornament from the cover into his eye, and now he was going about it in the chat as I was leaving home. When I was riding the tram he was there; when I was about to start and when I stopped ceased dancing, he was there; when I went to Mcdonald's for like an hour he was still there going on about the hazards of gold dust and any possible lawsuits he might be able to undertake against barnes and noble. This might have went on for hours and hours without a pause. We don't have that shop in Finland, but if they have went bankrupt unexpectedly in recent years, now you know why.
    I'll write more as they come to me, and I hope some of the other OG chat members could contribute. This forum has been an instrumental part of my life ever since I joined, so like eight years. Over the years I've met like over ten yous irl as friends, enemies and even romantic liaison. I want to give a shoutout to all the original yellow name crew members. 
    Also thank you especially to all the characters that sojourned in the chat back in the day. I'd like to thank everyone individually, and I even tried, but honestly there's just so many and it'd be a great injustice to honor one and omit the other.  Even those who were only there for a couple of times but contributed to the laughs either with their wit, stupidity or both. You know who you are 
  22. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to robkun in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    As one of the manic uploaders on here, I have to say the past two years I've been around have been a blast. Lots of cool folks, and of course the drama can be delicious, but I digress XD. A big shoutout to the main heads of MH and a very happy anniversary to the best forum dedicated to Japanese music on the web!
  23. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Delkmiroph in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    I confess that i know TW/MH almost 8 years i guess. Every year i know more and more about you guys. I was a simple downloader of everything from here hehehe. Today i am uploader of my fav bands and its a pleasure share with you guys. Of course i am the Queen of Plastic Tree band here (No really lol).
    Was here that i did some friendships and some crushes  (I love some members). MH its my House that i love and i will keep going be with you guys.
    of course i am already to the next 10 years
    Thanks for all.
  24. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to Ito in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    Ten years ago today, Spike760 and myself decided that we wanted to start a Japanese Rock forum. After a while of debating, we eventually settled on Tainted World (after the D’espairsRay song of the same name). Frankly, neither one of expected it to last all that long; this would hardly be the first forum that we had run together that didn’t go anywhere. But what started as a fun little project somehow blossomed into an amazing community. The fact that this site still exists after all this time has little to say about Spike and my’s original plan and everything to say about the members here. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping build this site into what it is today.
    While I was one of the key founders of this site, Monochrome Heaven is so much bigger than just me. That became clear to me when we went under the transition from Tainted World to our current name back in 2011. While to really understand why this is so important requires more context, I don’t want to go into a full on history lesson. But since that point, so many members have stepped up and dedicated themselves to this site, putting in the time and effort (and money) into making Monochrome Heaven as great as it possibly can be.
    To every member that has joined and felt like they were apart of a community over this silly niche interest we all have, I raise a glass to you. You all are what have made this place special. And to every staff member, current and past, no words can express my thanks to you - you are people that I have come to admire and consider good friends.
    But this post isn’t about me, but about the Monochrome Heaven! I want to hear from all of you as to why this community is special, why you’ve becoming coming back for 10 months or 10 years. Or tell us one of your favorite moments from your time coming, whether that was a release you were looking for forever or a stupid meme that took over the forum.

    Here’s some from other users to get things started!:
    @Ada Suilen
  25. Like
    reminiscing2004 reacted to suji in Custom Visual Kei T-shirts for SALE   
    Just got my custom-made Merry shirt (a few days ago actually)!! It came quickly, fits great, it's comfy, stretchy, design is great, so I highly recommend this seller! They also take requests if you want custom-made merch, like pillow cases, hoodies, etc! ♥ They were also very friendly and easy to work with!

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