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Everything posted by reminiscing2004

  1. What's your all time favorite live DVD/VHS?

    1. Jigsaw9


      For me it's a tie between BUCK-TICK's "Devil and Freud - Climax Together 2004" and MERRY's "BURST EPDVD/Live at Shinjuku Loft".

    2. saishuu


      oh damn, YES, MERRY! totally forgot about them. their PEEP SHOW concert in Hibiya is easily one of my favorites too.

    3. IGM_Oficial


      A9's "Tokyo galaxy", the one they recorded at Budokan.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  2. It's been softly raining outside since i woke up and it sounds so peaceful and beautiful. I don't even know what to do with myself its too enjoyable. c:

  3. The Develop One's Faculties drummer's new look is LITERALLY sex kei, wtflmao

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Hiroshima Second clutch lightning needle blaster cannibal kei OMFG

    2. returnal


      confirmed best bandomen 


    3. leafwork


      the joy of someone discovering dof-era johannes

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  4. reminiscing2004

    Musically, this is probably a bit soft(?) for my usual tastes, but I really really love the sound of the recording so I thought I'd mention it. This is free from so many of the recording/mixing techniques commonly expected with 2010's VK that I generally just find uninteresting and emotionally flat. I really liked this song because the drums sounded natural and roomy. They aren't triggering synthetic feeling kick and snare samples and it hasn't been compressed to shit. The mix in general just sounds super pleasant, in part because it hasn't been squashed in a number of ways for teh loudness!!! Production wise, I find this waaaay more similar to how late 90s emo and post-rock sounded then anything visual kei in the last decade and I really love that. It's really cool to see a band going in this direction with their recordings. Because it's something most people don't really consider, most bands just feel pressure to bandwagon on the trend of what everyone else's records sound like and hire the same engineers because its safe and lazy. I like the falsetto vocals and the instrumental breaks, so I'm excited to see what else this band can do. And as mentioned, I hope their recordings continue to glisten with beauty...
  5. Any murakami fans here? I'm late to the party and read HB Wonderland and Norwegian Wood.


    What next?

    1. PsychoΔelica


      for only 5€.

    2. Chi


      hey thats cool! hb wonderland was my first murakami read

      im currently reading the 2nd 1q84 book

    3. reminiscing2004


      Nice chi, the first for me 2. I just ordered Wind Up Bird Chronicle after the double recc :o

      Now to wait until Monday...

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  6. reminiscing2004

    wowowowowowowowoow. this is super fascinating, especially since i think a lot of the members have been quite inactive. i always wished kaworu joined a new band, but its been 10 years of inactivity. rip teru, tho he probably couldnt justify the stress of relearning a bunch of tunes on top of the ridiculous amount of complex guitar work already stored in his mind from his two main bands. edit: nvmnd, teru said on twitter hes not playing because hes touring with versailles in south america pls share ur aikaryu rips old fans that have been revived from their vk slumber because of this post
  7. why are there no early mucc copycat bands :<

  8. when you have a dream talking about how hit and miss ayabie was with your dad

  9. reminiscing2004

    Was this too obvious? The evolution from this to this in five years time always wows me
  10. I've gone from I hate Jiluka for being a deluhi ripoff to I love Jiluka because I need my fix

  11. Maria Cross's "Sex" came in my head while cooking...


    Is this a turning point in my life?

    1. leafwork


      if maria cross came in you, you should get to an std clinic

    2. nekkichi


      goddess maria putting sex into food porn, when will your faves

    3. Biopanda


      You're welcome <3

  12. gauge means nothing 👌

  13. janne da arc is a strong SSRI

  14. reminiscing2004

    I had that signed Lin poster that came with the CDjapan order of what I think was their first release? But, where the hell is it now....
  15. reminiscing2004

    when i saw versailles earlier this year, hizaki forgot his first of like five solos when they played Silent Knight. maybe forgot isn't the right word, but his muscle memory got sort of lost after a phrase or two and his left hand was out of position, and he just kept playing to save face through it, the entire time staring out deeply into the audience, as he tends to do during many of his solos. like it was bad, out of key notes and then a really nervously improvised 'oh shit' recovery part after for fifteen seconds or so. it was the only part of the entire show where the musicianship was less than perfect from any of the members. but anyway, while it was happening and he was staring into the audience, he locked eyes with me for like a second or two as soon as he seemed to start messing up and it was a very profound moment for some reason. it was just like a "oh shit, hizaki's not a god, but hizaki is actually a human being like me that makes mistakes" moment. psychologically as if i watched an idol die in front of me felt as if i had like successfully walked through a wall or something akin in mental weirdness.
  16. i need more BONGO kei


    deluhi's lorelei has left a gaping hole in my heart by teasing at something so glorious

    1. chemicalpictures


      I second that!

      Lorelei is some fine bongo + arabian kei, love those guitars

  17. how the fuck do you search for "D' stuff, this is so pain


    entry level vk complaints, but GHHH

    1. Komorebi


      What do you need? I have everything backed up in a cloud. 


      Pro tip: google "D Asagi" and everything magically pops up.

    2. frozen_bug


      this reminds me of the time I searched "X Japan" in thepiratebay... haha

    3. reminiscing2004


      thx u guys

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  18. Sooo confused trying to make sense of what the hell's going on here. Repress of the 1st edition of 痛絶 is pretty cool? and i guess im curious about a 痛絶 remaster, because I would say there is some potential to do a better post-processing job on it this time around. However, I'm extremely suspicious that the remaster of 葬ラ謳 will show any improvement.... It's just a really great sounding album already. This is all intriguing news nonetheless, as a fan of pre-2005 ムック.
  19. If any of you euros are thinking of seeing Mouse On The Keys, . . . DO IT!! It was an extremely good show. The drummer in particular gave what was probably the best drum performance I've ever seen live.

  20. reminiscing2004

    i feel like the funniest part of the whole make western VK a THING thing, is just that this wouldn't have to be a discussion at all if there were actually any western vk bands that were good
  21. tfw you have nightmares that you didn't use chicken from the fridge in time, but you already did yesterday

  22. reminiscing2004

    You don't suck! Just keep practicing, sing all the time, and you will find improvement! Based on what serox said, I was worried it would sound worse, but when I watched the video, I found you were hitting most of the notes, which is what really matters imo. No one starts out with a crazy interesting starting voice the first note they sing, you basically do just this, practice, practice, practice, and the sky is the limit. As for practical advice, I would say feel free to try singing the lowest parts of the songs that may be difficult an octave higher. If you are interested in lowering your vocal range, you can obviously just keep practicing trying to hit those low notes and you will find they become easier over time. However, for the time being, it might be useful to sing them an octave higher when they are very difficult. I am a male and so MOST of my vocal heroes (even that are male) have atleast like 6 or 7 high notes above me that I can't hit. So, what I've grown used to doing is try to sing as much as possible at the same note, but then when there is a crazy high part I just bring it an octave down and it allows me to continue singing with full strength and actually sound good. And then I tend to find that if I sing for an hour or so, two or three higher notes will open up that I may not have been able to hit when I started that day. And then you just kind of slowly push yourself over time to keep hitting the absolute highest (or lowest) note you can. Since I've started singing I've definitely extended my range like this. Anyway, hopefully there is SOME sort of hopeful advice from this, but you are good and have a lot of potential. Don't give up if it means a lot to you. Also, not sure what your living situation is, but you might find singing LOUDer will give you some more expression with the voice.
  23. nonstop kagrra's "神謌" till my ears bleed

    1. reminiscing2004


      it loops SO perfectly

  24. reminiscing2004

    Tommy is an underrated bamf.
  25. I dressed up all nice just to watch my 2006 alice nine dvd 💅🏼

    1. Elazmus


      I started reading this as "dressed up alice nine to watch alice nine" haha XD

      That's a piece of history though<3

    2. saishuu


      I'll never forgive them for not releasing a proper Zekkeishoku DVD ):

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