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Posts posted by Hakari

  1. 7 hours ago, Visutox said:



    Jesus fucking christ, thank fuck this band exists. The new album is phenomenal, and I'm pretty sure I'll be spinning it a lot this year. The bass work with this band is always incredible and I don't think there's much more to say, just check it out as soon as you can. 


    These guys are solid. Having a dedicated bassist really stands out. Will hopefully be able to pick up this album 






    Paprika Papriko(Gt)
    Donaldy Ketchup(Dr)


    Official: http://www.ailiphdoepa.com/top.html

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DoepaChannel/featured


    If you are already confused a little bit that's OK, so was I when i first heard of these guys. They were first brought to my attention by @fitear1590in January's recommended tracks and ever since I have not been able to keep this guys from my playlist.


    I don't have much more information on these guys but I am going to let the music speak for itself.  Hopefully you guys enjoy them as much as I have over the last couple weeks!




  3. Hakari's dope 2017 list of questionable ratings!





    MUCC - 脈拍  :4.0:

    This is the Mucc album I have been waiting for. I have been dissapointed with their releases since Kyuutai. A return to form if anything.



    MERRY -  傘と雨  :3.5:

    I adore jazzy Merry. Very pleased with single. Like MUCC i feel like this was a return to form for them.


    Versailles - Lineage :3.0:

    I wanted to give this 2.5 starts but that didn't quite feel right. I appreciate what all the members do as musicians and what they bring to the table individually but as a whole they seem to always play the same thing over and over. Lineage is however a fun song.


    Purple Stone - ポイズンチョコレート :3.0:

    Still waiting for these guys to realize their own potential and take that next step


    ペンタゴン(pentagon) -  「CRAZY TRIBE」 :2.5:

    Ill admit i did enjoy this more than i thought i would. This rating may or may not go up, the b sides on the single are better than the title track.







  4. One of my complaints about Versailles is i feel that they are incredibly stagnant. Their sound hasn't really changed at all over the years. I think of bands like Merry, Mucc, Diru, etc bands that have been around for awhile and have gone through this evolution of sound, offering if anything a unique and fresh perspective to their own music.  I understand that alot of that has to do with Kamijo/Hizaki, since they have been doing the same thing in both their respective careers.


    With all that being said I absolutely loved their first mini when it came out because I felt that at the time it was so fresh and exciting (despite the x japanisque).  Every release after that my interest declined ever slowly. I did enjoy this release though, I wasn't blown away at any point but my no means was this a bad album. Lineage and Inheritance are the only two tracks that really pickled my interest. Showing a teeny tiny bit of deviation from the Versailles formula.




    Note: Lineage was the saving grace on this release. Well worth a listen.


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