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Posts posted by Hakari

  1. 18 hours ago, Tokage said:

    Most likely gonna see this one on Friday, being screened as part of a film festival in my town, anyone seen it?



    Please let us know what you think! This looks terrific.

  2. Gossip. I don't really LOVE them that much but they are growing on me and i appreciate that early gazettish vk vibe they got going on. I also believe that their new material is gonna destroy faces. Very excited for how this band has progressed and excited to see where they are going. They also seem like a fun group of guys that really enjoy what they do

  3. Dir en grey is my favorite band of all time. Over the last decade they easily surpassed all other bands in terms of listens.  They have my attention and rightfully so, consistently releasing new material and evolving their sound through the years they are far from boring. I love x Japan they are so talented make beautiful music. What a shame they can't release anything and be a more prominent band

  4. Speaking of this band. I am about ready to crown Diavolo the best album of 2016, if not the most surprisingly good. This band just rocks, they are unique and I love the melody of their vocalist. So many VK are ruined by their sub par singers but not these guys.


    So anyone else remember tofu records? HERE

    I Started out on the tofu records forum made my way to Batsu and then wandered to the forums at Jrock Revolution forum when Batsu fell apart. I somehow wandered here, probably by recommendation since some member of Jrock Revolution are now here....which is awesome.  @FurikI believe you were a member there once, I could be totally wrong and getting my sites mixed up.


  6. 15 hours ago, Komorebi said:

    Are morning erections actually a thing? 

    Is it that you guys need to go pee or you just wake up horny?


    my brothers aren't old enough to ask this u.u


    Yes, Most men wake up with morning erections. It is because during the day our body suppresses a hormone that allows us to have an erection, then at night that hormone is released and  in our relax state, causing us to have one. On avg most men have them 3-5 times throughout the night. It's just natural.

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