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Posts posted by Hakari

  1. I like them but I wish Die would just have someone else sing. I hear what he is trying to do but his vocal ability doesn't quite portray his ideas. But with that being said I am looking forward to this. I think their music is fun and a little unique

  2. On 7/14/2016 at 11:01 PM, Gaz said:

    well, that form could only be used once and after that Ichigo has lost his shinigami powers.


    i don't know where did you hear that, but no, there's is no rush at all, things are getting to their ends by the normal(or even a bit dragged) Bleach pace:

    - good guys are fighting bad guys

    - bad guys are showing what they got and almost winning

    - good guys are showing what they got and win/almost win

    - Ichigo fighting the baddest guy

    - the baddest guy is no match for Ichigo, he takes all the powers and goes to destroy the world

    - Ichigo will eventually find some way to defeat they and they will all live happily ever after


    pretty much the same as it was with Aizen arc i guess.


    To be fair that is the premise for just about every Anime/Manga. Maybe in a different order but essentially the same. I love bleach but the filler kills it for me. The main story is amazing. I just skip full seasons to get back to the main one.

  3. Viral Effect


    I would play bass since i play bass in da real world. I would love a dir en greyish type band. I love the sound from MOAB/WTD/Vulgar. So something along those lines, very obscurish with those soaring choruses. I love the dark tunes.  We would be visual but not to crazy, but some visual elements for sure.

  4. 2 minutes ago, sairensu said:

    My boyfriend of 5 years broke up with me. 

    I put myself in such a shitty situation. 

    I don't have a job/income right now, so we're living as roommates till I find a place.


    This is awkward as fuck


    Im sorry that sounds awful

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